Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Snappy Comeback

Last night was Power 90 Original and Turbo Fire Sculpt 30 for our workout.  I got through Power 90 with no issues then it was on to Turbo Fire.  I've done this workout 100 times.  It's done with resistance bands and the one I use is the 2nd highest resistance wise while the Mr uses "the Sniper."  (Yes, it's as evil and deadly as it sounds!)

Right as I'm ready to go into the bowlers lunge... band snaps against the side of my calf at full force!!

I stood there for a second, stunned, I wanted to carry on and gonad up but the pain was excruciating.  I looked at the Mr who kept asking if I was okay and I said "I'm trying not to be a wuss about this but it hurts" and then I burst into tears and had to sit down.  The Mr grabbed my cold water bottle sweating with condensation and put it to my leg.  The pain was pretty bad for a few minutes but I soldiered on.  The very act of one leg brushing against the other made me wince and even my fat moving in that area was like "holy hell man!"  You can imagine sleeping was fun.  Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long to happen.

Have you ever injured yourself in a weird way while exercising?

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  1. I felt so bad for you but all I could do was try to comfort you. I can only imagine how bad that hurt. Any better today?

    1. I appreciate it. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did last night, that's for sure. Just if I push on it. Thankfully my lard can freely swing about without forcing me into a limp!

  2. Ouch.

    I also sometimes feel like a Trader Joe's obsessed cook but hey, if I can just create something delicious after they've done part of the work, why not, right? :)

  3. I sprained my ankle while walking once. Not weird, I know. The weird part is I never could figure out how I did it. I didn't fall, or roll my ankle, or step off a curb funny, or anything else I can think of. I walked and was fine, then later in the day I could barely put any weight on my ankle and the doc said it was a severe sprain.

    1. That is strange! There's nothing worse than injuring yourself and not knowing how you did it so you can swear you'll never do X again.

  4. Youch!! That'll leave a mark. It'll make you gun shy to use bands again, huh? Hope you heal quickly.

    1. I thought so too especially after it was welting up last night but it's just sore to the touch. Of course tomorrow I could end up looking totally scary!

  5. Oh man. You're going to have a nasty bruise. :( The Mr. was smart to grab the cold water bottle. Poor calf.

    I sprained my wrist playing softball in high school. I swung the bat kind of weird, and when it connected, my wrist jerked the wrong way. I felt pain but figured it was just because my hands were freezing (it was 45 degrees that day) and it always hurts to hit the ball in cold weather. Later, when the pain didn't go away, my mom took me to the doctor, who told me it was sprained. Oops. :)

    1. Yes he was! I wouldn't have even thought of that!

      Ouch, that doesn't sound good! Sprains suck because you never really get rid of them. I sprained my thumb last year from over-extending it with my CARRY ON in the airport! It took 4 months to heal properly then one bad strength session re-injured me in July. I'm FINALLY in decent shape from it. Yeesh!

  6. Oh that sounds painful! I haven't injured myself yet during exercise (other than silly things like not stretching properly afterewards!).

    The other night I stubbed my toes (more like stubbed my whole FOOT!) and it ached so badly yesterday that I put off doing my running! haha!

    1. Brace up sistah, it's bound to happen and it happens to the best of us! ;)

      Ouch on the foot, I hope you're feeling better soon!

  7. Okay, that was not what I was expecting knowing that you ARE the Queen of Snappy Comebacks! But OUCH!!! What a sad way to get hurt! (but thank you for sharing your pain...)

  8. Yep. I have a muscle spasm in my neck right now because of an exercise I did. I saw Jillian Michaels do dumbbell flyes while lying on the floor in the bridge position. Well I did it and was fine until the next day. Now, four weeks plus, I have this pain that won't let me sleep, has caused a stiff neck, etc. Meanwhile, nothing but walking. But I did walk 60 miles last month and I am maintaining thank God.

    Sorry you got hurt, glad it wasn't an eye or something. Praying you feel so comfort soon.

    1. I did the SAME THING in her workout! I injured myself and for 4 weeks was almost out of commission. So that got her booted out of our rotation. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  9. OMG, I cannot imagine that pain, ugh! If you don't have one hell of a bruise, I'll be shocked. I hope you're feeling better.

