Friday, August 23, 2013

Getcher Friday Reads here!

I have no witty repartee at this hour as I've suffered an emotional beat down that I'll fill you in on Monday and it's late at this writing.

So let's skip to...

10 Tips For Shifting from Processed to Whole Foods

Household Weight Loss Items

Biggest Loser trainer "Diet Trumps Exercise in Weight Loss"

How to Do the Perfect Push Up

How to Fix Annoying Multi-Page Articles All Over the Internet  (I've done this several times with the print option and it ROCKS!)

Flip Pill Bottles Upside Down to Avoid Missing or Doubling Doses  (Obviously you have to remember to reset at night but might help someone out there)

The Price Is Right...and the Taxes are High

Eat Your Way to Fast Metabolism

Clever Ways to Get Some Exercise at the Office (or a Small Space)

Sworkit, the Exercise Generator for Busy People, Adds Custom Workouts

Instant Relief for Achy Feet

Exercise Can Help You Sleep- If You Do It Right

How the Brain Remembers to Remember

Some of the Best YouTube Exercise Channels

Music Therapy for Alzheimer's Patients

Back on Track:  A Posture Recovery Workout

Blogger Claims Company Swiped Her Weight Loss Photos  (Welcome to the reason I don't post full body pics here!)

How Yoga Helps Your Sex Life

That's what's been penetratin' my peepers this week.  I don't have the capacity to think a day ahead so our weekend is a mystery though I've considered sleeping for 36 hours.

What's on your agenda for the weekend?  Anything fun?
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  1. I don't know how you do it. We got home pretty late and yet you managed to get all this together. That is dedication! And I cannot wait to see what you have to say about what we were up to yesterday!

    I just want to say. You are the best! I love you baby!

  2. Another blogger I used to follow had her pic stolen and used for an ad as well. So I don't blame you for not posting full body pics but they could still take the headless pics and use them... Because they suck. (Them, not you!)

    1. Yeah it's unfortunately happened to quite a few bloggers. If people would by drugs off of headless pics they saw that are watermarked, they get what they pay for! ;)

  3. "How Yoga Helps Your Sex Life"

    Easy. Your spouse sees you in your tight yoga clothes and wants to jump your bones! No joking, I have this one yoga top that is like catnip to my hubby.

  4. I really wish I had time to read these, but it'll have to wait until tonight. I'm sure they are very interesting articles as always.

  5. I know a blogger who had that happen to her before & after photos too! The company had a pinbot pinning it all over Pinterest with links to their site. So creepy.

    I hope you have a great weekend! :D

  6. Just going to the dentist in the morning and putzing around the house getting as much done as I can while not stressing about it. I have NO work this weekend (refused to bring any home or to come in Sat. or Sun). It's the most relaxed I've been on the work front in a good 2 years! Hope you have a super weekend, my friend!

  7. I really love this feature on your blog! Always lots of very interesting reads. Thanks!


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