Thursday, August 1, 2013

"You've got to make your workout your lifestyle"

The first day of the month.

There's nothing like a flip of the calendar page.  Matter of fact, I decided last night to flip through a few calendar pages.

Ahh 2009...back when 30 minute workouts were more than sufficient for me to lose 1-3 lbs per week.  Of course I was down to 420 lbs at the beginning of the month so 150 lbs off will slightly affect the amount of work needed.

While I have to do 50 minutes or more for the scale to do more than laugh at me now, I'm pretty darn proud that I can look back four years ago and still see a consistent pattern of exercise.  We have this Tae Bo Live workout where Billy Blanks says "you've got to make your workout your lifestyle" as he's having you squat after having whipped you into puddin' for 45 minutes.  I remember how many times we would jokingly say "yeah right" or "someday" or something similar.  There were times where it just seemed like we weren't people who maintained workouts long enough for them to be considered our true "lifestyle."  But here we are...the proof is in the pics.  That's how I know this is for life.

Is your workout your lifestyle?  If so, how long?  If not, what is holding you back?

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  1. It is nice to see how consistent our exercise has been. There is no doubt whatsoever that the workout is our lifestyle now. I like the fact that we don't even question it. When I get home from work it's just a given that we will be going down to work out. I think that is really the key to the success because if we allowed ourselves the choice, we know how that usually went before. Go us!

  2. it is a lifestyle definitely...but there are days when its not..but I know I can go back to it!! im not letting it all go...

  3. I've really just started my Journey and It really is a life style. I had my day off yesterday and I woke up this morning feeling bloated and wanting to do nothing but go for a long walk but I had to go to work.. BOOO! So when I get home I am hitting it hard... I am so glad to finally have seen the light.

  4. For quite a while it was an ingrained habit if not truly a lifestyle. Then I had to give up my Curves membership and never really did find a good replacement. Exercise became pretty sporadic and random after that. I'm working hard this summer to get back to that point.

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm at the '30 mins a day' place you were a couple years ago. I've been getting at least 500 fitness minutes a month which has been my goal. I'd like to be more consistent but I sometimes take a week or so off. It's my biggest challenge. 30 mins really shouldn't be that hard. Maybe I need to get a calendar myself!

  6. I definitely need to get to that place where it's just always part of my day. Things have been so crazy lately that I've completely stopped working out. Ugh! I admire how you've stuck to your workouts for so many years!

  7. You know, I did so great when we first got Finn and I hit my numbers every single week, and then some. But once I started my full time job and my hours were longer, I really lost my focus. It's a terrible excuse, but I think I just haven't mastered balancing out my day. I'm far better off exercising in the morning, but I haven't forced myself to do that consistently. I've been doing it after work instead, and I just don't feel like I'm getting as much out of it (probably because I'm really dragging when I walk through the door).

  8. I applaud you and the Mr. for the length and amount of exercise you do. I have always exercised over the years but my problem has always been consistency. I would be gung ho for 6-9 months then slide off. I lived in California for most of my life, so I incorporated exercise by walking every where I could. When I moved to Arizona I found that I couldn't do that anymore because of course, the heat, but everything is so spread out!

    The past 2 years I have committed to doing 30 minutes 3 days a week (I also hate doing it :-). I find that I always do more then that but still struggle the last two months of the year...this year, I am going to try to change that!!

  9. I wish I knew what was holding me back, Mrs. It's not "not knowing." I have the knowing part down pat. It's the doing. I'm just not DOING anymore and I hate that. I am so proud of you both. SO proud.


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