
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Non scale victories

Gotta celebrate those as they come, right?

NSV #1:  The Mr informed me there was a lone Nerd Rope on the community table.  Nerd Ropes are one of our favorites.  I said "too bad it's not in any other month."  We totally could've split that bad boy and been completely within our calories for the day but he/we said no.  That's a big deal for us.

NSV #2:  We did a Total Trainer/Free Weight hybrid workout last night and I remember feeling like it was going by kind of fast and not in a good way, like we were rushing it.  I don't think we were because we were about in the same spot as the first time we did it on our playlist.  But instead of stopping when we got through the circuit (I was at 350 cals burned, which for me isn't acceptable) we did half the circuit again until we felt fully fatigued.  We could've easily said "we did the workout we said we were going to do" and be done but we pushed ourselves.

NSV #3:  I did batch cooking to ensure not having high cal days this month will taste amazing!

Do you have any NSV's to share?  Let's hear 'em!

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  1. I can't believe nobody else wanted that nerd rope but I am so glad we didn't end up with it. Work after Easter is a dangerous place for someone trying to avoid junk like that but it is not going to trip us up!

    And wow! That workout last night was awesome. I mean, I feel like I got my butt kicked but in a good way.

    Lastly, cooking up the meals ahead and having them all planned out for the weekend is going to make a huge difference for us. You rock!

    1. I know and I can't believe it's still there today! Hopefully between now and Monday it'll be consumed! My forearms are NOT happy with me. I will we had 22 lb weights b/c the jump from 20 to 25 is murder on my arms.

      I think so too. Plus you'll just have to help me heat stuff up instead of going gonzo in the kitchen trying to give me time off. (Which I appreciate but I do love cooking. Just make sure you do dishes, which I do not love, and we'll be good)

  2. Batch cooking is awesome! I plan to do some this weekend (chicken minestrone from skinnytaste - I add in the chicken for protein or turkey quinoa chili... can't do both, I don't have enough pyrex.... or do I??)

    What are you making??

    1. I think you do! ;)

      I made some cilantro chicken won ton soup, chipotle refried beans for our mexican feast Saturday night and another dish I can't say because someone reads the blog and I want it to be a surprise. HA! It'll be featured next week in the Food Journal Friday so stay tuned!

  3. NSV's are the best! I batch cook every Sunday for the week, it saves a LOT of time.

    1. Yes they are! I need to batch cook more often especially since I'm home to do it.

  4. I need to try batch cooking. I've done a little here and there, but never really with purpose in mind. I have a tough time with meal planning to because how do I know on Sunday what I will want for supper Thursday? I need to do better on both.

    Good for you leaving the Nerd rope alone. The day after Easter someone brought in some leftover baked treats that looked really yummy, but I passed on them. Score one for me.

    1. I don't cook with specific meals in mind, more of a general thing like crockpot chicken portioned off, rump roast, refried or whole cooked beans for chili, salads or when the urge for Mexican strikes.

  5. I try batch cooking but easier to plan it day by day sometimes...

    i had to google nerd rope..glad u didnt take it

    and way to go on the workout..
    I dont have any NSVs..been sucking at this whole thing..:(

    1. I usually do day by day even though I usually know what I'm going to have a few days in advance. I really hate cutting brussels sprouts, it'd be nice if those cut themselves.

      Yeah for someone who doesn't know what Nerds Rope is, it probably sounds grotesque! LOL

      Make your goal to have an NSV tomorrow!

  6. Nice job on the workout.
    I can attribute your blog to helping me get back 'on track' with weight loss/exercise.
    One goal I have for this week is always knowing what I am having for lunch - means batch prep.

    1. Thanks and you're welcome, you're too kind!

      It's always so nice to have meals planned. For me, I'm not allowed to eat for the day until my meals are planned so it takes the thinking out of it for me. I've taken to planning out every meal for the week on Sunday nights.

  7. I managed to keep my hands out of my boyfriend's potato chip bag, even though he was eating them next to me and they smelled and sounded so good. I love a good, salty, crunchy potato chip!

    1. Rock it sister! There's nothing more tempting than than when you're a 'salty' girl!

  8. Great NSV! Well done on the workout. I'm doing bad this past 2 weeks, so I got nothing to share. Looking forward to a better April. Thanks for sharing your success.


    1. Thanks! Make it your goal to have a NSV over the next few days, follow through on it and voila! Success!

  9. Wow, awesome NSVs! Maybe you can increase your weights for that workout now and Hulk Out? :)

    1. Girl, I already increased and my forearms and left thumb sprain from 2 years ago do not appreciate 25 lb hammer curls. Oy. Trust me, if you stripped to lard off of my arms, there is pure walnut crackin' muscle under there!

    2. Then I think doing it 1.5 times is a great idea. I didn't realize your weights were already that heavy. HULK SMASH.

  10. Oh, I love these. So much more is going on other than on the scale. I've been getting in at least 5 servings of veggies a day. I'm still working on it but its getting easier. I'm also trying to do a minimum of 10 mins of activity a day to get started. Sometimes I miss days but I'm working at it!

    Another thing I'm trying to do is eat more 'healthy' fats by adding more fish. I'd love to hear how you'e incorporated more fish into your diet and how you prepare it. Way to go!

    1. Good on ya! Keep up the great work and improve where you can. It'll all become habit before you know it!

      An easy way to add fish is adding salmon or mahi mahi burgers. They can be a quick, kind of low maintenance food to add in. You can use light buns, lettuce as "bread" or low carb tortillas if you want to make a wrap. Buy value sized bags of fish in the frozen section like salmon, grouper, etc. You can add lots of great no salt seasonings, like pretty much anything from Mrs Dash. Fish tacos is a regular staple in our diets (tomorrow!) Hope that helps!

    2. It does thanks. I've thought about getting the salmon burgers but I've never seen the mahi mahi ones! I've tried fish tacos and failed but I will try again. Thanks!

    3. I get my mahi burgers at TJ's (shocker) but they aren't available all the time. I thought I saw them somewhere else too but can't remember where.

      As far as the fish tacos, I grill the mahi with Mrs Dash on it. Then I use 1 tbsp of Kraft Chipotle Mayo to coat it.

  11. Way to go!

    I went to the grocery store tonight and did not buy ice cream. And I really wanted it!

    1. Rock on Debbie!! Ice cream can be tough to pass up but you beat it like a champ!

  12. Nerd Rope--ha! That is so wonderfully random. :) Having meals ready in advance is SUCH a nice thing. The last time I cooked a week's worth of food in advance felt like a vacation.

    1. Yeah, wonderfully random, that's us! :) Yes, I'm looking forward to the mini vacation since no restaurants allowed this month.

  13. My non-scale victory this week is having a conversation with one of my bosses that was VERY direct and honest and I was able to say everything I needed to say in a calm and clear manner and I walked away feeling better than I have in a long time.

    1. Good for you girl! I know how hard that can be and it sounds like you handled yourself like a pro!

  14. Awesome NSVs!! I really need to practice this batch cooking idea. I know it would make my life so much easier, I just need to research a little and get started! I love you blog!!


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