Friday, February 24, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #8

Happy Friday you beautiful (and handsome) peeps!

Let's jump right into...

The No. 1 Reason Your Workout Isn't Working  (I think I may be guilty of this sometimes.  When I'm able to go full out in a week, watch out!)

The Joyful, Clutter-Free Home: Kitchen  (Definitely some good ideas in this one!)

The 20 Best Body-Weight Exercises  (Great when you're on the go)

These Are the Breads That a Nutritionist Eats at Home  (Thank God, I don't have to stalk the labels in the bread aisle anymore and get stink eye from other customers)

The Right and Wrong Way to Eat Chia Seeds  (Whoops, I used to do that!)

7 Low-Back-Friendly Glute Exercises  (Great variations!)

A 25-Minute TRX Workout  (Excellent workout if you've got access to TRX or other suspension systems)

Haunted by an Ugly Name  (I kind of get it.  I do not like nor will answer to my full name.  It's the name that was used when I was in trouble.)

39 Healthy Breakfasts for Busy Mornings  (Yum!)

K9 Dog Spontaneously Licks And Nuzzles His Handler During Photo Session  (So cute!)

Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours': 10 Things You Didn't Know  (I was raised on this album.  Best ever!  Oh and I insisted we visit the Record Plant where it was recorded in Sausalito.  I pawed at the door hoping some recording magic would rub off.  Mr...due to #4, I will let you off the hook for that one.)

Not real sure what we've got going on this weekend but I'm sure we'll get into something.  It's supposed to be rainy so probably not outside though.  Pffft.

What are you up to this weekend?

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1 comment:

  1. Some great links as usual. Can't wait to get started. Happy Friday everybody!


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