Monday, October 5, 2020

Weekend of Extremes

I don't even begin to comprehend how it's Monday again.  This weekend swirled down the toilet at warp speed.  Friday I got to my little unintended painting project on the wall behind the couch.  I got a beautiful landscape for Fall not even thinking the picture was a different size from the one that was hanging.

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I spackled and painted and I'm not moving the furniture back until some vintage sconces I ordered come in...I'm hoping this week.  All of the fingers and toes crossed.

Speaking of toes, I got some new sockies for my toes from my bestie along with some backordered candles she got me for my birthday.

Le sigh...hedgehogs are my spirit animals...cute yet prickly.

Saturday FLEW BY.  I couldn't even tell you what the hell we did other than gripe about how we have NO good restaurants anywhere near us.  Even our usual spot crapped the bed on our lunch so it was not great.  We went to Hobby Lobby in the evening just so we could do something.

I promise, you'll regret it.

I had some TJ's pumpkin cinnamon rolls on hand and since yesterday was National Cinnamon Roll day and we never celebrate those things, I popped 'em open.

Where Saturday was lazy and sucked down the drain, Sunday was a little more productive.  I have some side projects I'm working on and of course there are issues there but the Mr did a bunch of cutting for me so I had stuff at the ready.  I finally got some crap put away that has been looming.  I'm getting some canisters this week and I needed to get the cupboard they're going in arranged for good.  I'm sure the Mr will be happy to have the laundry basket back after like six months.

We did a butt kicking workout of Power 90 with the Ab Ripper (modified because ouch.)  Then dinner was turkey chili.

Then it was settling in for a night of My Two Dads on Plex and head bobbing.

How was your weekend?

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  1. Yeah that weekend flew by at warp speed. We can't be having that. Have a great week everyone!

  2. Way too fast - I vote we all get another day. My folks visited so that was nice, but the visit sped by. The hedgehog socks are super cute.

  3. I hope your sconces come in so you can put the ensemble together and enjoy your hard work! Weekend was good. Typical stuff between chores and work. This week is going to be in the 60s and 70s so it looks to be beautiful. We bought 4 little pumpkins to sit in front of the glider bench out front and with the little mum planters it looks pretty cute. Just nee to get the flowers more open and it'll really look like fall. Have a super duper week!

  4. It was fun! I made myself a sink cover for more space in my kitchen and I love it! Got my window frames primed and ready to paint.
    Have a great week!


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