
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Total Trainer Home Gym Review

This is NOT a paid review.  I use this product all the time.  Affliate links below.

When we bought our Total Trainer DLX-III Home Gym I was 412 lbs.  The Mr was able to use it because he was under the 400 lb weight limit.  We bought 2 so that we could workout at the same time.  When I got down to about 405, I decided to give it a go and see if it could hold me.  I was able to do my first workout that included leg presses and that made me a happy girl.  That was a little over 18 months (and 95 lbs) ago and we're still going strong.  Upon first glance one might say it's just a Total Gym

I looked at a review someone did comparing the Total Gym to the Total Trainer and the Total Trainer got way better reviews and not only that, for the same weight limit, Total Gym was twice as much!  I don't think so, especially since we were buying 2 of them.  We do all kinds of great exercises for some sweet guns (kissing my bicep), strengthening our legs and working our backs and chest.  We are both thrilled with the amount of space it takes up...very little when folded.  It is solid for sure and I can't recommend it enough.

The other reason I had for writing this is my rollers have become a little pitted over time.  They claimed they had a lifetime roller, rope and pulley replacement policy.  Well, we just got the replacements for both machines completely free.  They didn't even charge for shipping.  That is awesome and I will always recommend them to anyone looking for a compact home gym.  Customer service is so rare these days and knowing they back up their equipment is proof enough for us that we made the best decision in getting the Total Trainer DLX-III Home Gym.
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  1. Great site. I especially enjoyed your comment on motivation in the about section. I completely agree. Motivation in the "hippy skippy" kind of way rarely hits me. But I've managed to get exercise most days, and my pregnancy pounds are slowly going away.

  2. That is SO going on my wish list!!

  3. Wow! This is SO going to be on my birthday list! I join the "halfway to 80 club" next month and all I could come up with was a wallet and a watch for gift ideas. My hubs just shakes his head. Now THIS I can gladly ask for since you gave it such great reviews (and I trust you implicitly). Thanks hot stuff! I'm off to go check out the link you included. Minimal space was a key thing to read. I'm so pysched (not to be confused with pyscho). =o)

  4. FF- Thanks! The motivation thing (at least for me) is all true. Never had it, doesn't matter, do it anyway! :) Congrats on the new baby and getting rid of the pregnancy weight!

    Missy- As it should baby!

    D1-This would be an AWESOME reward! Plus Amazon's price is slightly better than going the manufacturer site so if you have a wishlist already you can click through here and add it!

  5. Tell me lady (either here or at SP) what type of floor space does this take up? I am considering asking Santa for one for xmas, but not sure if we have the room.
    - Hugmonkeymom

  6. Mel- Let me check. Okay according to the website the Folded Footprint is 20"W x 14"D x 50"H. I have a hard time believing that's 14"D folded, I think it's smaller than that. It can easily go under a bed if you have room or up against a wall in your workout room and not take up much room at all.

  7. Has been on my wish list for awhile now...still want one of these so I can have 'guns' too! :)

  8. thanks for posting this, hubbie and I are talking about getting some home equipment. We want stuff we will actually use - the treadmill he had before we met has been given to his daughter & grandson (the boxer in training) as they will use it

    I refuse to get equipment to be clothes hangers


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