Thursday, July 18, 2013

I caved in

Last night I caved in and watched The Notebook.

I'm one of those people who boycotts movies that become really popular and take on lives of their own.  I've never seen Twilight, Lord of the Rings, Saw/Hostel genre movies and The Notebook was another one of those that was just like "ugh, I'm tired of hearing about it."  (Edit:  Lord of the Rings and Saw/Hostel movies are NOT a genre I enjoy so I will never see them, ever.  I'm not rebelling against them, they just don't interest me.  They're as appealing as watching paint dry to me as some boring genre might be to you.  Had to be addressed since people apparently have strong attachment to the Rings movies.  As you were and back to the point...)

Now that 9 years has passed and it was free on Starz, I thought I'd see what all of the fuss was about especially since I laughed at the thought of Ozzy, Sharon and Kelly curling up in the family bed and bawling over it.  (True according to them!)  Of course I made the Mr watch it with me.  I wasn't going to suffer alone.  Heh.  Everyone said to have the tissues handy and I did.  I knew the gist of the ending within the first 2 minutes which meant I spent 117 minutes completely irritated.  I didn't like the acting in it at all by McAdams and Gosling.  I wanted to draw eyebrows on her and shave him down so he'd stop resembling a yeti.  Her flippity personality made me grind my teeth and his annoying "I'm so cool" persona just did not connect with me at all.  Oh and what was up with her dad!?  He looked like a cartoon character...or Sacha what's his face married to Isla Fisher with a hipster mustache. It was completely impossible for me not to want to bust out laughing every time he was on the screen.  Basically, they could've pieced together the stuff with the old people and I would've been fine.  Actually I wouldn't have been because well, you've seen it and if you've been reading, you know that subject touches my family.  (Not going to ruin it for people who haven't seen it)  So I couldn't help but think of the time that will be our family and THAT'S what made me cry.  Well, that and the VERY end.  Didn't see that coming.

So, was I glad I saw it?  Meh.  I could've lived without it.  (And I'm a chick flicker!)

This could be because I didn't like it or it could be because everyone likes it so much, I hold it to a higher standard that will likely never be met.

Do you jump on the pop culture movie bandwagon, wait for years to pass before watching or are there some movies you just refuse to watch based on their popularity because you're all rebellious/stubborn like that?

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  1. I remember when it was really popular but then it kind of fell off the radar for me. I liked it overall though. I had no idea what to expect but it was good enough to hold my interest even though, like you, I kind of knew where it was going relatively early on in the movie. The ending still surprised me though and I am man enough to admit that it brought a tear to my eye so it was compelling enough of a story.

    As for a movie I held off on. I would have to say Top Gun. When that was uber popular back in the day I pretty much rebelled against that one. I never saw it until I met you which was at least 7 years after it came out. Oh and another one we both kind of rebelled against but ultimately caved on was Titanic. But that one was definitely worthy of all the praise people gave it. It is actually among my favorite movies I would say, despite the cgi breath at the end.

    1. I saw Top Gun 14x in the theater up the street, 10 of them by myself. What can I say, Val Kilmer in a towel.

      There are a lot of movies you didn't watch until you met me. Boy, what did you do in your youth?! The fact you didn't see Labyrinth and Neverending Story until you were an adult is blasphemy! :)

    2. OMG..i thought I was the only drooling over val kilmer in Top gun..I saw that a dozen times for VK and not for silly tom cruise...hehehe....droool!!!

      Neverending story..such a cute movie...

      Well coming to the notebook..arghh..never knew why the hype..the book was equally bleh to me...

      I didnt watch twillight till my friend forced me to..I read the books,..they were nice but the movies..sheesh..i wud have been better off without them...

      i understand ur feeling about LOTR...but I am a sucker for that genre...I ahve read the books 15itmes or more..and the movies i will wtach them eveyrtime TNT shows them which is like every weekend...hehehe...

  2. I saw it when it first came out, so I don't know if I'd like it as much today. I was a fairly different person nine years ago.

