Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A simple poll today...

I would open a Hawaiian restaurant or an antique store.

I know it's usually meant as a rhetorical question but I'm curious to know, in ANY aspect of your life, what would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

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  1. I would start an IT consulting firm and possibly branch out into software development. It would be nice to be my own boss and have more variety of projects to work on as well as deal with some of the exciting challenges that come up in that kind of work - knowing I could not fail would make it fun versus stressful.

    1. You could always do that when we move to Hawaii! I know about the stress thing though. You have an amazing work ethic and would expect the same in your peeps.

  2. Me and my husband always said we would combine our hobbies and open up a sports themed bakery called "Batter Up"

    1. That would be awesome! A great niche theme bakery is rare. You'd be the hit of every little boy's and athletic girl's birthday parties!

    2. What a cool name for a bakery!

  3. I would go back to school to be a pediatric nurse. I'm scared I don't have the guts for it.

    1. I know what you mean. I come from a family of nurses and unfortunately I can't deal with yak, blood, or poo so that kind of put the end to that tradition for me. Pediatric would be hard but I be SOOO rewarding to know you are making a difference to sick kids.

  4. I would go back to school and study to be a veterinarian,.

    or the next best thing, start an animal shelter and take care of older dogs and cats.

    CLosest thing I will do in the future is adopt an older dog once we get our own place with a yard and all

  5. I would write. Oh, wait, I already do that! I would hike one of Colorado's 14ers...mountain peaks over 14,000 feet.

  6. I would go back to school to do the prerequisites to apply to med school (since I always said as a kid & in high school that I was going to be a doctor). Little scary going back to college ten years after graduating ;)

  7. I love my job, so I don't think I'd leave it entirely. Well, we do have a new principal on board this year so that could change - but that's not the point.

    Anyway - if I knew I couldn't fail I think hubby and I would open a restaurant and/or an all ages dance club and/or a sports bar. We always talk about how great this or that empty building would be for one of the above purposes and if we knew it would be a success we'd probably take the leap. He would run it full time, and I would work there as a side job.

    1. There's nothing that can stir up dreams like an empty building. Happens to me all the time!

  8. If I knew I couldn't fail (meaning I could pay my bills and live pretty much as I do now) I'd make a living doing whatever I felt like doing. Make crafts, write, paint, tell jokes, sing. I'd never have a 9-5 office job yet still have enough money for my needs and a few modest luxuries (internet, pets).

  9. A lot of things come to mind. Go to graduate school, get a job in international business, complete an iron man competition, win a gold medal in diving...random but there are so many things!

    1. Doesn't matter how random, dreams are meant to inspire us!

  10. Open a restaurant. Funny because me, hubby, and our 24 year old son were talking about it last night. What kind of restaurant, etc.

  11. I would first become a certified running coach and then I'd open a running store in my city because there is absolutely NOTHING like it in my area. You have to travel at least 30 minutes to get to a very small store.

    The other thing is run a marathon. Someday I'll cross that off the list so I guess I'd better start thinking of other things! LOL

    1. I'm betting people in your town would be quite grateful for the store!

  12. I would quit my job, travel the world, and become a travel writer. I would love to share my experiences with other people and make a living doing something I love. :)

  13. I have so many things I'd love to do. Sometimes I think I'd like to be a trainer who helps very overweight people lose weight, since I know what it's like to exercise when you're very heavy. I've also always wanted to be a "real writer" and get paid for it. I have so many things I've written throughout my life and I do write my blog, but I'd love to actually have a career doing it.

    1. I think you could help a lot of people. Empathy goes a long way in helping people take that first step.

  14. I want to start a line of frozen foods. But I really have no idea how to go about doing that. And obviously, right now I don't even have time to look into how to go about doing it.

    1. You should! I think the vegan market could use a kick in the butt. I'd buy it!

  15. What perfect timing with this question. Today is my birthday and I was thinking about this question as I was ready to hurl myself out the window at my job (first floor, but the hope was I'd cut some vital artery if nothing else...*snort*). There are two things I'd do if I had the courage: I'd finally fully learn sign language to become an interpreter or I'd write a book.

    1. Happy Birthday! Sign language is so interesting. I know a lot of people who really enjoyed just taking the classes for fun.

  16. This is a fun question! I would go to nursing school and be a nurse in the labor and delivery unit, or go all the way and be a midwife. I would write a book, plus a few children's books, and write a newspaper column about having lots of kids. I also think it would be really satisfying to be a counselor.

    1. I admire anyone who can stomach being a nurse. I wish I could. I know it can be stressful at times but I bet the rewards far outweigh the stress.

  17. I would move to Paris and do something in fashion....

  18. I would go back to college and become a labor and delivery nurse or work in a obstetrician's office. I love to help people and I love the miracle of pregnancy/birth.

    I would also work in a way that I could travel and see the world.


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