Monday, July 11, 2016

Scenes from the bucolic weekend

I think I mentioned that I needed a friggin' getaway this weekend or my brain was going to be toast.  I needed to escape to the country.

And that's just what we did.

I needed to be around and pet animals that were stinky with shiny coats and see new animal families.

I needed to hold puppies with sweet smelling fur.


I needed to relive my childhood a bit.

I needed to ponder Christmas and the awesome captured in this bundle o' merriment...

I needed to let my dirty mind kick in while looking at totally non dirty things.

I needed to take pics of crafts I'd never sit down to do but totally thought of a friend when I took it.

(I'll know whether or not she emails me with a "was that wreath for me?" if  I was right or not.)

We needed to refuel at the grocery stores.

My thoughts exactly, Trader Joe.

And I needed a calm, sunset paddle to get ready for the new week.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. It was a great weekend. Very refreshing and relaxing with some strenuous paddling mixed in and we ended with a gorgeous sunset. Can't beat that!

  2. Looks like a very nice weekend you had.
    I had a half day on Friday so it feels like I went on a vacation! My youngest is home so we hit the golf course right after work. Had plans to hang with a friend but found out I was getting a surprise overnight guest. My bro was on his way home from a motorcycle ride. Great to see him but he doesn't really converse. A long series of me asking random questions. I always wonder what those introverts are thinking. Got in the pool for a bit on Saturday then got the grays washed away and haircut. Impromptu barbeque followed with my son's friends stopping by. Yesterday I chopped down a forest in my yard and finally painted my lion sculpture. Back into the pool and now it's today :(.
    Have a great week!

  3. It looks like you had a great weekend! I love the wreath, what a great gift idea!

  4. That hose wreath is pretty cool. It sounds like you had a great weekend. Saturday was the boy's bday party, and Sunday I mostly just hid in the house from the heat. It was 107.

  5. That sounds like an AWESOME weekend!! Even I got excited looking at the Christmas picture! =o) This is just what you needed and I'm thrilled that it was so nice for you. What a great way to refuel and recharge.

    My weekend was good. Ran some errands with the hubs, cut the lawn before it got too muggy, and took the dogs out to the country while the hubs took them on walks in the neighborhood so they were happily tired. They sure did love their cucumber and watermelon treats. And for the first time in easily over a year I got my first 8 hours of sleep Saturday into Sunday. That was enough to keep me smiling, even though I still needed an afternoon nap. LOL

  6. I needed to see this post! You had a beautiful weekend and I'm happy for you.


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