    The ending really punched me in the gut and made me bawl, though, so there is that.

    1. I think if any movie is *truly* a classic it won't matter how old you are. I'm not 12 anymore but still laugh at Labyrinth. (Can you tell I just watched it the other night?) :)

      The end scene is like 'rip my heart out and slap it in a Magic Bullet, why don't ya?'

    2. That's a good point. I own "Labyrinth". :)

  3. I think you would enjoy the Lord of the Rings trilogy if for no other reason than to stare lustily at Viggo Mortenson and Orlando Bloom. Very tasty!

    1. That's what the internet is for! I can lust over them in pictures without having to subject myself to hours of my life wasted on a genre I loathe. :D

  4. I don't get not watching movies because they are popular - SOME movies get popular because they are AWESOME AS HELL. (the notebook, hostel, etc are not awesome as hell and are popular because they are dumb - people love dumb). But LORD OF THE RINGS??? Are you insane???!?!?!?! (said with loving jest) But seriously. Those are some incredible movies (the Two Towers is the best of the three) - cinematic, gorgeously filmed, well acted, and obviously once of the best stories of all time. Don't miss out because you want to differ from the crowd :D

    1. I should take Lord of the Rings out because I'm not rebelling against it, I just HATE that genre of movie. I will never see them because I'm just plain not interested so more for you! :)

  5. I haven't seen any of the movies you mention, but I did read and enjoy Notebook. I don't know, I redbox it on occasion but try to stay away from sitting in front of the tv. Enjoy your day!

    1. From what I've heard, many people enjoyed the book more than the movie. (Doesn't that always seem to be the case?) :)

  6. I don't think I can ever watch The Notebook. Hits way to close to home. (My Mom). The movie I have been avoiding would have to be Twilight, just don't like that whole genre.

    1. Yeah, trust me, if you're dealing with that issue, don't watch it.

  7. I didn't see the Notebook until it was on tv. I didn't realize how popular it was, but I remember hearing the name and hearing it was good, so I watched it. Yes it was predictable, but I love a love story and so I just sat back and watched the journey. I really liked it, but I'm such a sucker for opposites falling in love, because that is how my husband and I are.

    As for movies that I avoided, it was Avatar. Didn't interest me one bit. I hate Sci-Fi, anything 3D sucks (can't stand the glasses) so I refused to see it in theaters despite everyone going ga-ga over it. I eventually rented the dvd. It was ok. I liked to story a little better than I thought I would, but I didn't love it.

    1. I didn't care to see Avatar but the Mr wanted to see it so he watched it while I zoned out. HA!

  8. Personally Nicolas Sparks does nothing for me. He is a terrible writer. Terrible. I've tried to read a few of his books and all I can think about is how terrible of a writer he is.

    That being said I liked the Notebook and watched it after it was in theaters. But I can understand how after everyone raves about it, that can really let you down. For me those movies are Bridemaids and Pitch Perfect. I just didn't find Bridesmaids that funny at all and Pitch Perfect seemed like a rip off of Bring it on but instead of cheering it had singing. I think the hype can hurt it because you have these high expectations and they rarely meet that.

    So I guess I don't always jump on the bandwagon. Give me the Avengers or Iron Man and I suppose I jump really hard on those bandwagons though :)

    1. I HATED Bridesmaids! I forgot about that one. I think that's why I try to avoid movies that are "all the rage" because they rarely impress me and make me question everyone else. LOL

  9. I don't know how many years later, but I still have not seen Titanic. The dramatization of the event holds no interest for me. I grew up near Halifax, so the story of the boat sinking has been a very familiar one. I don't need to see it happen on the big screen or in my home. And now it is a bit of pride for me, that I haven't wasted my time in that way, just because everyone else was seeing it.

    1. We were the same until we saw it for free. Didn't want to like it but we do.

  10. I reckon that once the hype builds around a movie that's's never going to be able to live up to the expectation. I could take or leave the notebook however the first time I saw I blubbered like crazy.

