Monday, August 5, 2013

A quick, scattered recap

I am freakin' exhausted!

It's been a long weekend and I've got a super busy week ahead.  I'm not sure with how much regularity I'll be blogging this week so bear with me.  Who knows, I may be able to keep up the schedule but just wanted the out in case things get hairy.  If you follow me on Facebook, I'll continue to update our workouts there.

I wish I had awesome pics from this weekend but I never had a camera on me.

Bloggerfail.  (I don't like to hashtag...does that kick me out of blogging circles?  I especially hate that Facebook made it okay.  I makes me want to punch people.  Oh yeah...hormonal week is gearing up y'all.  Start your engines!)

Most of it was just poking around antique stores, garage/tag sales, test driving a car (don't even get me started...I'd rather go to the dentist and I don't do that) and I did a photo shoot with a pup the other night.  There's a reason they tell you to take 5000 pictures.  I think I got 2 good ones!  LOL  At least the subject was cute!   We're also dealing with an episode with the family where the dementia is concerned.    This disease blows.


Like typhoon force.

Pray you and/or your family never have to go through it.

The Mr and I are going to be cleaning out the garage today.  That should be interesting.  I wish I had the patience to have a garage sale.  We've got some decent stuff and while I don't mind the tax write off to charity, it would still be nice to make a little money off of it.  But something tells me people trying to dicker with me would just make the whole thing not worth it.  Yeah, never it is.

I've got to plan out our meals for the week.  I did well with water this weekend so I need to keep that up because I SUCKED at it last week.  I burned 1,110 cals yesterday so the week got off to a good start!

What did you do this weekend?  How do you feel about garage sales?

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  1. Garage Sales are fun, but I end up buying more junk when I've already got a houseful of JUNK! So for the most part, I try to avoid them. I do find them a great place to find cheap toys to buy for the grandkids to play with when they're at my house.

    Hubby played golf all day Saturday so I didn't cook at all, until Sunday when I had my son and his family out for lunch. We grilled steaks and burgers and dogs, and it was delicious! We made homemade ice cream, so good. Can't have that around very often.

  2. So with you on both counts today. Garage sales make me nuts. Just cannot handle people picking through my life and tell me whats it worth. Even if I don't want it anymore!

    On a serious note, totally understand the whole dementia, my Mom had Altimzer, for 8 years before it finally took her physcially. Not a pretty sight for sure. My only advice is try to keep your chin up and remember they don't really know what they are doing or saying. Hard for sure.

  3. i am anti-hashtag too! never used one before and still dont quite understand the purpose.

  4. Hashtags, as far as I'm concerned, are like foul language...they have their uses, but nowhere near as often as you see them!

    I've given up on garage sales. A friend of mine had a 'free' garage sale. She literally advertised that people should come and get what they wanted, just so she didn't have to pay to have it hauled away. Someone put some money in a Tupperware bowl, and when it was over she had made $400! I never made even $100 when I was having yard sales. WAY too much trouble for WAY too little money. Now we put things that actually have enough value to make it worthwhile on Craigslist, and everything else goes to Goodwill.

    We went to a street fair in a little mountain gambling town this weekend. Good blues, good BBQ, lost $20 at blackjack but had fun doing it. It was a good day.

  5. I don't like having garage sales, but do enjoy going to them. Great weather on the East Coast this weekend. Saturday was a bust due to running errands (although was w/ hubby so not a complete bust). Sunday did spin, had lunch with friends, quick grocery trip, and dinner made for Sunday/Monday. Plus, worked in some sitting outdoors enjoying the weather.

  6. I love to shop garage sales but hate to have them. I always make more money donating and someone else benefits, especially when you factor in time and effort getting everything tagged, set up, sold and advertising. We are currently renting and don't qualify for a deduction, but have tons of stuff to get rid of. I'm going to try the online sales options (Craigslist, Facebook groups).

  7. I'm sorry to hear about the family issues. I know how hard that can be. Hang in there! (And I know I owe you an email--life has been crazy, but I haven't forgotten!)

    I don't mind hashtags, but #what I hate #is unnecessary #ones. #Or #really #excessive #ones.

  8. I've seen hash tags used on tv shows, and heard comedians used them like "hashtag...". I can't say that I actually know what a hashtag actually is though or how they came to be.

    I'm more of a garage sale shopper than a garage sale haver. I'm more likely to donate stuff or give it to someone that is looking for whatever.

  9. So sorry to hear about the family issues. We went through something similar, and you're right. It's hard.

    Ditto Kiersten's comment on the hashtags. :)


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