
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rainbows, inconvenient births and BLAMwiches

Thanks so much to everyone for your great responses over the past few blogs.  I'm sorry I'm not all blowing rainbows up your butt and everything like a real weight loss/fitness blogger should.   (I seriously read something that said if you're a fitness blogger you should be "sunshine and rainbows" all the time...yes, let's perpetuate a lie.  *rolling eyes*).  I feel like it's important for you all to know the truth behind this weight loss stuff.  Some of it is great, some of it sucks.

I did a great hybrid rower workout the Mr found yesterday and then I boogied my hiney off after the balance board for a total of 1010 calories burned.  I worked out early because I had a gynie appointment yesterday. All I can say is thank God I decided to do one last minute pee break before we left because as I was finishing up my bidness, the doctor's office called.  Some lady just HAD to have her baby...the nerve.  ;-)  They said I could come in and wait but I wait long enough when she's in the office so I wasn't going to wait around for an infant to shoot outta da can.  Thankfully they had a cancellation for Friday (she books a year ahead...she's that good) so I get to wait until then.  The Mr teleworked since he took the afternoon off to take me and he'll go with me Friday.  We're supposed to have a good weather day then so maybe we'll take our workout outside that day or something.

Remember the other day when I was talking about the economist who said airlines should be charging by the pound?  Well Samoa Air has jumped on that.  Read the full article here.  Honestly, I thought little puddle jumper airlines in far off destinations already did that, hence the reason we haven't made it to Tahiti yet.  But let's hope this stays small potatoes or there will be a chunky revolution, yo.

Anyone else think the judges on The Voice are missing some good artists and picking crappy ones??  Am I the only one that licks my TV when Adam Levine comes on?  Of course Blake is kinda cute too.  BLAMwich anyone?  I need to stop.

How's your week coming along?  What are you catching up with on your DVR?  Ever had your annual appointment pushed back by a new life pushing out?

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  1. I thought you were all rainbows and sunshine! Just kidding. Who wants that kind of fluffy crap? The weight loss journey is about the good, the bad and the ugly and if you're telling the truth, which you do, then all of that will come through in your blog. People who only wish to spread the rainbows and sunshine are doing a disservice to their readers in the long run because when they hit reality they won't know what to do.

    1. HA! You KNOW that ain't true sir! I mean I like to read about generally happy people but it really does feel more like they're "presenting" a life instead of truly "sharing" theirs. If most of the happy go lucky bloggers are truly like that, I have to believe it's chemically induced! :D

  2. I think it's funny that there was a link in one of the comments in the article to another article about a New Zealand airline that did this as an April Fools Day prank a while back. Apparently some people see a stupid joke and decide "hey, that's a good idea".

    1. LOL, so true! I know, I looked to make sure I wasn't spreading an April Fools joke but sadly, it's real. *rolling eyes*

  3. I completely agree, life is not always sunshine and rainbows. Especially when you’re on a journey to lose weight. I read some other health blogs that are great for motivation on days I don’t feel like moving but they’re not real. I don’t feel like I’m really getting to know the person behind the blog.

    It’s refreshing to get a glimpse in someone else’s life and to see they have days they don’t give a crap either, but then they pick themselves up the next day and carry on. That’s real life and I can appreciate that.

    You’re awesome and I love your blog. Keep rockin!

    P.S. I could def go for a BLAMwich right now!

    1. I couldn't agree more. When you don't share the downs or the hard times, you're presenting a fallacy that other people will feel they can't live up to. Not cool IMHO. Thanks so much for the kind words and who couldn't go for a BLAMwich? :)

  4. yeah who says life is sunshine and rainbows and u need to tell people that people who lose weight struggle and its not always like..woah hey this was so much fun..and i didnt work hard for it at all..

    love me some adam levine...slurp...heeh

    1. Word up! I mean I'm more than happy to share the awesome times but gotta share the poo too! :)

      He's tres dreamy, no?

  5. We keep reading because you are real, not all sunshine and rainbows. By the way, you only get a rainbow when it's raining somewhere.

    BLAMwich looks good, but let Shakira try it first--she and I are the same height, 5'3", and I want to see how silly it looks before I try it. ;-)

    1. I say that all the time, "no rain, no rainbows!" It's practically the Hawaii state motto.

      Height can be adjusted for...dive in. You only live once! HA!

  6. Definitely not all rainbows and sunshine... definitely not... I'll take a piece of that BLAMwich, thank you very much!!!

  7. I'm feeling pretty rainbows today, but it isn't every day that's for sure. I do wonder at some of the choices and Shakira does not have great taste sometimes (lol) but I would totally do a blamwich! And you could throw Usher in there somehow dang he's a cutie. Adam is hot but I am a Blake girl (though I do not listen to country music) but still...I want to just crawl up the front of him and settle in for a while. Girl crush.

