Friday, April 13, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #15

Happy Friday all!  It's been a long but productive week for the most part, so that is good.  It's supposed to be almost seasonal for a change and while I'm certainly not one to complain about snow, but if you don't give me a base for snowshoeing, it's hard for me to get on board with April snow.  Nah, that's a lie.  It's still relaxing to watch.

Let's get right to...

Healthy Weight, Healthy Mind: 7 Tactics to Avoid Emotional Eating  (Anyone remember when Tami from The Real World had her mouth wired shut?  I don't see that here.)

Strawberries, spinach top 'Dirty Dozen' list of fruits and vegetables with most pesticides  (Always buy these organic if available!)

10 Bad Habits to Ditch for a Happier You  (Yes indeedy, Ally Sheedy)

The Squat Variation You Need to Do If You Want Strong Legs and Glutes  (#futureleggoals)

Why Are My Hamstrings Always Tight?  (Well if you're doing those pistol squats, that could be one reason!)

The One Dangerous Mistake You’re Making With Your Slow Cooker   (Interesting.  I do this all the time but will usually let it go all day from that state.)

How to Find the Motivational Style That's Best for You  (I don't see mine.  "Get off your big butt, or the ejector seat engages in 5...4...3...")

10 Tech Habits That Are Damaging Your Health  (Pay attention techies)

You’re Not An Idiot For Speaking To Your Dog In A Baby Voice, Study Suggests  (What if you speak to dogs on TV, in passing cars or in magazines that way?  Asking for a friend.)

This Man Lost 70 Pounds, and Now the Internet Thinks He Looks Like a Disney Prince  (Beast!)

You Put Da Lime in Da Coconut  (Easiest risotto ever and perfect with seafood!)

A friend of ours has a craft show this weekend, so I'm thinking about going to that tomorrow.  (This is news to the Mr.)  I think he also has plans for us to see Ready Player One.  Lord help me.  That audiobook was HORRIBLE, so I hope the movie is nothing like it.  (It had more to do with the narrator than the content and when you are ready to turn the steering wheel into a barrier to just end the pain of having to listen to it, you know it's time to turn it off!)

What are you into this weekend?

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  1. The narrator of that audiobook was the worst narrator in the history of audiobooks and did not do that book justice. Having read the actual book first I can say that the story is good and the 80's references were plentiful. Spielberg has a way of making something better out of the source material (Jaws as a good example) so I think it could be a good movie. I'm looking forward to it!

  2. I won't spoil it for you by giving you any details. I saw the movie the day it came out. I also read and really enjoyed the book.

  3. Great reads as always! Hope you guys have a great weekend. We have a little thing called the Boston Marathon happening this weekend (Monday), but it's supposed to be cold and rainy that day. Yuck. But today feels totally like spring may eventually get here!!! Sunny and 70!

  4. Oooh, a craft show! I'd be all over that. I hope it's a good and relaxing weekend for you both. I have a meeting tomorrow morning, then it's just house chores that I didn't even begin to tackle this afternoon like I had planned in my head. Ha! And I need to work on printing off some old family pics for my uncle's picture frame that I couldn't bring today because it wasn't done (slaps own hand). I'll be quite pleased if I can get that figured out and done. We're in for cold weather this weekend, too.


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