
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Food Review: Nutella vs. Jif Chocolate Hazelnut

If you've followed me for any length of time, you know I'm a Nutella freak.  I know, I know, not everyone is and that's fine...more for us.  :-)

The Mr wanted to try the Jif Hazelnut Chocolate to see how it stacked up.  Now I've been burned before by trying to get something similar like Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut spread (ugh, NOT a fan) and even my beloved Trader Joe's struck out big time with their chocolate almond spread.  *shudder*  The Mr finished it off but we should've taken it back.

So you can imagine I was less than optimistic to try Jif's version but thought if any company could, it would be them.  Yesterday was the day to bust it out since I was out of my Nutella.  The first thing I noticed was the texture was much different; thinner.  I know Nutella is thin when you first get it and you have to stir it but this was thin in a different way.  The taste was okay.  You definitely couldn't pull one over on me and give me a tablespoon of Jif and say "it's Nutella" because it doesn't taste anything like it to me.  Nutella has a smoother, sweeter taste to me that I prefer.  If I didn't know what Nutella tasted like and tried the Jif, I'd probably like it a lot.  It's a preference thing but I would say of all of the non-Nutella chocolate nut spreads out there, this is the best.

I also wish that I'd looked at the nutritional info before I bought it because it's 230 calories for 2 tbsp compared to 200 calories with Nutella.  I only use 1 tbsp so it's only 15 calories so I know it's not a huge difference but when you're counting calories, every one counts.

Would I recommend it?  Sure.  Just because I don't like something doesn't mean other people wouldn't and who knows for you Nutella haters, this may taste just different enough for you to like it.  Would I buy it again?  Nope.  I'll be refueling my Nutella vat when this jar of Jif is done.

Do you have a favorite chocolate nut spread?  Have you tried a product that has similar ingredients to your favorite food and been pleasantly surprised or disappointed?

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  1. Just had it in my oatmeal. It does mix better since it's so much thinner but I imagine that makes it hard to put on a banana without a mess. At least it tastes good enough to finish off the jar but definitely more of a Nutella fan myself.

    1. Yeah, I don't have it down to go on any morning nanas. LOL It was a nice effort but I do wish it didn't have so much sugar in it.

  2. I'm not a fan of the chocolate nut spread. I've had Nutella and I don't dislike it, but I don't like it enough to make it part of my regular shopping list. It's more of a special purpose kind of purchase for me.

    I found some powdered peanut butter a few weeks back and even though I haven't added water to it per package directions, I have found out that I actually prefer that to regular peanut butter in my oatmeal. It's 25 calories for the TBSP I use vs. 90ish for regular and the powdered stuff blends better so the whole bowl tastes like peanut butter instead of pockets of flavor and pockets of none. When I run out though I'm in trouble because no-one local carries it and it's so not worth paying the shipping to order online.

    1. I've got PB2 that I use to dip my apples now. I don't do the chocolate PB2 because that stuff tastes like butt. (I assume) It's especially nice to use in frozen banana soft serve push pops. YUM!

    2. I think the chocolate PB2 tastes like butt, too! The regular is ok.

  3. Nutella is like a drug to me, I cannot stop eating it- so it stays out of the house. I like the chunky kind best and oh is better than the other brands, most of which I've had. I will just admire it from afar for now...

    1. It can definitely be addictive. The Mr has a wee bit of a problem with it so I don't know if we're going to be able to get it any time soon. I'll have to sneak it since I can put 1/2 to 1 tbsp in whatever I want it for and be good. HA!

  4. I'm not a fan of hazelnut flavor in general, including the nuts themselves, so I wouldn't try any of these. But I think it's cool that you make the effort to review with very descriptive phrases, so that people who would try them can make a purchase decision based on your review.

    1. I'm not a hazelnut fan either and I think of all of the hazelnut spreads, I think Nutella tastes the least like hazelnuts! LOL I try to be descriptive if I can but sometimes its so hard to describe, especially something not everyone knows the flavor of.

  5. Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut is actually my favorite of the bunch, excluding Nutella. As amazing as Nutella is, I try to steer clear of anything that has that much sugar. Because if it's in my house, my daughter will find it & devour it.

    1. Yeah, I really wish they had a lower sugar version of it but I suspect it wouldn't taste the same. I try to only use it once or twice a week so it's not an everyday thing.

  6. I couldn't agree more! I don't think anything comes even close to being as good as Nutella!

  7. I definitely prefer Nutella. Have you seen the meme of the jars, and Nutella says to the other jar, "Nice try, bitch." LOL

    1. No, I haven't seen that! That is hilarious because it's so TRUE!! ROFL

  8. We make our own version with cashews and semi-sweet chocolate chips, so that's my absolute favorite. Makes for a lower calorie spread (about 70 calories per tablespoon) and fewer additives. One cup cashews, one cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, one quarter cup extra light olive oil; blend to desired consistency. More oil makes for a thinner, more liquid blend that may require refrigeration (and higher calories); less oil makes for a firmer blend that may need to be warmed to be spreadable. Yum; wish I had some handy now, LOL!

    1. Ooh, I might just have to give that a go. I bet the Mr would want a dark chocolate version and I bet has less sugar! Do you know how long it would keep? Does it need to be refrigerated?

  9. I love Justins Chocolate Almond.

    I tried the PB2 chocolate peanut butter and it was HORRIBLE. I'll give it another try (since there's still some in the packet) but PB2 was horrible.

    1. That PB2 chocolate is powdered ass. I want to love it, I really do but ugh, not a fan at all. (Gee, I guess there goes any chance of a profitable partnership with them! Oops! But I TOTALLY love regular PB2, does that count?)

  10. I don't like the Jif Hazelnut (wow, I typed Jazelnut first, lol) either, but LOVE Nutella, especially on strawberries even though I hate choc. dipped strawberries. I'm contradictory, I know! :D Anyway, the Jif Cappuccino crap is barftastic, too.

  11. I am assuming it's cheaper than Nutella? I never heard of Nutella until I married my husband who is Italian. When my daughter lived at home, she could easily go through a jar of it a week!

  12. I noticed that at the grocery store and was curious--I guess everyone is trying to get on the Nutella bandwagon, huh?

  13. Nutella...I mean, is there really anything else?!? ;-)

  14. I know I'm a freak because I think I'm the only person who does not really like Nutella at all. I've tried it with apples and did not care for it. I'm weird, I know!!!!! =o)

  15. I've been curious about the JIF spread for a while, but always figured it would be just like Nutella (which I can't even keep in my house, because I will eat the entire jar in one sitting). I love ALL the chocolate nut butters (Justin's=yum!)


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