Friday, February 17, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #7

Happy Friday y'all!

I'm so ready for a rest day tomorrow, I can't even tell you.  My legs are just so...ugh.

Let's hop right into...

8 Women Share the One Surprising Tweak That Slowed Their Hair Loss  (Interesting stuff.  I'd kill to have the hair I had before weight loss.  Uber fat but

The Privacy Enthusiast's Guide to Using Android  (Excellent tips)

9 Relaxing Stretches You Can Do in Bed  (I've been doing them this week and they are awesome!)

19 Foods Perfect for Meal-Prepping Because They Actually Last All Week  (For Sunday Prep Day)

Gluten-free diet may have 'unintended consequences' for health  (Good to be aware of if you're gluten free.)

8 Things No One Tells You About Losing Weight  (Truth)

Son films mom with dementia forgetting who he is for first time  (If you get through to the end without at minimum tearing up, you might want to check your pulse)

Struggle With Anxiety and Depression? Check Out This Nifty DIY Tracker  (This could be really handy to be able to pinpoint patterns.)

20 Hilariously Real Tweets About Trying To Be Healthy (Bwaahahaha!)

Easy Roasted Garlic Spaghetti Squash  (Low carb and super yummy!)

The Mr has his test tomorrow so if you'd like to send some good vibes his way, they'd be much appreciated.  I know we'll both be happy when it's over and we can have our nights and weekends back.

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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  1. Great articles!! Some serious tears and then some good laughs. =o) Good luck to the Mr. tomorrow!!!!

    I'm heading out the burbs in a few minutes and I'm refusing to wear my coat since it's going to be 60 degrees. Ha! Looking forward to some warm sunshine.

    Rest those legs woman!! xo

  2. Another week of awesome articles! I'm right there with the hair too - it was coming out in clumps when I was on Jenny Craig. I was so panicked, but now things are ok and it's pretty thick again. But it is very scary to lose so much hair. Good luck to the Mr on his test!! Have a great weekend - it's supposed to be 50 degrees here so we're happy!

  3. Definitely sending good vibes for the Mr. on his test although since he's been studying for weeks and otherwise seems quite competent, I'm not sure he needs them ;)

    Have a good weekend! I'm just trying not to slip further these days although I signed up for a step challenge at work that I'm hoping keeps my butt moving better on the weekend. It's a lot easier to get steps in when you are circling the floor of an office building as opposed to my home kitchen!!


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