Monday, November 18, 2019

Back to the Rocking Horse Weekend Recap

We've made it to another Monday.  I hope you're rarin' to go!  (Me either...err, I mean... me too!)  

Friday night we got Trader Joe's and Target out of the way, and I grabbed two kinds of eucalyptus while we were there.  I don't know why, but I just love the way it looks in this carafe.

I also put a little bit in a pint mason jar and have it on the TV armoire with some faux candles behind it, and it looks so pretty lit up at night.

Friday, we started getting our vinyls in.  The Mr found me some sealed ones from my youth.

I'm listening to the Oak Ridge Boys as we type.  This is when country artists crossed over to the pop charts while still actually being country.  Not country stars that sound like pop stars like they do now.  That is called "selling out" to appeal to a broader audience base.  I'll step off of my cousin's soapbox who is very passionate about that point.  Welcome to almost middle age, my boy.

The Mr is getting up to flip over the LP.  Vinyl is the non-lazy way to listen to music.

We went to a flooring store that's close to us to see if there was anything good since we had ours redone.  When we had ours done four and a half years ago, we got some cheap crap, and our friend who installed it took shortcuts where sub floor prep is concerned.  Now we're left with somewhat "spongy" floors that creak in spots and drive us nuts.  The other lesson we learned is you get what you pay for and that cheap floor we got at Lowe's outgassed so highly, the Mr and I had eye problems that the eye doctor was like "the only thing you can do is warm compresses."  It was kind of hell for a while, and a formaldehyde test revealed we were just over "acceptable" levels.  So if we do replace it at any point, it's going to have to be natural wood or something certified low VOC's.


We kind of liked that but saw another one we really liked, and it was $9.25/sq ft.  Yikes.  It would end up being about $6500 installed, which made me drop a load in the britches.  Then I looked them up, and they get HORRIBLE installation reviews.  We may get a quote from a father/son business that does installs and see what they'd charge if we just bought the wood and had it delivered.  I'm not gonna lie, the thought of doing that crap makes us both want to retch.  Then we walk to the kitchen and that floor squeaks, and I want to put a bullet through it like Elvis and his TV's.  (Can you imagine how many he'd shoot up these days?)

We did a little shopping.  Even though my friend and I said no gifts, I still grabbed a few little things for her and her fiance to open because it's not in my DNA to not give.  I got a trashcan on Amazon to replace our broken one, and my Lord, it wasn't going to work at all.  The Mr dropped it off at Kohl's for me while I got ready, and we went and got another one while I got a box for Santa stuff.  Then we went next door, and I love all of the places all decked out for the holidays.

I'm not going to lie though, we are nowhere near ready to put up the tree.  The first floor still looks like a poop-fest.  Sigh. 

When I was making brunch Sunday, we saw two little girls had parked their bikes on the hill in our backyard.  Then they started riding down the hill and what's at the end of the hill?  The fence to our patio.  The desire to be the dude who yelled at Dennis the Menace was strong in us both.  But we so rarely see children outside playing anymore that we decided to instead watch them and remember what it was like to do stupid invincible crap as a kid.

They probably rode down the hill about six or seven times with big smiles on their faces.  They were so cute.  Little daredevils!

We rounded out our evening with finishing up our grocery shopping then listening to the Christmas vinyl for any skips or scratches.  There shouldn't be any since they're sealed but my audiophile bestie says it can happen.  We already had to send back Rumours and The Best of the Doobies.  That was a shame because the sleeve and insert on the Fleetwood Mac were pristine.  But you can't list it for near mint and have The Chain skip in the first chorus.  I laughed because I told the Mr, "when we were kids and the record skipped, you might be like "aww man!" but as an adult, it's like...and he said: "ANXIETY!!!"  I cracked up and said "yep!  You can't even relax until the whole thing is over."  He listened to his Pink Floyd The Wall and it was thankfully skip-free. 

Now we're doused in candlelight with vinyl Christmas goodness to round out our weekend.  Well, that and I've got about an hour before my turkey for us is done.  I see a nap in my future before I have to rip that bird up and FoodSave it today.  I also sold a lady on the FoodSaver (affiliate link) while talking turkey at the turkeys and gave her my mashed potato recipe that I'm making today and thawing next week.  According to her, I "saved Thanksgiving!"  Well, at least her sanity!

How was your weekend, you fine foxes?

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  1. That one went by fast! How is it Monday already? Oh well, one step closer to the next weekend. We did a lot of shopping and somehow it wasn't as crazy busy as the last 2 weekends were. It's as if everyone else is way ahead on xmas shopping too this year. Have a great week everybody!

    1. It did go by rather fast but at least we have some fun coming up this weekend! 😁

  2. Happy Monday! I had a really good weekend. I spent a lot of time stripping my dresser, I find it therapeutic. This time however, the citristrip is not doing its job. It's all gummy. Have you had that problem? Saturday I did my usual blood donation and was pleasantly surprised at the end at the waiting to leave table. There was a young guy probably 25 or 26 I had a nice conversation with. The table is really small where you wait come and usually it feels very awkard sitting there ignoring the person 2' from you.
    I've got an addiction to Facebook garage sales and had 2 really good finds this weekend. I took my neighbor to lunch because he always helps me , then got to work on the dresser. I had a few ladies over for a board game day which was really fun. Finished off the weekend with a nice tub soak. That for me is a perfect weekend. Have a great week!

    1. Now THAT'S a weekend! 🙂 Sometimes that stripper gives me fits too. Get a soft wire brush to take the gummy residue off then remove any further residue with mineral spirits. It should get that off.

  3. My weekend was so uneventful it's embarrassing!!!! I topped it off by lolling around yesterday knitting, binge watching "Say Yes to the Dress, Atlanta" and reading. ~ Linda K.

    1. I believe that falls under the category of "self care weekend" and therefore is considered brag worthy!

  4. It was a good weekend with no snow or ice so I'll take it. lol Had a really good meeting Saturday morning, then got the grocery shopping done with and had fantastic coupons and deals, so I saved $104! That always makes me giddy. The hubs had to work so the dogs and I hung out until he got home. Sunday he did all the vacuuming while I worked on cleaning and finished the laundry. Got more items checked off my list and feel ready to start a new week. Have to go to Hobby Lobby and Aldi at 9am before therapy at 10am this morning. Then at some point today I have to do a post office run. Then phone calls to cancel some appts that are right after surgery that I'm thinking I can't do.
    Have a super week!

    1. Woot, great job on the savings! Better in your pocket than theirs! Sounds like you're burning through that to do list!


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