Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Quick Hump Day recap

I feel like it should be Thursday.  It's Thursday, right?

Somehow I made it through yesterday after whiplashing my way through the previous day's workout.  When I say I have whiplash, I'm not even being dramatic or cute.  I know what it feels like and was seriously considering urgent care but my pride and frugality wouldn't allow it.  I knew I still had some ibuprofen 800 left from the great Valentine's Day leg lock up so I lived on that in appropriate doses yesterday.  (Not that it relieved a single thing.)  It's what they would've prescribed me anyway so I'm good.  I will never do that again...

...two times in a row. 

My neck was ridiculously stiff and sore but I was able to get in 35 minutes of HIIT.  It was a mother trying to keep my neck completely still but I did it.  It was turkey taco Tuesday.

Tacos always make the aftermath of HIIT better.

We rented two movies last night...Tag and Book Club.  It was nice to have some good movies to laugh at even if Tag was a little ridiculous.  It was based on a true story of a band of dudes who have been playing the same game of Tag for 30 years.  Isla Fisher really digs playing some screwed up characters.   I love that Book Club proves that the original ladies of comedy still rock it.  The plot as per IMDB is "Four lifelong friends have their lives forever changed after reading 50 Shades of Grey in their monthly book club."  Recommend them both!

Seen any good movies lately?  What was on your dinner plate last night?

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  1. When I was a "Metal Head" kid I used to say bang that head that doesn't bang. Isn't it sad when you come to that realization that you just can't do that kind of stuff anymore? Well, you can, but not without consequences unfortunately. I am glad we got both of those movies, they were very entertaining and Tag was especially fun to see the real life tag players to see that it was always about more than just playing tag.

  2. I've wanted to see Tag, but haven't yet. I always listened to head banging music as a kid/young adult, but I never did see the attraction of actual headbanging. I left that to those braver souls with stronger necks.

    Last night was a new recipe for a cheesy pasta and brocolli dish. It was ok, but not great. Your tacos look way better.

  3. You tacos do look yummy, especially since I prefer a hard corn shell. I had a grilled pork kebab made with pork loin, tomatoes, red bell pepper, and onion, a grilled romaine salad with a balsamic vinaigrette, and a piece of extra old cheddar cheese for desert.

  4. I haven't seen any movies lately but would like to see the Christopher Robin movie.

    Dinner was chili that was quite good. I want to get back to having a salad every day, but I did not have one last night. Must do that tonight! LOL


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