Thursday, August 29, 2013

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

That title was to be read like Gomer Pyle.  (It should be noted the Mr did read it that way when he was proofing the post without knowing I was referencing GP.)  Oh crap, 3/4 of you probably don't know who I'm talking about.  All I have to say to that is shazam!  Must stop references from when I was 3 years old.  Let's get on with it..

We did Paul Katami's Ultimate Kettlebells (affiliate link)  workout last night.  This workout is sneaky because he will make the first workout seem like it's no big deal at first and by the end of it you're pretty fatigued but then that rat bastard comes in with the finisher of the ab portion and you start cursing in tongues.  Remember how I talked the other day about upping my game?  I almost gave in and used the 15's because I thought there was no way in hell I was going to be able to do a kettlebell workout with a 20 pounder but I knew I had to at least try so I did.

It was HARD.  I had to pace myself and that was fine but I actually surprised myself that I did so well.  I have always had to spot myself on the tricep extensions with the 15's but since I have a few free weight sessions under my belt with the higher weight, I was able to eek out the reps.  The one I was really worried about was this chest fly/sit up combo because those muscles have always been a little weaker from that angle but I'll be danged if I didn't bust that mutha out!!  Sometimes it's nice to surprise yourself!

Have you surprised yourself lately?

(This post contains an Amazon affiliate link.  Amazon rocks.  If you should buy through the link, an Amazon may show up at my door with a nominal check at which point I'll invite them in for tea.)

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  1. I guess it's just one of those things. When you see Surprise written three times you immediately know the reference. But then it occurs to me that only a certain generation of us is probably like that and then I realize how old that makes me feel. But you know what? I don't care because I love the era that I grew up in. I feel lucky to have known the world before smart phones, computers, everything else. I may make my living with technology but I am thankful to know that I can function without it if necessary.

    1. I'm glad we grew up then too. I'm glad we're not constantly stuck with our heads in the down position when we're out and about checking our phone. (I love that we don't use a cell phone. People act like it's a necessity, trust me, it's not.)

  2. I read it that way too, without even realizing it until I read you first sentence.

    I've been doing a Zumba class once a week (the only night she offers a pay as a you go class) since the beginning of July. I dread it, but after it's over I feel good about it. Yesterday I woke up thinking "I get to go to Zumba tonight" and looked forward to it all day. That surprised me. Once I got there I realized that I had far more stamina than I had before and I didn't even realize it was building. That was a nice surprise.

    1. Yay!

      I'm glad Zumba is a pleasant surprise for you now and there's nothing than realizing ever improving stamina!

  3. I surprised myself by going running for the first time in forever. I did a C25K a few months back and it was pretty hard, 60lbs later and I managed to survive a 3 mile (unplanned) run without dying, while dodging snakes in the dark. Sounds crazy right...there's a post about it on my blog.

    I'm always so impressed with your workouts and it makes me want to work out (which is saying a lot!)

    1. Congrats on the run and the weight loss! That's awesome! I'll tell ya, I'm glad I have my workouts documented because it's pretty awesome to flip back through calendars and see how our routines have evolved through the years!

  4. Haha! I read it like GP too! SHAZAM!!! Too funny! Yeah, I surprise myself every time I attempt ANYTHING new and I can do it, lol! Well done on the workout! Those kettlebells terrify me... maybe I should give it a try ; )

    1. LOL...good! I thought he was the funniest thing when I was a wee one!

      We do our kettlebells with free weights. (Just no room for more equipment.) They are a little more unwieldy than a bell but it sure makes you pay attention to form!

  5. I read it like Gomer Pyle without even thinking about it!

    1. Woo hoo!! Glad to know we're not the only ones! :) (BTW, good to see you!)

  6. I'm a new blog follower / blogger and found your blog and think you are so inspirational. I'm 35 weeks pregnant and hoping to drop this baby weight and then some once he is born the good old fashioned way... exercise and healthy eating. Easier said than done (for me).

    1. Welcome aboard and thanks for the kind words! Congrats on the impending arrival of your little one! Enjoy motherhood and research workouts that incorporate your baby into active playtime. Squats with the baby on the floor between your legs and a little tickle when you squat down. Push ups with a little smooch when you lower down. Crunches with baby laying against your bent legs. Even though I can't relate myself, I've seen some really creative workouts out there to help kick that baby weight to the curb and build a great bond with baby while doing it. (You're also setting a good example from the start!)

  7. LOL I got the reference! That was one of my fav shows as a kid, and I am only 32. :) Well, I will be 33 next month. :)

  8. Good for you for the great workout! That's such a good feeling, isn't it? GP was the man! He was a little left of center, but was as sweet as pie. =o) I've had a summer cold since Sunday afternoon--fever, coughing, stuffy head, the works. So I'm just now catching up on emails.

  9. I grew up with Gomer, along with, "Hogan's Heroes", and, "Get Smart". Saturday afternoons were Monster Movie Matinees, and after school was, "Mr. Roger's Neighborhood", when we were sick or it was freezing out of course. We played outside back in the day:)

    I surprised myself the other day: I hadn't walked, or worked out, and was bumming about it, then I realized that the day was NOT OVER YET. So about an hour after dinner, I worked out in my room with my two youngest kids jumping on the bed and copying me. No excuses. It felt as good mentally as it felt bad physically, ha.


    1. Oh I think I caught Hogan's Heroes on reruns a few times. Loved Mr. Rogers trolley! Of course I remember Eddie Murphy's version a little clearer. ;)

      Congrats on getting up and getting your workout in! Feels pretty darn good, huh!?


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