Friday, July 12, 2013

Fur baby Friday and what I'm reading this week

Last night was fun.  We got to meet our friends new puppy, a little Goldendoodle!  We bought a few toys and stuff for it but I also wanted to try my hand at making dog biscuits.  (Any reason to go to Sur La Table to get a dog bone shaped cookie cutter!)  So I found this recipe and got to it.  When I was done, I found these adorable dog tags and modified them a little to fit what I wanted to say on it and put a few in this mason jar.

I wish I could've found those teeny tiny dog bone cutters so I could've fit more than six 3" dog biscuits in there but I gave them the rest in a Ziploc bag so they could put them in the fridge or freezer.

and now on to...

Quick Bloating Cures  (Damn you BBQ!)

Aww!  (video)  (The Mr sent this to me.  Sometimes you don't need to know the language to understand love)

Man says one day of P90X sent him to the emergency room (Wow, really?  Keeping my mouth shut)

Henry Winkler ambassador for post stroke upper limb spasticity  (Interesting read!)

16 Ways to Have Fun for Free

Dustin Hoffman talks about how Tootsie changed his view toward aesthetically less attractive women  (video)  (Must see if you haven't already.  Start at about 1:30 in if you want to get to the point)

Six Ways to Enjoy a More Relaxed Daily Commute (This one's for the Mr...but you can look too. *grin*)

Biggest Loser contestant sued after gaining weight  (Interested to hear takes on this one)

Access into Panera's Hidden Menu

The Healthiest Sleep Position (Side sleepers represent, yo)

The ESPN Body Issue is here  (Wow!  These athletes are gorgeous!)

This weekend we're meeting a friend of ours we don't get to see too often so I'm looking forward to that.

What do you guys have on tap for the weekend?

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  1. I haven't commented in far too long, sorry Mrs!
    I know you were in a funk earlier this week and I've been there too so I get it. I just want to tell you again how inspiring I find you and the Mr to be. You guys have achieved so much so far and are simply amazing. I hope you can get your headspace worked out =]

    The dog bones are such a cute idea! You're such a creative person

    This weekend: work, checking my friends' house, packing, and some cooking. Since I'm going on vacation soon and because my freezer is packed and I got my CSA, I only have to go buy a couple of things for the week (fruit & non-oil packed sun dried tomatoes)

    1. Hey, there you are! :) Thanks so much for the kind words. I hope the pup likes the biscuits! Have a great time on vacation!

  2. Looks like I've got some good reading for my work day :-)

    You know what's on tap for the weekend so I won't detail all that but I did want to say you did a great job on those dog biscuits and I am sure they will be enjoyed by that lil' pup!

    1. Yes you do! :)

      I hope the pup likes them. Heck they're half his size he's so tiny! He needs fattened up!

  3. Tht is awww..
    thanks for the articles...and so sweet of u to make those biscuits!! that puppy is loved!!!

    1. Yes that pup is definitely loved. He's a tiny little thing and needs to get his red blood cells up a bit so hopefully he can enjoy some biscuits while he's doing it!

  4. And you said you're not crafty. Woman, you are too crafty. Look at how cute that doggy treat jar is. Craftacular!

    Now, about some of those links you posted.

    1. P90X guy. I almost hurt my vision rolling my eyes at that. I agree with one of the comments (on the article). The title of the article should be "stupid man over exercises and tries to blame someone else".

    This might sound extra mean but I'm going to write it anyway. Just looking at that guy I got a huge douchebag vibe. You know, one of those guys who thinks he's a super bad ass and normal rules of life don't apply to his awesome self. THOSE types of people are why are is a whole screen of "warnings" before each and every exercise video I've ever looked at (even "easy" ones).

    He's dumb and hurt himself. He'll survive. Moving on.

    2. The Biggest Loser contestant sued over getting fat. First, the headline is misleading (a bit). The contestant signed a contract that she would maintain her current level of physical fitness and physique (I'm paraphrasing) and she didn't. That's a breach of contract and the company is well within their right to sue her (for fire her or whatever).

    She never should have signed such a binding contract (about maintaining a certain "look") if she thought she couldn't meet it. It's just sad that it involves something like weight/appearance, which is such a touchy topic.

