Friday, February 3, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #5

Happy Friday all!!  Finally the weekend so let the happy dance commence!

Let's jump right into...

How to Do Pop Squats  (Love these!)

How to Prep Your Own Healthy Instant Oatmeal Packets   (Here are some ideas for you, Mr!)

The Yolk’s on You: 2 Eggs Myths You Need to Bust for Better Health  (Well no more brown eggs for us because the shells seem much more fragile and break at the most inopportune times.)

Make A Healthier Salad  (Very cool infographic)

A fitness star with over a million followers reveals the 2 biggest mistakes people make when getting in shape  (Excellent observations!  Working on both especially the food part.  I freak over a certain calorie range.)

23 Whole30 Recipes for Two Since You Guys Are in This Together  (Not doing this program but always looking for new recipes!)

Exercise May Be As Valuable As Good Genes In Lowering Dementia Risk  (Good to know especially since I'm apparently now how genetic pre-disposition.)

33 Sure Signs That You're an Empath  (OMG, this is me!!!  Every single one of them except #7.  It's nice but not a requirement)

Chrissy Metz: "When I Booked This Is Us, I Had 81 Cents in My Bank Account"  (So glad she's having so much success!)

Hyundai Is Refusing A Warranty Fix On A Man's Car Because They Say He's 'Large'  (I'm torn on this one because we've been through it when we were bigger.  We owned one from 2003-2008 and had no problems at our heaviest.  I can understand for a 450 lb man but this dude is 300 lbs and if your seat can't take it repeatedly, then you're skimping on quality.  )

Battle of the Singing Waiters w/ Sting   (LOVE this.  The next day I was in the grocery store and Roxanne came on and I busted out laughing.)

The Mr will be taking a break from studying for a few hours so we can meet up with my grandpa's wife and finally exchange Christmas gifts.  (I'm excited, she always goes WAY overboard!)  Since we were both sick all of January, we didn't want to get her sick.  She likes my banana bread so I'll make a loaf for her before we leave and try not to slam my face in it.    Other than that, nothing much on the agenda.

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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  1. Friday already!?!? This week actually moved pretty fast. You have some great links in there and I will dig right in. But it goes without saying I want to dig into some of that banana bread too!

  2. I love the squats, really rounded out my booty. Have a great weekend you two!

  3. I'm all about the red pepper flakes on my veggies! Is it weird that I'm totally digging Mezzetta Tamed Jalapeno Slices and drink the juice? Yeah, I think I'm weird. lol

    Leading a meeting tomorrow, then to the burbs to do a couple hours of work, then back again on Sunday for a longer day. Need to do a quick grocery run (shudder) if possible and get the dogs out and about. I think I'm at about 600 miles on my car this week with 300 more to go. Ack!!


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