    My favourite movies and the ones I watch over and over again are usually ones I've just stumbled across - the type of movie whereby you can't stop thinking about it after you've finished watching it. No hype.


    1. I agree. Hype can really kill it for many people, I guess I'm one of 'em. If I like a movie enough to wish list it/buy it, it's usually one I can watch at any time. Those are my faves.

  11. Like your reader Browren - I haven't seen Titanic, I know the story and am not interested in the romantic dramatization (really, how romantic can you make an event where a ship load of people are freezing, drowning, and dying?) and it has become a bit pride for me too. And I thought I was the only one. I do love me some Leonardo DiCaprio though, I'm pretty sure I've seen everything else he was in. For me he's right up there with Val Kilmer (Top Gun was all about him for me too).

    I don't really avoid movies just because they're popular. If it's something that interests me I see it, if not I don't. I like a wide range of movies, and frankly I don't have very high standards. If it entertains me, and allows me to step outside myself for a couple hours I'm happy.

    I've never seen the Notebook though, it just didn't look that interesting to me. With your stunning endorsement I'll probably continue to skip it.

    1. I'm not a Leo fan but after seeing Titanic I had a lot more respect for him.

      Yeah, my endorsement really bumps it up on the "to watch" list, doesn't it? Hee hee

  12. I watch MOST popular movies. Hubs and I go to the movies nearly every week however I DID boycott Titanic for the very same reason and to this day, I have not seen it. We like big blockbusters, action, comedy (if will Ferrell or Steve Farrell is in it, I'm THRRE), chick flicks are reserved for sister or daughter time unless its watched at home, then I sneak one in once in a while. He will watch and usually think its pretty good. Last weekend I watched you've of mail on TV....omg, such a great flick.!

    1. Did you see Burt Wonderstone? Were you as disappointed as we were or did you like it?

  13. I had never even heard of The Notebook before you wrote about it yesterday. Gooshy romance isn't my thing, I'm more into action/adventure. As for Tolkein, I loved The Hobbit (book) and found the Ring Trilogy ultra-boring, and I AM into that genre. The movies put me to sleep, sorry.

    I think I'm like Another Layer, above...don't rush to watch it or avoid it because of popularity. We seldom see a movie in a theater and by the time something comes out on DVD I may have forgotten about it. We do watch freebies on TV, but most of them are B and C grade. We're getting a Netflix account next month, though, so maybe I'll get to see some I wanted to see when they came out and then forgot about. Will probably skip The Notebook though.

    1. We rarely do the theater (unless we go to the drive in a few towns away) but do try to rent every week if there's one worth it. For $1, I can handle that! Movies are just too dang expensive anymore.

  14. I don't watch chick flicks or comedy. They both just anoy and bore me.

    I do like sci fi! I can watch Star Wars (the old 3) over and over again. Loved LOTR! Saw them on the big screen... awesome.
    Loved Iron Man! Captain America was pretty good.

    We don't go to the movies very often. I don't like paying the money for a ticket. We saw the new Star Trek in the theater a few weeks ago. It was ok, I liked the first new Star Trek better.

    If a movie doesn't have aliens or laser guns or spaceships... forgedaboutit!

    (but my hubby likes chickflicks and comedies... go figure)

    1. I don't like paying money for tickets these days either. WAY too rich for my blood when 2-4 months later we can pay $.52pp to watch it at home. Yes please! I heard the newest Star Trek wasn't as good as the first one.

  15. I'm actually kind of like you in that I usually tend to steer away from the biggest pop culture stuff - hated the Twilight books once I caved and read them (and like you, perhaps because they were so overhyped I expected more than really bad writing and horrible characters?), but have been pleasantly surprised by others like Gone Girl that have gone hypernova crazy. So it's kind of a crap shoot.