    1. Prepare to be shocked girl, no bruise! I couldn't believe it especially given the horrific pain!

  10. Ouch! I hope it's better today! (Ice, ice, baby!)

    I fell off a stability ball once, while trying to do a push-up. That smarted, but I was laughing so hard I kind of forgot about it.

    I also injured myself playing pickleball for the first (and last) time. I still feel that one a year later.

    1. Yes, thankfully! At one point I had a bag of frozen corn on my leg while waiting for chicken to cook. LOL

      Oh man, that stinks about the stability ball but good thing you could laugh at yourself over it. ;) Now I must Google pickleball!

  11. I'm sorry! I don't even like tiny little rubberbands snapping against me, so I can't imagine how much that hurt. I'd be crying too!

  12. That has totally happened to me!! The snapping band is the worst. Terrifying sound AND pain. It's happened to me twice...yet I still keep using them...hmm.

    1. I knew someone out there had to have done it too! Stinks, doesn't it! I just wish I'd been using a lower resistance if it HAD to happen.

  13. You know what I love about this? That your Mr. is so supportive of you. I see him here commenting and talking you up - he was your first comment. I don't have a lot of experience with that and it sure is refreshing. Makes me happy.

    Also, sorry about your leg. Ow.

    1. Aww, thanks so much. Yeah he's a keeper for sure! Any time I mention doing a project (like the one I posted today) he's like "that'll make a good blog post!" Cute.

  14. I had a hole on the inside of my workout shorts, and I ran with them like that. My thighs rubbed together while running, and I rubbed myself raw. Very uncomfortable for a few days while walking.

    1. OUCH!!! There's nothing worse than being raw in the thighs. Makes me want to powder myself!

  15. I was expecting a snappy comeback too! That sounds so painful. Hope it heals quickly.

    1. It's pretty much healed thankfully but you can bet I'll be more careful next time!

  16. Egads!! I hope you are ok and can be on the mend soon. Those types of things linger though. I bet even the sheets on the bed hurt your leg with the slightest brushing. The worst one I've had so far is using my resistance band with the attachment that lets you hook it to a door when closed so you can do different exercises with it from the top (basically a very hard ball in a sleeve that you close the door on). Well I was *testing* the resistance while stepping on it and the band snapped off my foot and shot a straight line right into my forehead with the ball. It literally knocked me off my feet. I had an egg on my forhead the size of the dang ball thingy that hit me! I felt stupid, but even more so, I felt pain! LOL!

    1. Yes, it did the first night but thankfully I'm a-okay today! OMG, thank God I wasn't drinking something when I read about your experience or there would've been a John Ritter spit take! You poor thing! That sounds straight out of Looney Tunes!

  17. OUCH! I winced when I read this. I hope your leg is okay, and you have just confirmed why I am scared to buy one of these. Only in my terrified version, it snaps right in my face and I lose an eye or something.

    1. LOL, yes it's much better today. I wouldn't steer people away from getting them, I've been using them for 4 years and this is the first incident so the odds are in your favor. I'm just thankful by the time it rose to my lady parts my CALF took the sting. Could you imagine if it hadn't? YOUCH!

    2. "I'm just thankful by the time it rose to my lady parts my CALF took the sting."

      iDied! Lol. Okay umm I thinking my lady parts just zippered itself up and retreated inward thinking about that. Youch indeed!

  18. Ooh, just thinking about that made me cringe. I bet that hurt like a bitch!

    Jerry got that "perfect pull-up" bar thing that hangs in a doorway. You can guess where this is going... He pulled himself up and then crashed to the floor, landing right on his tailbone. My only regret was not getting it on film ;) He had a NASTY bruise for a while though!

    1. It absolutely did! How I got away with no bruise is beyond me! Oh man, I laughed at Jerry's misfortune but winced because it confirmed why I won't buy one. I assume if I tried it, I'd rip the whole frame out and snap my spine on the way down.

  19. OH MY GOSH!!!! I'm so sorry! Hope you're feeling better now!

  20. I once almost faceplanted during a yoga post. I'm sure you think I mean a balancing or standing pose. Nope, I was on my hands and knees not doing anything. It was the end of a yoga conference was I was going on hour 5 of yoga and my balance just gave out for a minute. It's the ONLY time I've ever almost fallen without any control in yoga. Thankfully the rest of the class was restorative poses so there was no way I could fall in them because I was already laying down. :)


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