Saturday, November 17, 2012

No Snappy Title - Weigh In

Down two of the four I shouldn't have gained last week.  Can you tell I'm "thrilled?"

That's about all I've gotta say about that.

Off to clean the rest of the house.  It looks like Christmas threw up in here not by choice but necessity.  The tree isn't up but the accessory type stuff is just because I don't know if I'm going to have enough mental capacity to do it next weekend.  I don't usually put stuff up until Black Friday but I'm glad it's done.  I don't have it in me to tear the house apart again just to decorate.  For the first time I'm kind of looking at my Christmas stuff like there is no continuity.  It's a hodge podge of stuff I've bought since we were po' kids just married (aka- my mom worked for a company that manufactured Christmas stuff and I got deeeeep discounts and now I'm seeing that stuff pop up in antique stores!  :-O )   It's not like there's a particularly style I'd go for but I'll just say some of the stuff looks dated and it might be some items last Christmas.  Most stuff I'm really attached to and some others are like "I'm over it."  You know me, I'm uber sentimental so it's going to be hard but it's gotta be done.  Actually as I'm looking at this one ratty looking snow family, they may not see this Christmas so they might be going off to the donation center today for another family to enjoy this season.

Okay, I'm done babbling.

Have a good one y'all.

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  1. Down is better than up I suppose. I know it's hard to weed out sentimental "stuff", but you're right that it has to be done. Otherwise we'd all end up on episodes of Hoarders. I'm sure another family will take great care of your snowman family.

  2. I'm a total Christmas fanatic and generally get sentimental about ANYTHING I've purchased or been given unless it is so hideous I never liked it to start with. I have, on occasion, decided it was time for an item to move to a new home and then next year when I'm getting the stuff out wonder "what happened to..." and then realize with deep regret I got rid of it. So, what I do now is put stuff I'm not feeling particularly attached to in a "special" box and then, when the next Christmas rolls around I put everything I LOVE up and then if I'm missing something I look for it in the "special" box. If it comes out of the box it receives a reprieve, if it stays in the box it goes bye-bye. :) I'm sure though that there is a family that will adopt and put to good use the snowman family :). Yay for two pounds!! It's impressive considering the amount of injury you've been dealing with. Hope this week rocks in every way shape and form!! :)

  3. If you're like me, even though you might not put out some of those older Christmas decorations, they just get left in the box and put back away, cause you can't bring yourself to "throw it away."

    I haven't started with Christmas decorating yet, although I did pick up a few new items at Shopko. I didn't need them, believe me, I don't need any more decorations. I started a Christmas board on Pinterest. My daughter-in-law told me that was "dangerous" for me. She's right!

  4. Congrats on the -2 I think I found them! After Christmas I packed up a box and marked "did not use". So when I get everything out I will do one more gut check and make a decision. Today I am cleaning out my spare bedroom closet preparing for my Mom moving in. I am struggling with getting rid of my 19 year old's handwriting notebooks LOL. Also, finally am giving up his pokeman costume that holds alot of memories(he was 5!) Took a picture, then sat down and recalled the memories of taking him trick or treating for Halloween years ago. Funny thing is, he has a penguin collection I have to deal with. I asked him if he wanted them and he said no. So I said I would get rid of them. Then he exclaimed "WHAT??!!!" So, they are going to crawlspace and I will revisit in a year. So many things are tied to my Rich and I have a difficult time with them. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. OMG, I can't wait until we can decorate for Christmas!!! Oh, how I love it so! Buuut, I always wait until after Thanksgiving to do it! I just don't want to give up my beloved pumpkins until the very last minute!

  6. I always wait until after Thanksgiving, too. I grew up in NY and for me decorating was always dictated by Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. It was almost magical as a child. Santa arrived with the parade and the next day everything was decorated. Macy's always put up a Santa's house where we could go visit. Back then, none of the stores decorated until then either. To this day, I can't bring myself to do anything Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving.

  7. I have so enjoyed reading through your blog... I've been trying to learn more about exercising and your post have really helped!

    I love Trader Joe's and visit them often. I just recently bought the fig butter to try your recipe. Looked so yummy!


    Kelly in Cali

  8. Yay for the loss! (I can be excited about it even if you're not, right?) I have to confess, we don't have many Christmas decorations. My mom went way overboard (we were known as "the Christmas house"... and also "the Halloween house") and I think this is how I rebelled. ;)


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