    Now, as far as The Notebook - I absolutely LOVE that movie! So, yes, I'm one of *those* people. But I think I watched it way before it was hyped out so I probably watched with an open mind. It also reminds me a lot of my Grandparents because I feel like they have the kind of love that Noah and Ally had; and I also feel like me and my own hubby have it too.

    That's one of the things that I love about music, movies, books, etc. - we can all each have our own opinions and none of them are wrong! Well, unless you're talking about Twilight because anybody that liked those books just doesn't know a good book even if it hits them in the face. ;-)

    1. I think the Mr and I have the same kind of love and we would do the same if faced with that situation but the main characters younger? I wanted to punch them in the face...a lot. LOL (And it's even time for Aunt Flo to pull up too so I thought I'd be a heap but I wasn't until the last 3 minutes)

  16. I am very often disappointed when I go to a movie that has had all kinds of hype and people exclaiming how wonderful it is. I guess I get my expectations up way too high. I would rather be surprised by a good movie that I hadn't heard much about, although I can't think of an example right now. I think I watched Notebook a few years ago, but don't remember much about it, so I guess it didn't have much of an effect on me, did it? Did James Garner and Gene Rowlands play the old couple? I do love me some Ryan Gosling though, and he was great in Crazy, Stupid Love, which might be an example of a movie that I really liked and hadn't heard much about before I saw it.

    1. Yeah, it was James and Gena and there's nothing besides the ending that's worth storing in the memory bank on that one. I did like Crazy, Stupid Love but more for Steve Carell than Ryan Gosling. I guess when it comes down to it, I'm not a big Gosling fan. :-\

  17. Movies based on mediocre (think Oprah Book Club) books are automatically on my "not interested" list. So no Twighlight, no Notebook, no Eat Pray Love, and no 50 Shades of Gray. Same with movies based on kids books that adults got all swoony over (Harry Potter, Twighlight, Hunger Games--though I did see that when it was free).

    That said, I do have some genres that I adore and even if the movie is hyped I'd probably watch (but not until the price was right--I'm a cheapskate). I love super hero movies (except Superman, he's boring) and alien themed stuff (love District 9). If I'm in the mood, I love a sandals and swords offering (Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones). And I have a big soft spot for horror (even the bad stuff like the Saw franchise).

    I also have a short list of actors I will NOT watch. Adam Sandler tops that list.

    1. Yeah never got on the 50 Shades bandwagon either and I don't care who they cast in the movie. Another movie than likely won't live up to the hype. I will only watch Sandler from the Wedding Singer on (and only ones that appeal which is about 50%) because that whole Happy Gilmore era was crap.

  18. I never saw the Michael Keaton Batman. Hyped way too much!
    I will watch any Quentin Tarantino movie--no matter how long it is. True Romance is my favorite!
    I still don't get how Bridesmaids was so great. Also Meet The Parents--hated that! It was like watching the longest episode of Three's Company.

    1. I can't even remember if I saw the original Batman but I did shake my rump to Batdance by Prince from that movie. :)

  19. I'm not a movie person in general, unless it's a good comedy. I don't enjoy heavy dramas or romantic crap (they really are so predictable and make the characters so dumbed-down). Even the comedies are few and far between for me. I, for one, cannot stand ANY of the "Hangover" movies. I also could care less about the actors...if I were ever to watch the Oscars, I'd have no clue who half the people are (pop culture is so far removed from my life). I say this with no smugness at all...just can stir up any interest in most of what's considered popular. My one concession to movies is any of the classic Disney Movies from when I was young. I'll watch those any time.

    1. I don't have a clue on pop culture TV. I HATE the idea of any of the "Housewives" so I don't watch them. Don't want to keep up with a family of K's. I'm not breaking bad, moderning my family or big banging my theory. Meh.

  20. The fact that you didn't like the Notebook makes me <3 you even more. I hated that movie. And I'm a chick flicker too! Haha. And be glad you never wasted time on the Rings... hours of my life I will never get back :P

    1. YAY! I aim to please! :) I mourn the time you lost to the Rings. *hangs head*


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