
Thursday, October 8, 2015

A yummy week so far

Happy almost Friday!

This week has been dragging.  The poor Mr has been put through the wringer at work and if we were drinkers, I'm sure he'd be passed out by now.

Last night we did a hellacious new upper body workout from Fitness Blender.  Damn that thing killed!  My right shoulder is in need of a good rolling.  I'll have to think of a good cardio workout for tonight.

One good thing about this week is dinners have been yummy.

BBQ country style rib and roasted carrots.

Langostino roll with brussels sprouts.

Chicken arancini alfredo (light) and asparagus.

Sorry for the crappy phone pics.  With it being dark so much earlier, no light in the cave.

I was perusing the Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer trying to see what pumpkin stuff I want to grab before they're gone.  They aren't known for keeping some of their seasonal stuff around very long.  Pumpkin bagels perhaps.  We rarely have bagels on hand but these might be worth a try especially since the Mr has their pumpkin cream cheese.  Pumpkin Cornbread Mix could be good for an impromptu side dish for a work potluck or even to use in stuffing for Thanksgiving.  Hmmm.  They also have Pumpkin Body Butter but I know I'd have to grab it quickly because they keep those for two weeks and they're gone.  We'll have to head over Saturday morning before they pull the body butter.

What's been your favorite dinner so far this week?

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  1. Tough to choose a favorite this week but I might have to go with the arancini alredo. It was so good! I'm so lucky to have you making these wonderful and healthy meals!

    1. Ooh, that surprises me but glad to know you liked it! I wasn't sure how it would taste using alfredo over the marinara but with spicy chicken it was pretty good!

  2. I'm pretty much living on leftovers I froze and thrown together salads. I'm wickedly busy at work and studying for my license. SO Tuesday night was the first, real, warm, homecooked meal I had. Fried eggs and turnip greens lol. I've had a bowl or two of pasta lately as well but that's nothing special.

    I did make this AH_MAZING roast in my crockpot a few weeks ago. Nom! The leftovers did not freeze too great - the meat is fine but the veggies are meh =/

    I'm having leftover chicken chili soon, can't wait for that. I will be cooking this weekend. I've challenge myself to essentially empy out my freezer before my test. Since I'm bulk cooking with a friend shortly after. I'm terrible about freezing things and not touching it for months...

    1. There is nothing like roast. It is roast season for sure! If you haven't invested in a Food Saver yet, consider it, especially if you freeze a lot. We've had things that probably shouldn't freeze well do really well once we flash freeze them and then freeze them in the bags.

  3. Tuesday night we had taco salad in these cute little soft taco shell boats I found. I baked them to crisp them up a bit, and they turned out amazingly good with way less calories than a true taco salad bowl, and just the right portion size. Last week I made potato soup that came out pretty good too.

    Your chicken looks pretty good. Is the sauce your recipe?

    Like your reader above, I'm in clean out the freezer mode too. I really need to get through everything there before I buy anything more - but then I keep finding things on sale and I hate to pass up a good sale.

    1. Taco Tuesday baby!! Sounds delicious!

      The sauce is light Classico alfredo and I added herbs from the garden (chives, thyme and rosemary.) So I cheated a little. ;-)

      It must be that time of year, I'm trying to get the freezer cleaned out too!

  4. Pumpkin bagels with a cinnamon cream cheese would be like pumpkin pie for breakfast! Can't imagine why I'm fat. LOL.

    1. Bwahaha!

      I said the same thing to my girlfriend when I found out they were releasing Cinnamon Roll Oreos in January. "Ugh, I will always be obese!"


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