Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What is that?

As I was nearing the end of my workout, I was doing push ups.  The light behind me was casting a shadow down onto my mat, silhouetting my figure.  I was trying to figure out what the hell I was looking at.

It looked like I was looking at my boobs and gut but I knew by the way the shadow was cast, that was impossible.  So I literally had to feel myself to see what I was looking at on the floor.



Lower Gut.


Oh...middle tire.


The bane of my existence.   Damn goo tube.  I can't wait until that thing goes away.  In the meantime, I'll poke it and hope it deflates.  ;-)

What is your most irritating body part?

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  1. I hate my moobs. Man Boobs to the lay person. I so want them gone. I have pretty much had them my entire life but there is no fondness for them and I won't miss them when they're gone... And they WILL be gone if I can help it!

  2. I hate the intersection of my lower pelvis and my hips. There are bulges there that are just not flattering and things overhang. I'm more confident completely naked than with a pair of underwear (not granny panties) or bathing suit on. Clothing tends to highlight the bulges where as if I'm naked the bulges just flow naturally into eachother.

  3. My wattle (double chin), bugs me terribly! It's the ONE thing I can't hide or cover-up with clothes and when I substitute teach, the kids always comment on it. At first, it messed with my newly-rediscovered self-confidence. Here I went into the schools, thinking I looked NORMAL and then it was pointed out over and over again, that I will never look NORMAL. When I look at my before pictures and see how FAT that area of my face used to be, I am not surprised that I am left with that hanging flap of skin under my chin, but it still bothers me.

  4. I used to think my baby belly, the area below my belly button, which never went back to the before baby status (my son is 18). But now, after not being able to lift weights for about a year and a 25-30 pound loss, I have to say my upper arms. They used to be big but firm/solid. Now they are bat wings! Arrrrr....
    I can now lift weights again, thanks to a cortisone shot, so I'm getting my butt (arms I mean) moving!

  5. It is my tire too. Makes me nuts. A daily hate relationship

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My abdomen fat. You know, the roll that makes the dreaded Muffin Top. I hate Muffin Top/love handle bulges. I know you can mask them a bit with the right clothing but I'd rather they just disappear.

  8. Don't even get me started. It changes by the day - but right now it's a toss up between my thighs and my abdomen.

  9. My bottom used to be but (no pun intended) my hubby likes it so I've learned to be ok with it too. So I'd have to say its my wings, you know the tricep flap! It never leaves.

  10. Mine is my big ol' gut and my ginormous boobs. Being a 42J is brutal on my shoulders. I have permanent train tracks in my shoulders so I look like a hanger where you can hang your camisoles without worry of them falling off!

    p.s.--job interview Friday.... =o)

  11. My whole body hangs and sags, but it's worst on my stomach. It hangs down and gets in the way. I only have about 25 pounds left to lose, and I doubt it's going to be gone after that. The flapping annoys me so much!

  12. Yep - spare tire for me too! It's like a second set of boobs or something!


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