Howdy y'all!
The weekend got off on the right foot when I had my boobs smashed Friday morning and by the time I got home from Hobby Lobby there was an email saying all was good and no cancer or abnormalities! Can I get a halleluyer for not having to wait 2 weeks for a callback, a snot filled ugly cry of relief and having $300 in my pocket since they don't cover diagnostic mammograms? So yeah, I was a happy girl with happy girls. If you haven't scheduled your mammogram, DO IT! Early detection is where it's at.
Saturday we were going to go try this new restaurant but the hipsters swarmed it and it was a 30 minute wait and so ungodly loud that we couldn't even think so yeah, no thanks. We walked a few blocks and went to a different place for lunch with the same general theme and they were much less crowded. Of course we had to wade through throngs of d-bags getting to and fro and basically all day long. It was like because there was a day over 60 degrees, all of the nimrods decided to spring forth.
We decided we should probably do Target and TJ's so we got those done at the worst possible times (midday) and somehow managed to not need bail money. I decided if winter was going to skip us that I was just going to wave the white flag and get some tulips... know, to go with my Christmas tree from Vermont that's still on the wall?
Don't judge me.
We had a nice evening in Saturday and I made dinner despite a headache. We rented this movie called The Hollars
Sunday brunch was delish...
Omelet (red peppers, onions, spinach and cheese, organic kielbasa, baked home fries and toast.
We did our final grocery run for the produce and then home to do a lower body strength session. Then it was dinner time and settled in to watch Army Of One
What did you guys do this weekend?
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Another rather whirlwind weekend but that is usually how it is with grocer weekend. Glad we got some movies in though at least. Have a great week everybody!
ReplyDeleteThe crud that's been going around caught up with me, so I pretty much sat and became one with my couch. The boy's basketball game and a quick, necessities only, grocery run on Saturday and some damage control housework on Sunday was all I managed. I really wish I had another day, but I'm back to work today. This has been going around, a bunch of staff and students has already had it, so everyone has already been exposed so no worries about spreading my germies. It's just harder to take a sick day than it is to actually go to work, and if the boy get this I'll be taking time off work to stay home with him. I can't do both.
ReplyDeleteI am a Margo M fan too and now I've got to see her latest movie!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your mammo!!!! What a blessing! And those tulips are beautiful (probably my favorite flower I'd say). It was in the 40's here but very high winds so yesterday was pretty cold. But we're supposed to hit 60 by the weekend possibly. =o)
ReplyDeleteWeekend was good. Busy Saturday with clearing out lots of garbage and bins and then a great hockey game late yesterday afternoon. First one I'd been to in two years and had great seats near the glass so I was a happy hollerin' fool. lol Got home at 7pm and was sound asleep by 9:30. Yep, I'm a baller. Bhahahaha!!