
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Temporary exercise amnesia

Last night we did a workout that we do about once a month...Atletica by Ilaria Montagnani .

You've heard me talk about it before and honestly, when I throw it on the schedule, I dread it because I know it's gonna kick my butt.  I mentioned it to the Mr over chat and he's like "I don't remember it being that bad."  I thought maybe I was remembering it wrong and we were actually better at it than I gave us credit for.

Nope, I was right. By not even halfway through, I was exhausted and by the end...a heap.

I'm feeling it today and I'm loving/dreading the next time it pops up on the schedule.

What workout do you do that you forget how hard it is until you're in the throes of it?

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  1. That was one tough workout to get through. I could swear that the last time we did that work out, it wasn't as hard to do but man am I feeling it today!

    1. It was! It felt like it was twice as long! I think I had it scheduled for the week after next but I'm reconsidering! LOL

  2. I used to a zumba class with a fantastic instructor. I did 2 - 30 minute sessions during the week and a 60 minute one on Saturdays. I always felt pretty good about myself after the shorter ones, and then ended up in a heap of quivering flesh and sweat after the Saturday one. I loved it though and was sad when she changed her schedule and I couldn't go anymore.

    1. I have a zumba instructor that I love and I feel the same way. The class is fun, I get a great workout but about halfway through I think I might die and wonder, "why did I want to do this again?" Haha! In the end, I never die but I feel it the next day!

    2. It's always funny when you block the "bad" parts of the workout because other parts of it are so good. When you're halfway, you start questioning your sanity but when it's over you're SO relieved!

  3. Well the fact that it kicked both your booties, seems to say that it also did some real good--burning tons of calories--so GO Mr. & Mrs. You both ROCK!!!

  4. I have these old "The Firm" tapes from the 80s/90s. It's a GREAT workout series, one I highly recommend if people can find them on Amazon. I haven't tried the new DVDs because I love the old instructors and I have a lot of the routines memorized. (I've been doing these on and off since high school.)

    Anyway, I always think about how awesome and fun they are, and then I put one on and want to die about halfway through. Most of the workout DVDs I have are 30-40 minutes of pure cardio, but these workouts are a full hour of cardio + weights + core exercises with absolutely no "water breaks". I was in the best shape of my life when I did them religiously, so I need to man up and stop crying about them.

  5. Lately? All of them! I am just that pathetic. :P

  6. Anything that has to do with core work. It's VERY difficult for me to be on my knees for some of the exercises the left one because it just sucks, and the right one from the car accident last year. So they hurt on top of shaking like a Charlie Brown tree on a windy day working my non-existent abs!! =o)


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