Friday, April 10, 2020

What I'm Reading This Week #15

Good Friday to you all.  I hope you had a great week full of productivity, rest, and personal grooming because if you're like me you've gone full yeti and need to shave.  We've bounced back and forth between sunny days and rainy days so on sunny days it's been walking around the neighborhood and everyone has been awesome about staying away from each other but still giving a smile and hello.  The poor dogs.  They want you to pet them so badly but we're not risking it for us or their owners.  Of course, you'll see the occasional person pet them anyway and is then in someone's personal space and you have to shake your head.  We're not the social distancing police.

Let's shake into...

Do You Really Need to Walk 10,000 Steps a Day? Experts Say No  (Still don't reach that number but get pretty close on walk days.)

Why Is It So Hard to Get Work Done During Challenging Times?  (Number 2 for sure.)

It Took a Global Pandemic, But Generation X is Finally Getting Love  (Yeah, we're coping a lot better than some.)

I Couldn’t Sit Still While Meditating, So I Tried Walking Meditation Instead   (Sounds good to me.)

Don’t Let Your Marriage Become Another Coronavirus Casualty — Communication Strategies During Quarantine

7 Ways to Use the COVID-19 Crisis as a Personal Growth Opportunity  (Alrighty then.)

The surprising truth about introverts and stay-at-home orders  (Just because I typically stay home doesn't mean I'm coping well with not being given the choice.)

We guarantee this image will make you relax — in minutes   (I've used this for years if I can't get out of my head.)

Get in on this- you just need three items from your home and boredom

Quarantined Dad’s Endearing Video Shows What It’s Like Working From Home With a Toddler  (Homeboy gets big props from me because by the end of that day, I'd just be starting her therapy fund and she'd have to deal with the emotional fallout in 15-20 years.)

Podcasts From My Favorite "Old Guy with Knife"  (I know I'm late to the Marc Maron adoration society after seeing him on the first season of GLOW and he's definitely for those who like a healthy dose of "realism."  I've been spending my evenings winding down with his live streams from lockdown but if you're looking for a fun podcast to listen to while disinfecting, his are it.    He seems to make it into my final dreams right before it's time to wake up so I consider him my alarm clock now.)

If you're not following comic strip Cathy on IG, you're missing out  (She is making lockdown bearable and relatable!  I particularly love yesterday's flattering the curve one.  SO TRUE.  Ack!)

It's Easter weekend and honestly, we're spending it the way we kind of wanted to anyway.  My family decided in January they wanted to go to this super crappy restaurant the day before Easter for our "celebration."  While a pandemic isn't quite what I was hoping for to get us out of it, I'm still glad we didn't have to endure that nasty place.  I already have the good ham slices frozen and they thaw fine for sandwiches.  So the Mr and I will have our own Easter like we were going to anyway.  We've got a grocery pickup tonight at a different location hoping that we will have better luck there for a few things for our holiday.  Our Easter baskets will double as comfort candy.

How are you spending your weekend/celebrating Easter?

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  1. As a Gen-X'er myself I liked that article a lot. It really is like we were built for this kind of situation. Speaking of this situation, yes that is exactly how Easter will be going down but so be it. We got this! Have a great weekend and happy Easter everybody!

  2. I'm doing double grocery shopping today so I'm only going in to the store once. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully I don't confuse the orders between home and work! LOL Then I'll be home for the weekend and if the weather cooperates (not looking good) we will cut the lawn on Sunday. I have a fully cooked turkey thawing in the fridge and will make that with some potatoes and vegetables for Easter dinner.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  3. I don't have instagram, but I might have to set one up just to follow Cathy. My all time favorite.

    I agree (sort of) with the Gen X article. I do think kids today (insert old person shaking a cane) have zero boredom tolerance. They have to be entertained/busy every second or they don't know what to do with themselves. But a lot of them are pretty content with their video games and with online gaming their friends are already far flung and connected only online so not much has really changed there. Those that aren't gamers or social media types though, yeah they are struggling.

    I'm an introvert - but the difference between CHOOSING to stay in and HAVING to stay in is huge. Plus even introverts have connections/people/routines we miss. I miss seeing my kids, I miss going to the gym, I miss running to the store for one thing, I miss eating in a restaurant.

    The art one looks fun. I'm not going to do it, but seeing the creativity other people have is cool.

    I'm so glad my kiddo is old enough to do a lot on his own. I can't imagine trying to do this teach from home thing with an infant or toddler.

    Not sure what the weekend will bring. We'll dye eggs (I picked up a carton just for that last weekend - and then we'll have deviled eggs and egg salad all week). Kid's Easter basket is going to be a little bleak but he'll have one with stuff I picked up on a fast swoop last weekend. I'm thinking maybe an Easter lasagna or pot pie. Otherwise - just more of the same except working on house stuff instead of work stuff.

  4. Happy Easter!
    I am cooking a ham with all the fixings for Mom and I. We were supposed to go to my nephew's new Mcmansion but, well, you know.


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