Wednesday, August 21, 2013

If you can't take the heat...

Oh my God, I have to share this because I'm cracking up right now.  (Well last night by the time you guys read this.)  The Mr came home last night and he was home for three minutes before his work called and kept him on the line for two hours.  This meant our workout was delayed for two hours and then I had something I had to do with daylight so it was really delayed about 2 1/2 hours.

While I was exercising, my ankle gave me quite the zinger of pain letting me know it was not happy with me. I asked the Mr if he could start dinner for me while I did a little deep tissue massage on myself and he said he'd take care of dinner.

I told him he didn't have to but he insisted.  As I was massaging my knots and grainy calves, he kept asking questions and tried to figure out how to time things like I do when I cook for us.  I asked if he needed help and he said he didn't.  I would occasionally peek in and he had a look of sheer panic on his face.  At one point he was trying to make my tea while the bacon was feverishly popping and spitting grease everywhere and I reminded him not to let the bacon burn.  He turned from one side of the work space to the other and looked like he wanted to run away from the kitchen.  He caught me laughing at him as the vent whirred to remove the smoke from the air and stirring the tea and started laughing saying he didn't like my "job" and he quit.  I said "it's not as easy as it looks, is it?" and he proclaimed his utmost respect for what I do in there every night.

It's funny how we both have our roles in the household duties.  I do the cooking, cleaning of the living and dining room and the bedrooms.  He does laundry, bathroom, trash and cleans the kitchen.  We usually split dishes 60/40.

How do you and your spouse split up the household chores?  Do you try to switch off on occasion?

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  1. My hubby is handy, I am not. He pretty much does the "fix it" chores and handles 95% of the outside "stuff". I handle a large majority of the inside "stuff", but he will chip in when I ask him too. He does like to cook and for years he was the primary cook, now though we split the cooking more but when he's home he still does most of it.

    1. Neither of us is particularly handy so it's usually winging it and YouTube. :)

  2. I do the majority of the inside stuff, but he has the kitchen. I married him because he was a cook in a restaurant so I figured he had some skills. Turns out he can cook but lacks imagination, so if I want something different I have to make it. It works well because I have not had to do dishes in 18 years and that alone is worth it.

  3. hahaha...thats cute...My dad always says he appreciates mom because a homemaker's job is 365 days no holidays....and I appreciat..I feel working women have the reason that they "work" so can neglect chores once in a while but being a full time home maker takes a lot...way to go Anele!!!

    1. I need to get better about keeping things "company ready." Our house is always a minimum of an hour's notice for clean up and then I'm grumpy the rest of the night. LOL

  4. Too funny!

    We split our chores pretty much on traditional lines, but he will pitch in when it's clear I'm falling behind. I go through phases when I pick up some kind of make-money-from-home scheme and work at it for over 12 hours a day until I burn out. He'll vacuum carpets, mop the kitchen floor, load the dishwasher. I won't eat what he cooks, because it's usually a mixture of all the leftovers in the fridge, which he calls suicide soup. I agree. I don't recall him ever cleaning a bathroom. But then, I've never changed the oil in the car, either.

  5. Love it! We try to split things up as well. I cook, grocery shop, and shuttle kids around most of the time. He does laundry, cleans the house and does outside stuff. And when he can, helps take kids to whatever activity is on the schedule. It works for us!

  6. I take care of all cooking and laundry, he does all outdoor things. We have a cleaning lady for cleaning. Honestly, best money I spend every month. Our cleaning lady comes every 2 weeks and does the basics, vacuums/mops, sinks, bathrooms and dusts. We just have to tidy up in between. LOVE HER.

    1. The Mr always talks about how when their cleaning lady would come when he was a kid, his mom would say "clean up your rooms, the cleaning lady is coming!" He never understood why you'd have to clean up for someone who was coming to clean. LOL

  7. My husband does ALL the cooking ( I am like the Mr. ) and I do the cleaning.
    Someday I hope to have someone come in to do the floors, that is the only thing I hate doing.

    1. Do you have hardwood floors? We have carpet and are thinking of switching but I think the maintenance on keeping it dust free might be irritating.

  8. This is so cute. I love it when they pitch in and don't just think its our job. We are a team. My hubs and I split the vacuuming and dusting. I have a bad back so he will pitch in whenever I ask, so sometimes its me with the bathrooms, sometimes him. And we have a deal with the dishes, I cook, he cleans up afterward. And that works for me:) As for the wash, I almost always am the one. For some reason wrinkles don't bother him and he doesn't see a reason to take the clothes from the dryer right away. So instead of being upset about it every time, I just took that chore over.

    Have a blessed day!

    1. Me too! He's a good egg. ;) We don't take the laundry out when it's done either because it's never acceptable wrinkle wise for me so we just iron. I think we're the last people on Earth who iron. People usually gasp in horror when I say I have to iron.

  9. We used to do inside/outside...but with mine retired/disabled now- he does pretty much everything. Cooking he's great at. Laundry not so much...but I don't complain because I go home to a home cooked hot meal every night (well, most nights- he sometimes goes on strike for better working conditions).

  10. I wash dishes, he typically dries them. He does all the vacuuming and washing of windows and deck doors (lots of doggie snout marks). I take care of the kitchen and the living room, although he has to do the dusting of the things I can't reach (and by all means, his electronics!). I do the laundry and bathrooms and bedrooms, although he'll help with any of them if I ask. We both cut grass and shovel snow, but he takes care of the vegetable garden and flower gardens. We also both cook, depending on what we're having.

    1. Dang girl, your list exhausted me! HA! Is it weird I love shoveling snow? I want the extra cardio. What a whack job!

    2. Funny you should say that... I love it too!!! I get the most cardio burn between that and cutting the lawn (the lawn takes about 90 minutes with a wee bit of a hill to go up and down). I'm covered in sweat be it snow or sun, and I log on and put in my minutes!! Glutton for punishment for sure! Ha!

  11. thats adorable! my boyfriend and i have gotten into our job roles around the house. i do laundry and cleaning the bathroom while he does floors (sweeping, mopping, vacuuming) and trash. we both cook and clean the kitchen and dishes together. but i can say that in our years of living together, i have never once had to clean the floors because he loves doing it (the same weird way that I love folding laundry


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