    1. Glad to hear you're having a rainbow day! Yeah, Shakira has eclectic taste. There was one the other night where Blake and Adam basically dared each other to push the button and I didn't like that b/c the person wasn't very good. I like the good boy/bad boy pieces of bread on that blamwich. Rawr!

  8. I appreciate that you keep it real, because let's face it, it isn't always sunshine and rainbows. If people want that, go buy a box of Lucky Charms. Knowing that I'm not the only one with bad days keeps things in perspective for me.
    On the DVR, I'm catching up on Monday Mornings. I wasn't sure after the first two shows, but now I'm hooked. I fell a little behind, so I have two episodes left to catch up on. Ok - best for last.... Adam Levine. (insert drool bucket) I will glady lend a "helping hand" for his next cancer ad. ;)

    1. ROFL! You crack me up! Lucky charms and helping hands...too funny! I'll have to see what I can find on Monday Mornings, I'm hopelessly out of the loop on some genres.

  9. No rainbows! I was actually really excited to find your blog last year because it wasn't full of the, "OMG it was totes easy to lose 100 pounds in nine months," crap I see in a lot of other blogs and forums. That kind of stuff made me want to punch a wall. Then I found yours, and I thought, "Hey. It takes a while, and sometimes it sucks, but the weight will come off."

    I've had my own slow/stall periods, and I still want to punch a wall sometimes, but at least I know I'm not the only one. If you get all 100% all rainbow all the time on me, we may have to schedule an intervention. Your feisty-ness is what keeps me reading. :)

    1. Yeah, some of the stuff I read makes me want to punch a wall as well. Bleh!

      I totally give you permission to stage an intervention if I become a Pollyanna with a rainbow shooting out of orifices!

  10. If you EVER start sugarcoating this journey, I swear I will be the first one to virtually slap yo' face for it. The reality is that this SUCKS's not easy by any means. And to think that it comes easy for others is just rude. I wish more fitness/health bloggers would be realistic about it. So yeah - there's my $.02! Don't EVER change what you are doing on here.*steps off soapbox*

    I've been watching Vikings on History Channel and have The Following (although it's starting to frustrate me something fierce) and the Season 3 premiere of Game of Thrones waiting for me on the DVR. I'll get around to it someday...LOL

    1. I'll fly you out to personally slap me! :)

      Oh crap, I totally forgot about The Following. We were watching it then they didn't upload a show one week and we forgot about it. We'll have to do a little marathon one night to catch up!

  11. Oh - and Adam Levine...*swoon*!!! The best thing that guy ever did was get all those tattoos because even though I wouldn't want my own man covered in tats, he works those things something fierce! He was way too "vanilla" before. HA!

    1. Eh, I'm not a tattoo girl so those are about the only thing about him that turns me off. But I'd be willing to overlook it. Isn't that nice of me? HA!

  12. Personally I think getting rainbows blown up my butt would be a bit painful, so I'm glad you refrain. And I think you do a pretty good job of being honest without whining and wallowing in the blahs. That's a lesson many should learn.

    I'm all about Adam. Never thought a high-voiced tattooed skinny guy could make me feel this way. I'm just glad I'll probably never meet him because I'd be tempted to behave in a way that would result in the end of a truly wonderful marriage. Some days the only way I can get myself to behave is by picturing myself in a national tabloid, being arrested for an inappropriate response to seeing the man, and asking myself: do I really want to be the FAT old crazy chick in the tabloid or would it be worth putting down the snack and going for a walk so I'm just plain crazy?

    1. You're right...painful stuff. Youch!

      Girl me either but I think watching him on the show has made him more attractive because of how funny he is and he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. Plus despite his tragic end on American Horror Story, the scenes he did have with Channing Tatum's wife were H-O-T!

  13. Good thing I never read that quote. I'm quite the Pollyana, but not every minute of every day. In fact, I'm feeling downright grumpy just from knowing someone wrote that. Guess I'd better not write a post today. :)

    1. No girl, even though you're happy go lucky, you keep it real!

  14. I can't stand reading blogs where the person always seems like everything in their life is perfect all the time. That's not real. It's one of the reasons people think they can't lose weight. Some people forget to mention how hard it can be, and when people struggle, they feel like they are weak, can't do it, and give up. I am obsessed with Adam Levine. I would give my right arm for a night with him. JK, but I do think he's SO hot. :D I can't believe that airline is doing that. That just seems so wrong.

    1. Me either! It feels very fakey to me and makes me wonder if they're not making some of it up.

      Adam is quite the hottie. Total "free pass" material.

      Yeah, that airline is...I'm tempted to write cray cray but then I'd have to smack myself.

  15. No one is Sunshine and Rainbows all the time unless we're in the looney bin. I agree, it just isn't reality. Love the BLAMwich! I've been lucky in that I found a gynecologist who IS NOT an obstetrician! There won't be any babies birthing in my doctor's office.

    1. Indeed!

      I need one of those gynies! I've gone to her for 18 years and that's never happened before. I guess a first for everything. I think once she retires (which I hope is NEVER) I will look for a gynie minus the OB!


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