Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

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Mother's Day is a few weeks away and you don't want to be one of the people who panics last minute trying to find the perfect thing!  Of course, it can be daunting trying to come up with the right thing because what do you give the person who housed you for 9 months inside their own body then shot you out of their hoo-ha or had surgery to get you all born and stuff.  I'm here to give you a few ideas so you can cross it off of your to-do list.

For the progressive mama:

If your mom has expressed an interest in aromatherapy or needing to relax, this Essential Oil Diffuser may be the perfect gift!  I can vouch for a similar one that can make getting to sleep much easier when I'm wound up.

Don't forget the essential oils!  This 14 Oil Set has regular oils as well as blends for sleep, stress relief, and muscle relief.

For the cook:

Your mom might've heard of the Instant Pot craze but said it was too much to spend on herself.  Well here's your chance to look better than your siblings and get it for her.  Or if you're an only child, just pony up, you gave her morning sickness for 3 months, it's the least you can do.

For the sentimentalist:

So often when someone leaves us, there are things we wish we'd asked them when they were still here.  Mom, Tell Me Your Story is a 124 page guided journal that will ask about your family history as well as many questions you never thought to ask.  It will help you know your mom better.  My mom did one of these and I'm so glad she did.  I wish I'd done one with Grandma but you can get one for yours so you can have her with you always.

To tug the heartstrings:

I have been eyeing this for a long time for myself with my Grandma but if you have a mom who is spending her first Mother's Day without her mom, this Customized Handwriting Bar Necklace is sure to bring the tears.  See if Dad or siblings know of any cards her mother signed to her and have them take a clear picture so you can get this thoughtful gift in time.

For the Joanna Gaines devotee:

If your mom shows her love through cooking and is one of the ones mourning the end of Fixer Upper then Magnolia Table: A Collection of Recipes for Gathering will give her the Joanna Gaines fix she's missing!

For the mom on the edge:

Look, motherhood is messy and she holds her tongue a lot more than she should.  Mama Needs a Mother F**king Nap would be a great stress reliever for your bestie for Mother's Day!  Don't forget the colored pencils!  Just remind her not to mix it up with the Paw Patrol coloring book in the toy room.

For the mom who likes biological real-life horror shows:

If your mom talked about putting Elmer's glue on her hand and peeling it off when it dried as a kid or is constantly sharing pictures of diseases to convince you to have safe sex, she may just love the Soft Touch Foot Peel Mask!

I saw this on a vlog of a girl I follow and it works.  It was good appetite control though because we were eating at the time and had to turn it off.  So if your mama is ready for sandal-ready feet for summer but enjoys picking, popping and all of those other embarrassing things, she'll love this.

For the pet mom:

Even pet mom's need some love on Mother's Day!  After all, pets are basically babies forever and they are on poop duty for 10-15 years!  This cute travel mug will make those anxiety-filled trips to the vet or leisurely trips to the park more relaxing for mama!

I hope these gave you some practical, sweet and weird ideas for your mama!  Tip o' the hat to all of you moms out there rockin' it every day!

What's the best Mother's Day present you ever got?

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  1. I like that actual handwriting jewelry that is a great idea. I've opted for the restaurant gift card this year though. But I have to say I really like what you are getting your mother this year and I think she will love it.

  2. Those are awesome ideas - and I, too, love the handwritten jewelry! I got my MIL a canvas print collage of her with all of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Hope she likes it...

  3. I got a stainless steel (insides) electric water kettle for my birthday this year. Most wonderful. Automatic shut off.

    I like to take my own pillows with me (if we are going by car). I got (gifted) a tote made for pillows. Wonderful.

    I got my own mom a bag of winter/boot socks for her birthday this January. All different kinds. She was most pleased. Last year I got her a Roku and set her up on all our accounts. The gift that keeps on giving.

    Pop socket (me) was wonderful. I did not know I needed it, I did.

    I did get (gifted) a pressure cooker. But after a childhood of my grandma saying - stay out of the kitchen, it might blow. I can only use it if one of the (adult) kids is home. But that is ok. I prep, they cook. It is fun.


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