Friday, November 1, 2019

What I'm Reading This Week #44

Happy November everyone!  Did you get lots of ghosts and goblins wandering your 'hood last night?
Have you flipped on the radio and heard your first Christmas carol yet?  LOL

Let's wassail into...

7 Tips for Creating Happier Travel Memories  (Yes indeedy, Ally Sheedy!)

Now Even Funerals Are Livestreamed—and Families Are Grateful  (Curious for your thoughts on this)

7 Tourist Traps That Are Worth Checking Out On Your Next Vacation  (Look, if you're new to a town, you're a tourist.  Period.  There is no shame in doing "touristy" things when you're in a new place!  Don't buy into that "vacation like a local" crap because the locals are at home binge-watching bad shows and grocery shopping.)

How To Clean a Front Load Washer  (Trust me, you need to clean it!)

The Truth About At-Home LED Facial Masks and Sheet Masks  (I've seen where when you stop using the LED masks that you end up with more saggy skin than you may have started with!)

35 Ideas for Easy Thanksgiving Decorating  (I love the thankful tree idea.  I've been wanting to do it for years.)

45 Thanksgiving Cocktails to Get You in the Turkey Day Spirit  (Booze- making Thanksgiving tolerable since 1855.)

32 DIY Thanksgiving Crafts That Are Just as Sophisticated as They Are Simple  (All are so pretty!  I looked at #20 and went "ooh!!" then I thought "yeah, I'll never do that.")

They call themselves "Old Coots" and they have some advice for you.  (I seriously want to start a chapter!)

This Photographer Asks Elderly Couples To Pose For Engagement-Style Photos  (Oh my heart!)

20 Best Christmas Memes That Describe What the Holidays Are Really Like  (Because for's on.)

It's our first weekend back home and I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine.  It's always weird to find a spot and time to exercise at someone else's house and I hope we stuck to our plan.  I'm also ready to get into the holiday spirit soon so I'm going to see if there are any craft shows and that kind of stuff going on yet.

What are you up to this weekend?

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1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Hope you had an awesome and rejuvenating trip!

    I was up and at 'em bright and early this morning and packed my car with 25 boxes and 3 bags from the basement along with 7 big boxes of books. Headed out to the burbs to drop of the donations, then off to Half Price Books to sell the books and got some good shekels, so I was more than pleased. Then on to Home Goods to look for a specific table, with no luck. Ours didn't carry it, but the one out there did during the summer, but when I walked in the place was madness with all employees setting up Christmas merchandise. I was bummed, but at least I know what I'm looking for does exist. I'm exhausted now so beyond doing a load of laundry and making dinner, I'm done for the night. Tomorrow the hubs works so I'll do the grocery shopping, and rearrange the mowers and snowblower in the garage since winter is upon us. I might go by this really good salt I got last year too (it's purple!) that quickly ran out for the reason of the season, so a trip to Lowe's might be in the works for me as well. Then the remaining laundry, exercise, and football. We shoveled 5.3 inches of snow yesterday, with a little more tonight, so the dogs will enjoy playing tomorrow morning.
    Have a great weekend!


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