    On a bitchy note, I never liked that contestant (TBL trots her out all the damn time as one of their few successes--make her go away!) so I do enjoy seeing her get her hand slapped for being a dumb ass.

    1. Thank you for saying it about P90X man. I mean really, the man truly is the reason for the roll of legalities at the beginning of workouts. You've got some dork that thinks he can jump back into athlete mode. *rolling eyes*

      Honestly, I never cared for her either and I agree, if you signed a contract based on your weight then you'd better do what you need to. Legally, you don't have a choice. (Well, you do but this is the end result if you don't)

  5. Interesting reading. No real plans for the weekend, but at some point we'll take the little guy to see Despicable Me II so that'll be fun.

  6. My Mom is coming next week so I have to get my clean on. Should be a fun weekend! Hope you enjoy yours.

  7. LOVED the Dustin Hoffman thing. I had seen it earlier in the week...amazing. the dog bones are awesome!

    1. Me too! If only everyone could feel like that about everyone they meet in this life!

  8. Loved Dustin Hoffman when I saw it this week. I've always liked him, he seems much more down to earth than some others and in my opinion proved it with this interview.

    P90X guy, just another victim of stupidity. Using just a tad bit of common sense would save A LOT of people from injury.

    BL Contestant: I feel really bad for her, but there really isn't much of an excuse. She signed a contract, she promised to maintain a certain appearance and didn't. I do feel bad that she is coming under such public fire for weight gain, but again, she made certain decisions and now those decisions are biting her on the butt.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of the list over the next little bit. Some good looking stuff on there :).

    1. Absolutely! Made me love him even more!

      P90X man needs to stop blaming the exercise program and blame himself for jumping into something at an intensity he wasn't ready for.

      Yep, it stinks since weight is such a touchy subject but I would never sign a contract for that! I have seen people write weight loss memoirs and by the time they come out they've regained significant weight and it's kind of like you just cringe a little inside for them. But that's what happens when you put yourself out there like that. Gotta maintain it if you're signing a contract.

  9. So THAT is the hidden menu at Panera?! Meh. I guess I was expecting more. (And maybe something not involving meat.) Those dog biscuits are so cute! I have nothing planned for the weekend--maybe just catching up on sleep. It's been a rough week. :P

    1. I thought the menu was really crappy! I was expecting more as well and none of the choices appealed to me. Boo!

      Now...go sleep! :)

  10. Thanks for posting the dog bones recipe! I was actually looking for something yummy to make for my fur-babies just a few days ago, and the one you posted is exactly what I need!

    I have tickets to an arena football game with my husband on tap for Saturday afternoon, then we are going to hit up one of our favorite nightspots later that night for dancing and drinks. Also, I have to do a TON of schoolwork (ugh) so I'm trying to focus on the fun stuff and use it as a reward for me hitting the books on Saturday morning and most of the day on Sunday. :)

    1. I just got confirmation that the pup likes the treats and eats a half at a time and with his wee frame, he needs to fatten up! Hope your pups like them too!

      Sounds like a fun weekend after the schoolwork is done!

  11. I read the thing about the P90X guy and I think he had a preexisting condition that he didn't know about and a bout of hard exercise made it come to the forefront. There is no way someone could do that to themselves through doing a ton of push-ups and pull-ups. That's not how our bodies work. So stupid.I hate that they even did an article about it.

    As far as Tara Costa. I like her but she really shouldn't have signed a contract saying she would maintain an exact level of fitness and weight that she knew might be hard to do. I haven't seen her recently so I don't know how much weight she gained but I think she is still looking good and is fit so the company that brought the lawsuit on just suck in my humble opinion. :)

    1. Ahh yes, this is why they say to "consult a doctor before starting a new exercise program." Hopefully someone out there learns that lesson from his story!

      I think I read she gained 22 lbs or something like that. Certainly not back to her previous weight but enough to grab attention.

  12. The dog biscuits are adorable!! My pooches would be all about that. Today I had a meeting in the morning that was wonderful. Then it was a trip to the doctor to find out my blood work came back better than the last checkup (score!) and my weight was down (score again!) and I don't have to go back for 4 months. Then we ran errands while the dogs were getting groomed. Now I'm home and ready for a nap! LOL. Possible trip to a farmer's market tomorrow morning. Oh yes, and job hunting....


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