Monday, December 7, 2020

My Favorite Christmas Cookies

Hopefully, y'all took my past tip of freezing your cookie doughs so that you can just let the dough chill on the counter for 15 minutes then bake as usual.  Whether you need a few recipes to add to what you already have or are ready to dive in and make them all over a few days in the next week or two, I've got ya covered with my favorites.

Here are the ones I never miss every year either for us or for my peeps who request my cookies as their presents:

Here are some cookies when you only want a few ingredients:

Or if you want to give 'em something to talk about:

Homemade Gifts to drop to friends and neighbors:

Christmas Crunch Muddy Buddies  (Make a double batch, this goes QUICK!)

I hope this gives you a few good ideas to try if you haven't already!

What cookies do you like to make this time of year for yourself or others?

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  1. Must haves for me are Chocolate chip/Chocolate chip M&M, Cut-Outs and Buckeyes. If I don't at least have some of those it just wouldn't be Christmas time for me. Add in gingerbread, snowballs and just about any other cookies and it's icing on the cake for me!

  2. Would you please note which ones (above) freeze well as dough and freeze well as baked cookies ?

    I would really appreciate it.

    1. I have frozen every single one on here except the ones under the homemade gifts at the end with complete success. The only cookie I've ever frozen that somewhat disappointed me was I did a brown butter chocolate chip cookie and when I baked it, you couldn't taste the brown buttery nuttiness anymore. (Still a good choc chip cookie though!) I pre-scoop most of mine now so I can just grab what I need. I definitely do that with ChocoRolo's and pre-stuff them with the rolos which is the most labor intensive part. Future me always thanks past me for that one! LOL

    2. Fluffernutter link not working

    3. All my (adult) kids will be here (for months) over the holidays/winter. We do a Charcuterie board on Sunday nights for dinner (Covid life weekly meal schedule) which helps a lot. I am going to work my way thru your cookie list, one batch each Sunday. So I really appreciate the time/effort of putting this all together.

      By prescoop, do you mean you mix, scoop, put in freezer on cookie sheet, then put frozen scoops in bag until you are ready to bake?


    4. You're very welcome! That sounds like a wonderful way to spend Sunday nights!

      Fixed! Thanks! (Also, I'd make that one fresh. I thought I froze that one before but the texture is delicate and it takes more time to measure the ingredients than do the dough.)

      I scoop and roll them into balls. Then I'll put them in 2 passes of plastic wrap then Press and Seal if I'm keeping them more long term (over 3 weeks) and into a freezer bag. I always write the oven temp and bake time on the outside of the dough for ID and convenience when I pull them out to bake.

    5. Sundays, I had not considered freezing. But when I read your notes, realized I can mix a batch, bake half, freeze half for another Sunday, everybody gets two.

    6. Coconut oil question -
      The kind in a jar/tub?
      Or bottle?
      What does “refined” mean (that was the cheapest/smallest)?

    7. I use the jar from Trader Joe's usually because that's the smallest I can usually find. I have used this one before too when they were out ( Refined means there is little to no coconut taste in the oil so it won't make it taste like Hawaiian Tropic.

      If you're asking because of the buckeye recipe, I actually do it old school and use a few shavings of paraffin wax like Grandma used to in the chocolate. :-O Hardens much better but everyone would be clutching their pearls if you suggested that these days so I went with the modern equivalent of coconut oil which does harden but not as well as old school alternatives so just have a napkin handy. ;-)

    8. Yes, Buckeyes
      Ordered the one you suggested from Amazon
      Thank you

      PS - you might want to add that link to buckeye recipe

      I also ordered a second scooper, and the vanilla you suggested, from Amazon. I ordered clear vanilla and regular. And the same company had lemon extract too, which I ordered. Thanks!

  3. All the cookies you make are fantastic! Love 'em all! Gingerbread is probably my favorite from when I was young. I also like the ones with the dried fruit in the middle (kinda plain but something appealing to them). I have vague memories of really liking the sugar cookies where you put the colored red and green sugar on them.

  4. I'm so glad to see this. I have some of the recipes printed from 12 days of Christmas a few years ago, but there are some new (to me) ones here that I'm going to have to try. The fluffer nutter and choco rolo are amazing and the eggnog are my favorite seasonal cookie now.


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