Friday, August 3, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #31

Happy Friday all!  I am ready for the weekend just like you all are, I'm sure.

The first weekend of August.  How the heck does that happen?

While I ponder the passage of time, you can catch up on...

Do Heavier Weights Burn More Fat? A Trainer Answers   (:-| )

Woman's Honest Portraits Show What Major Weight Loss Really Looks Like  (Amen)

10 Easy Ways to Cut Down on Sodium  (Good practice to get into whether you have blood pressure issues or not)

How to Have a Positive Attitude in 9 Frustrating Situations  (Excellent tips!)

12 Home Remedies for Bug Bites That Actually Work  (Buck da buggahs)

The Alzheimer's-Estrogen Connection You Need To Know About  (Good to know!)

7 Everyday Habits That Are Making You Look Older  (Well bust my buttons)

Simply Fearing The Day Will Be Stressful Worsens Memory, Focus, Productivity  (I can see how that can happen, for sure)

15 Simple Rules for a Remarkable Couple Relationship  (This)

30 Gorgeous Ways to Craft with Fall Leaves  (I'm SO ready)

This Dog Recreated Madonna’s Most Iconic Looks with Amazing Accuracy  (The last two...could not stop laughing)

We're getting in an early workout this morning then we are going on a retreat for the weekend and totally unplugging so there may or may not be a post Monday.

What are you into this weekend? 

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  1. Happy Friday!
    I'm taking my little to the zoo!
    Have a great getaway!

  2. Have a great weekend everybody! Looking forward to our retreat weekend!

  3. Had a doctor's appointment this morning, then went to work. Have to take one of the dogs to the groomers tomorrow, then my car in for a wheel alignment. Then it's just typical chores. I'll be indoors as much as possible because it's going to be hot, hot, hot!

    Have a super weekend!

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