Thursday, February 23, 2017

Stumbling back together

The other day I told you how the Mr and I still workout together on strength nights even though we're not able to do the same workouts.  The other night I did a 50 minute upper body strength session with Fitness Blender and he did some tabata lower body hell fest with them as well.  When it was over, it was time for PT...for both of us.  So I switched to lower body and he switched to upper body.  He started laughing and said "even when we switch, we switch to the opposite of the other."  When we were about halfway through it, I just felt appreciative and somehow kind of glad that we were rehabbing together.  Before, it was always him going upstairs while I still had like 20-30 minutes to go and while I'd never wish rehab on anyone, I couldn't ask for a better partner.

Speaking of rehab, the Mr went to his appointment last night.  He's thankfully down to once a week.  I got him a Bodyblade  (affiliate link) for Valentine's Day after he was introduced to it at his last session.  He said he was going to get good at it so he could throw it in his face.  I cautioned him against going too gung ho because knowing the PT, he would punish him with even more.  The Mr had built up to 1 minute and the guy was impressed so, as predicted, he made him do 3 sets of one minute intervals.  He added on two new exercises for him and it sounds like the needling may be coming to an end.  He had to do some paperwork evaluating his improvement and then did some strength tests.  When I went with him at the first appointment, the PT easily pushed his arm down when he asked him to oppose him. When he did it last night, he couldn't push him down at all from any angle and he is a strong dude who lifts for an hour or two each day.  So he was very pleased with his progress.  It sounds like maybe he's got 2-3 weeks left if I were guessing.

They did have a conversation about the paddle boarding.  He asked the Mr what he did over the nice days we had and he said he wanted to go paddle boarding but didn't.  (I was egging him to say we did so he could blow a gasket.)  He mentioned what I said when I was there last and the Mr explained to him that when he was 455 lbs, he watched paddle boarders going by in Hawaii and dreamed of being able to do that one day.  When we lost enough weight that we were comfortable and sure a board could hold us, we did it.  It was something that meant a lot to us because we were physically limited by it before and it wasn't an option at all and now that it is an option, we're never going back.  The Mr said he thinks he finally understood what that meant and wasn't going to give him crap for it anymore.  Thank God!

How do you turn your setbacks into comebacks?

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  1. We have always been good at supporting each other and I am thankful for that. We make a great team!

  2. You two are relationship goals! Congrats, Mr. Good to hear your rehab is effective!

  3. Hmmm...turning my setbacks into comebacks. I don't think I've quite made one yet! LOL Although I will say mentally I'm figuring out that victory is when your breaking point becomes your turning point.


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