Friday, November 8, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #45

Ahh, nothing like getting back to "real life" after a few weeks off!   I *think* I'm turning a corner on my face demon sinus thing.  I sat down yesterday and wrapped the Mr's presents.  I think I'm about 80% now, which is certainly better than when I started the week. 

But enough of all that, let's get to...

16 Do-Ahead Freezer Meals for Out-of-Control Workdays  (I'm actually using a few of these to make for a new mama!)

10 2-Minute Habits That Will Change Your Life  (Get on 'em!)

How Much Vitamin C Can You Take in a Day?  (Don't mega dose yourself, your body gets rid of it anyway, Glinda style.  "Be gone!  You have no power here!")

25 Ways to Save Money Without a Making a Dime More Than You Did a Year Ago  (Good tips!)

How to Prep Your Entire Thanksgiving Meal in Advance  (I'm on it!)

50 Best Christmas Towns to Visit for the Holidays   (Yes, please!)

The surprising restorative power of a self-care box  (This is a great idea!)

De-Clutter Your Life  (Still working on it, but it does feel better to have less and gain more.)

125 Classic Thanksgiving Menu Ideas  (Yum!)

We don't have formal plans for the weekend, and that's fine.  I'm going to enjoy not having demands on our time right now before the holidays kick into full gear. 

You got anything going on for the weekend?

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  1. Happy Friday!
    Im getting my little tonight for a few hours then hunkering down for the weekend. I plan on refinishing my dresser I haven't brought up from the basement some the Reno.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. First week back after a vacation is always a little weird, so I am glad it's Friday and we can enjoy a long weekend! Also glad you are feeling better. Hopefully you're 100% tomorrow!

  3. I'll be singing "Shingle Bells" this weekend. Snort! I do have a few errands to run as the hubs is working tomorrow, but then I'll be at home doing as much online stuff as possible. Today is list-making day to write down everything I can think of that I need to get done before December, at least the physical stuff. Now I need to combine all my notes that I've written everywhere...

    Hope you feel MUCH better this weekend and enjoy a time-free few days!


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