Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Drink Up: Holiday Hump Day Poll

Now that we're in the swing of things, it's time to cozy up at night for a holiday cuppa.   What do you reach for?

Hot Chocolate, Hot Mulled Cider, Eggnog or something else?  Do you keep it non-alcoholic or has it been a day and you need some liquid chill?

(I'm going for hot chocolate or spiced cider every time.)

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  1. Always love hot chocolate but this time of year I gotta have me some eggnog too and I have never liked the alcoholic kind. Just give it to me straight up!

  2. My grandmother made a cold green punch with lime sherbet, long ago. It also includes pineapple juice and sprite. I think she used it for parties. I remembered it a couple years ago and now make it for New Years (when I normally have a house full). I make it in a punch bowl, always, part of the charm.

    My biggest issue - lime sherbet is very hard to find.

  3. Hot Chocolate is a special treat and I usually spike it with some Bailey's Irish Cream or candy cane liqueur. But on regular days I'll reach for an apple cider flavored herbal tea. I love it but I don't actually like real apple cider or hot mulled cider.

  4. Well, when I'm not being lazy, I try to drink tea. I love hot chocolate and have all the stuff for it, but I have yet to enjoy a cup this year...literaly, a year! I've had to throw out more stale marshmallows than I care to admit. Every weekend I say I should make some hot chocolate, then I see a shiny piece of cellophane wrapper on the floor from a random dog biscuit and my mind is already off subject. Hence, I mostly drink water. ROFL

  5. I'm not much of a tea drinker, but I do like hot chocolate, cider and eggnog. I'm not much of a drinker, but once in a while I do like to add a little "kick" to whatever I'm drinking.

  6. Homemade hot chocolate, with chocolate pieces, and a shot (or two) of Peppermint Schnapps!


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