Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Upping my game

Last night we did our upper body hybrid workout with Free Weights (FW) and our Total Trainers (TT).

When we did our active recovery week, I decided to push my weight up from 15's and 20's to 20's and 25's.  Twenty fives have always been my nemesis because it would make my hands hurt pretty bad in the days following.  I chose my exercises for the twenty five's carefully and used them for the rows, hammer curls, upright rows, shoulder rolls, lawnmower and shrugs.  So far my hands have cooperated and I don't know what the difference was but I'm thankful I was able to push myself and make that my new normal with free weights.  Don't get me wrong, it's still hard and I can do less reps than before but that's the point.  I hope to see more results with the permanent move to heavier free weights.

How do you know when it's time to up your game?  Even when you know it's time, do you?

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  1. Since you were using the only 25 lb weights we have, I had no choice but to up my game as well ;-)

    But glad I did because I definitely needed to step it up and I am taking some pride in the fact that I can't do all the reps because I can actually do more than I thought I would be able to and that's the point.

    1. Um yeah, sorry about that but you did say you wanted to build your muscles more and I figured if the big guns were safe for me to do on those exercises, they would be for you too. ;-)

      I like that I can get to 10 reps (most of the time) and feel like that's all I've got to give. It certainly wasn't that way for a while. Stagnation is no good!

  2. My left arm is definitely weaker than my right, so I let it dictate when it's time to up the weight. I just started using 12s for skull crushers. Left arm could just barely squeeze out the last rep (after a brief pause) so I know I'll be with 12s for a bit until lefty gets good with that weight (righty was tired from 12s, but could do all the reps)

    1. Yeah I'm the same and will usually squeeze out an extra rep or two on the left side. It seems to be helping even things out!

  3. This is so inspiring! I'm going TODAY to start working with a trainer...I lost 50 lbs alone, but can't seem to take off more without gaining it back. Although, I'm sure the hiatus from exercise and healthy food is the reason why! I definitely believe weight training for lots of weight loss is key, too. Great post! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Congrats on the weight loss! Weight training is definitely the key to not only more effective cardio but leaning out and it always shocks me how many people don't do it!

  4. Have you considered getting gloves to help your grip? During a healthier stint I worked my way up to 25s and got repetitive motion strain in my elbows from gripping too hard. It got better when I started using gloves.

    1. Oh I always use gloves. I don't know how people do free weights without them! I've learned over the years to lighten the grip and loosen my fingers between reps so I don't strain my forearms. That was a pain I don't care to relive! :)


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