Friday, April 27, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #17

Happy Friday, y'all!

It's been a long week and I am ready for the weekend!  I bet you are too so let's get right to...

How Negative Self Talk Affects You  (Still haven't mastered this one)

Four Things Procrastinators Need to Learn  (You talkin' to me?)

Do These 8 Things Every Night to Lose More Weight  (All good tips)

Get the Most Out of Your Workout  (Will do)

Katie Lost 150 Pounds in 3 Years — and She Still Ate the Foods She Loved  (Get it, girl!)

Researchers propose new Alzheimer’s definition  (Oy)

What Really Happens When You're Cremated (In case you've ever wondered)

6 Tips For Driving Across America on an Extra tight Budget  (Road trips are the best)

The 50 Most Photogenic Vacation Spots in Every State  (I've seen a few of 'em too)

The world's 41 most incredible private islands  (Yes please!)

Dwayne Johnson Reveals How He Deals With Sadness, and It's Totally Relatable  (It's good when strong men come forward to let everyone know they suffer too)

We've got a lot of running around to get done this weekend.  I was hoping to squeeze in seeing Labyrinth which is back in theaters Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday but the thought of having a ton of kids in addition to obnoxious adults hath deterred me. 

What are you up to this weekend?

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  1. yeah I would love to see Labyrynth but it just seems like it could potentially be a disaster. Technically that would be my first time seeing it in an actual theater too, so that would suck. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. I agree with you on the theater aspect. I generally avoid the theater when there could be the potential for large amounts of kids. As for the weekend, my son was supposed to be on leave but it got denied. We, however took vacation time and it was not denied, so we will be heading over to the Mall of America for the day. The hubster hasn't been there yet and wants to see it, so what the heck, why not. We will also hit the Eagan outlet mall on Saturday for fun. The outlet mall I work at is a trailer park compared to the Eagan mall, so it will be nice for him to see how the other cities/mall owners make their malls inviting and just nice to be at.

  3. I go to the dentist tomorrow morning, then need to work on house stuff. My goal is to have the back of my car stuffed with things to give away, and this time to make a list of how many bags/boxes I have, so maybe I'll feel a sense of accomplishment. LOL And possibly a trip down to the river walk with the hubs and dogs since it's so nice out. Since we put spring fertilizer on the lawn it's gotten really green and is growing fast so we may have to break out the lawnmovers for the first time this season. Have a super, duper weekend!

  4. A loval theater did a showing of Labrynth a couple years back and it was so fun. Mostly adults although it was late on a Friday night and the theater serves alcohol. I think it depends more on what theater and showing you pick if you will have a good experience or not. With new releases I have terrible luck: terns taking selfies with flash in the middle of the movie, Dad bringing 3 restless kids uner 10 to see Deadpool, theater employee’s walkie talkie sounding off. So for me to have a good experience at a unique movie event was memorable.


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