Thursday, July 11, 2013

Driven to distraction

When I workout, I really have to focus.  I mean...REALLY.  I have the attention span of a gnat and the second I let my mind wander from the task at hand, my workout suffers.  It can be something as simple as "don't forget to..." and I've missed a combo or "I can't wait to see so and so this weekend" and I'm completely thrown off.

Same goes for the atmosphere around me.  If the Mr is on one of his gonzo kicks where they'd hit the "lunkhead alarm" from all of the grunting, exhaling and extra movement that I can see in my peripheral and it can totally mess up my rhythm.  I wish I wasn't so easily distracted but I am...can't help it.  Sigh.

Are you easily distracted when you workout or do you zone out and could ignore just about anything around you?

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  1. I get distracted easily too and it can really mess up the calorie burn if I don't catch myself quickly enough. All it takes is a thought sometimes and you're off your game but if I am focused it makes all the difference.

    1. Yeah when you've got stuff going on at work, forget it. That's when I have to tell you to get out of your head.

  2. I only get distracted if there are mirrors. I HATE working out in front of mirrors. They make it impossible for me to willing suspend my disbelief. In the mirror I can see exactly how unflattering my exercise clothes are (which I know, but if I can't see it I can pretend I don't care) and exactly how uncoordinated I am and just all the yucky stuff that makes up my fabulous self.

    Death to mirrors!

    1. Ugh, mirrors are the worst. Whoever came up with that concept should be tarred and feathered and forced to look at themselves exercising in front of them.

  3. i get easily distracted, but for procrastination purposes.

  4. Either I'm totally in the zone or totally out of it. Luckily I'm usually in the zone, because I can't really work out if I'm that distracted.

    1. I'm almost always in the zone, it's those little thoughts that try to creep or any deviation from what I'm seeing on screen (like the Mr severely modifying a move that is distracting to me) that throw me off.

  5. Thats why I only do the i can zone out watching castle!!! hehehehe

  6. I depends on what I'm doing. When I went to Curves or when I walk I can handle lots of distraction both internal and external. When I used to go to Zumba or when I do an exercise video I need to be totally focused or I completely lose the thread of what I'm supposed to be doing.

  7. I find that working out actually helps me stay in the zone. I'm usually all over the place but when I'm doing exercise I'm able to tune out all the distractions and just focus on what i'm doing.

  8. While running or walking it *usually* isn't too much of a problem to let my mind wander. But now that I'm hitting the treadmill on a more regular basis to avoid any creepsters out in the early morning butt-crack of dawn (AKA before the sun is even up!) if I let my mind wander too much I find I start "drifting" and that could be dangerous for a klutz like me! I could just see the news story in my mind..."woman seriously injured in bizarre treadmill accident". Mmmm...No thanks!! I guess I'll keep my focus for at least some of my workouts! ;-)

  9. Ironically I have good focus during exercise and don't focus on anyone else around me when I'm outdoors, and yet I can't sit and watch a tv show or a movie without multi-tasking by reading or working on the laptop! Talk about distraction!


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