
Monday, March 12, 2018

This is why I don't go

Happy Monday everyone!

The Mr has been researching cars since he is going to be getting a new one by year's end.  He's been sold on a particular all wheel drive but more poking around has unveiled some serious issues from it being an oil hog to problems with spidering windshields.  Since we have gotten our windshields hit multiple times between us, we can't own a car that has this problem with a car company who isn't interested in replacing it. 

I could tell the Mr was freaking out so I offered to walk into the seventh circle of Hell aka car dealerships.  We went to look at a Hyundai Tucson and test drove it home.  Our measurement of whether or not we'd even consider it is if everything that fit in our trunk to Vermont would fit in a crossover.  So we grabbed our two 29" suitcases, 26" and carry on. 

We configured it another way as well.

We liked the ride, the comfort was good for long hauls and didn't feel cramped in there which is the whole point.  I am incredibly sensitive to smells and "new car smell" (aka inhaling cancer as far as I'm concerned) gives me an instant headache.  By the end of the test drive, I had a migraine brewing.  I knew he had a few more on the list so I said go to one more place and sat in the Ford Edge and the seat didn't go back far enough for me and my right ankle couldn't stretch out and would have to be kinked at an angle.  No go for this tall gal.

I was willing to go to one more and told him to make it good.  It was a multi-dealer so we could look at a few others at once.  He has been drooling over the Buick Regal Sportback and as soon as he opened the trunk with the sleazy salesperson looking all puffed up on himself, I kind of laughed and I said "no way is that going to work!"  I didn't even bother looking inside because the trunk is our seller for this purchase.  Since we just recently handled the four suitcases, I knew there was no way they would fit in any configuration.  It's a hatchback and I had one of those back in the day but the "cover" that makes it a hatchback would not fit properly with our Vermont must haves.  The guy gave this look like "bitch" since I wouldn't even look at it and I wanted to say "if you gave your wife looks like that, that is why you're going to be single."  (Don't go spewing your personal issues when you're attempting to sell a's just awkward and makes us want to run the other way and when you're an a-hole, we're going to side with her.)  He said to go look at some other model which was a wagon and no offense but I thought it was fugly so I started wandering onto another dealers lot to get away from him.

We looked at the Chevy Equinox (marginal as to whether it would work based on the slant of the back seats), Traverse (too big for the garage), GMC Terrain (loved from the outside but not digging the push button shifting and no elbow room for me and the ankle was getting hit by some weird piece of plastic.)  Of course, the original dbag is the one that showed us the Terrain and he insisted on not only getting in there with us but coughing (ALL of the salesman were sick no matter where we went) and kept reaching between us to paw all of the controls.  The final time he did it, I had to open the door because of the smell, his disease and just being done.  My migraine had flamed beyond control and I was ready to go.  This dude just reinforced why I don't go car shopping or be part of the process. 

As of right now, the Tucson is at the top of our list.  We fit way more in the Sonata like two big rolls of wrapping paper, 12 flattened boxes, 2 pairs of snowshoes with poles and I think the roller and fit blankets and stuff in there where we could find an open spot.  It was a beautiful thing but I don't think any crossover is going to get us totally covered like the Sonata did.  None of them had a cover that was adjustable or tall enough to accomodate us to cover it.  So we might need to get a black sheet to cover it.

The Mr had a headache Sunday so once that was gone, we went to an antique mall which had some crappy items then on to walk in the park for our workout then hobble to the grocery store to get our produce for the week.  I went down and stretched and rolled or else moving wouldn't be in the picture.  Then we caught up on the DVR a bit and that was about it.

How was your weekend?

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  1. The majority of the sales people we dealt with that day were okay but there is always that one that just reinforces why you do not like to go and deal with that and I totally get it. That guy was about the worst one I've had to deal with in a long time. But luckily I can take it from here and keep you out of the exposure to all that hassle. I'm just as amazed as ever, though, that our Sonata was able to fit all that stuff in the trunk. I never would have thought that finding an SUV with a cargo area to match a sedan would be a problem.

    1. Yeah the others guys were decent but that guy was the slimiest of the slimey. He is definitely a "keep you for 6 hours" guy. So just test drive the Rav4 over here and we'll load it up with the suitcases and see how it fares AFTER you do your research on problems. ;-)

  2. Car shopping is such joy! Great weekend for me went to my hometown for a Chicago concert and fab dinner with 2 of my oldest friends. Was a great time. Today I have a mammo callback appointment, fingers crossed!

    1. Isn't it though? Sounds like a great time and a good thing to keep your mind off of the callback. Please keep me updated. You can message me on FB. Got everything I have two of crossed for you!

  3. I feel your pain regarding car shopping. I bought a new car in June after having my Honda Civic for 11 years. I tried a lot of different cars from a lot of different manufacturers. Dealing with the sales people are my least favorite part and I hate aggressive ones that talk a lot I actually ended up buying my car from that guy. And it turns out he wasn't so bad after all. He says hello every time I see him, he asks how the car is working, he has sent me a personalized Christmas card, and scored me a free detailing service for the car.

    During my test drives I found I preferred a hatch back over a sedan but I didn't like the size of an SUV or a crossover. The extra cost for all wheel drive wasn't worth it for me. I do just fine with quality winter tires in this Canadian winter. So, I ended up buying a Hyundai Ioniq, which is a hybrid, and I really like it. I can fit a lot in that trunk, which was a consideration, as I travel a lot for work and need a lot of safety equipment.

    1. I'm glad your salesperson turned out to be less crappy than initial contact! :D I would much prefer a Sedan but we have no room to store winter tires and given we're traveling to more mountainous and snowy locals in the winter, this seems like the best move for us right now. That some awesome gas mileage on the Hyundai Ioniq! Especially if you travel and it fits all of the stuff you need, that looks like a great car for you!

  4. My husband has a Hyundai Tiberon, the sporty model with stick shift, and has been happy with it. I've heard mostly good things about Hyundai. I'm long overdue for a new one myself and not looking forward to it. I have my heart set on a hybrid or EV. Hubby is due in about a year so he'll get one that's good for road trips and I'll have a commuter car with low gas mileage. I thought I was going for a Prius but can't get past the body shape so I'm probably going to drive every hybrid or EV I can find and make a decision from there.

    1. The Mr is looking at the Rav4 that is kind of a hybrid but I don't think it gets true hybrid gas mileage. (30 hwy and 34/city since the electric kicks in for city driving) We've had a few recalls with these models but we've been satisfied overall with our Hyundai experience. You can't beat the warranty either.

  5. Car shopping is not nearly as fun as the obnoxious commercials make it seem!! I hope the next sales guys are much better than that last guy --ughness.

    Weekend was pretty decent aside from a few snafus on Saturday. The highlight was we installed a curved shower rod that is FANTASTIC! I cannot believe how much more arm room there is in the tub now! I've held off for years but finally took the plunge on one that is just a tension style (in case I didn't like it), and I'm so happy I did. I would have gone with the dual rods for a separate shower curtain, but the tub is right next to the toilet so the curtain would hang too close to the toilet and would look just weird. So the single will do. Sad that that was my happy highlight! LOL

    1. It definitely isn't. Sometimes I yell "LIES!" at the screen when everyone is smiling.

      Those curved rods are awesome. We've stayed in a few hotels that have those and the room it gives so much nicer when you're shampooing and stuff. We have glass doors and while I like them, I occasionally knock my elbow into it. Whoops! Enjoy all of the spacious room!


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