Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Post Holiday Hump Day Poll

It's all over and we've had time to take that all in. 

How was your holiday?  Do you have anything planned for tomorrow night?

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  1. We normally have a large family (overnight) gathering at our house for New Years holiday.

    I got ready for it last year and then other extended family cancelled it (last minute, I had already cooked and cleaned, beds ready) because of work/health issues, precovid.

    That was annoying and sad.

    However, this year, I am okay with no one extra coming. It is like last year softened the blow.

    We now have six of us here. My adult kids (after testing, quarantining, retesting) are all here. So that is plenty. Three are staying until at least spring. One may be going back to college in a few weeks.

  2. Having filets on the grill and playing board games at my bestie's house. She and my kids are the only ones in my bubble. So look forward to a change of scenery. I have been doing my errands 1 a day just to get out of the house. Yay. Going to mail some letters at the drive up today. Bet you guys have some fun planned!

  3. I have a mammogram scheduled at 7:30am and the hubs has to work, so I'll spend the day doing laundry and cleaning the house a bit. I have some sparkling grape juice a friend gave me that I might open. Neither one of us will make it to midnight, and an ice storm is predicted for New Year's Day, so we'll be holed up inside. If I'm smart, I'll make some soup!

  4. Dr. Who marathon, couch. Boy am I exciting.


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