
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Straight up isn't an option

I hate yogurt.  I mean for real.  Most of it is actual distaste for the product and some of it is psychological.  When my mom was hardcore dieting in the 80's, she would eat yogurt for breakfast and the smell of it made me dry heave.  So when I smell yogurt or sour cream, which I obviously also hate, I smell deprivation and self loathing.

The Mr, however, is a yogurt fiend.  He'll eat it straight up but mostly in a smoothie some mornings. 

**TMI Alert**

He has the poo pipes of a champ...almost every day like clockwork.  Me?  I can go 3 days especially after the weekend with no success.  If they'd let me do that whole poop transplant thing, I'd be down.  Purify it, pill form it and hand me a glass of water.  So I figured that maybe the reason he has good pipes is because he eats yogurt a few times a week.  In a moment of desperation, I picked some up.

I went with the Greek because that's what the Mr gets (but strawberry) and I thought honey would be a mild taste.  Well, I ripped the lid off and that tangy, pungent smell smacked my sniffer.  I almost tossed it in the trash.  I gave myself a pep talk and said to just eat half of it, it'd still be 7 grams of protein, just force it down.  So I readied my half of the tub and grabbed my water bottle.(affiliate link) 

The smell was so bad, I added some pumpkin pie spice to try to flavor it more.  It didn't help much.  Each small bite was accompanied by a huge swig and swish of water to get the taste out of my mouth.

I got about this far before the retching started.

It took me 10 full minutes, one moment bent over the sink praying for the strength to just nad up and do it but I finally did it.

I will never do it again.

At least not like that because straight up isn't an option for me.  I will try a smoothie later this week after the trauma wears off and see how that goes.

What food makes you retch?  Is there a food you eat that you don't like but it's good for you so you choke it down anyway?

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  1. I never liked yogurt as a kid. Not sure when that changed exactly but I love it now. It was a bit of an acquired taste at first though I do remember that.

  2. I like yogurt, I always have. Regular, Greek, whatever. If you hate it that much though, there's got to be a way you can get what you need without putting yourself through that. Maybe a smoothie will be easier with all the flavors and a somewhat different texture.

    For me, it's fish. Even the smell of fish cooking makes me nauseous. No fish, no seafood, and not even tuna from a can. I can't even eat canned chicken because it reminds me so strongly of tuna. I know it's good for me, but... nope, not going to happen.

    1. The smoothie is tomorrow so we'll see if I end up with it or if the Mr has a pre-made smoothie ready for him the next day!

      The Mr used to loathe fish. Just would not eat it for anything. I snuck in some Mahi Mahi and he thought it was chicken. A nice, meaty fish if you ever want to dive in. If not, I'll take your portions. :)

    2. Sounds good, we'll trade. Yogurt for fish.

  3. Have you ever tried drinkable youghurt? They're little shots of yoghurt,so they might be easier to get down? Also I can't remember if you've mentioned it, but do you take a probiotic capsule? I find it really helps keep things running smoothly!

    1. I've tried several different probiotic capsules and it hasn't really done much for me. (Still taking them just in case it would be worse without them)

      What brand do you use? I'm always looking for the next brand to try.

  4. I find the mild flavors to be worse than the stronger flavors - I couldn't stomach a honey flavor because it would be too close to plain. Ick. But, I love the toasted coconut flavor (Dannon Light and Fit greek) and I mix it into my oatmeal. Gives it a creamy sweet flavor without added sugar.

    1. I agree. I tasted the Mr's strawberry and it wasn't terrible which made me think maybe my tastes had changed. I was wrong. LOL

  5. You might like yogurt better if you made your own, have you ever tried doing that? Or maybe try a very mild milky one (supposing you like milk) like Stonyfield Farms, and add honey to it. Consider it white pudding. I'm not a smoothie person and I don't drink milk but I like yogurt and have even gotten myself to like the plain kind (so long as it's not bitter).

    1. I haven't but have tried someone else's who tried to get me to like it and I just can't tolerate it. Hats off to ya though for putting in that kind of effort! After I go through the few flavors I have if I see any improvement in the pipes, I'll give Stonyfield a try!

  6. I feel your pain. I have literally cried over a tub of yogurt trying to choke it down. No more... life is too short! Haha... otherwise, pickles and mustard are the only other things I just can't do. Shuddering just thinking about it...

    1. A to the MEN sister!!!!

      I was thisclose to tears yesterday. Tomorrow is smoothie time so I pray the raspberries and banana will cover that retch inducing crap enough that I won't know its there. Otherwise I'll just (look away) drink pickle juice like my great grandma who lived to be 100 did!

  7. Yogurt in any form--Yuck!! Coffee--don't even like the smell. Cheese--Except when it's melted. I know it's nuts--this one dislike of mine is so weird it makes me more tolerant of other people's pickiness.

    1. I love the smell of coffee but the taste? NO thanks! I will overlook the aversion to cheese. ;-)

  8. Beets, lima beans, brussel sprouts, and sauerkraut are the ones that pop right into my mind. Can't go near the things. I can barely tolerate greek yogurt, but find the pineapple one to be good. I'm good with the regular kind, although that has more sugar. But one thing I'll say is the Yoplait "Whips" are very good (has the consistency of marshmallow Hawaiian salad) for a dessert.

    1. I can't speak for beets, they're on my to try list. Kraut? *grabbing bucket* I can't even walk past a German restaurant without dry heaving.

      Yeah I was trying to go with what has the most protein and the least sugar so that's why the Greek. I looked at the Whips but the regular ones have too much sugar. I might look at the Greek Whips which is comparable sugar wise to what I have already. This assumes I don't just give up on it altogether! LOL

    2. For what it's worth, I also *hate* yogurt, but I find I don't mind the Yoplait Greek 100 Whips. They have about the same amount of sugar as the TJ's variety you tried and a bit less protein, but as I try to aim for 1 gram of protein per 10 calories, the ratio is about right for me. I think it's the texture for me - it almost reminds me of a whipped topping. I'm not nuts about all of the flavors, but the strawberry, strawberry cheesecake and vanilla cupcake are good (I wouldn't recommend the lemon meringue, as it has little flakes of something that seems like lemon peel in it and I'm not a fan, though YMMV). The best part is that I don't think it smells "yogurty" at all!

      I don't work for them, I swear, I just wanted to recommend a tolerable yogurt from one yogurt hater to another.

    3. I will definitely keep those in mind if the smoothie thing doesn't work out!

  9. Try 2 to 3 kiwi a day with the skin. Tons of vitamin C, and enough fiber to give you the result you want :)

    1. Thanks for the tip!

      If only fiber was the problem. I easily get 30-40g per day since I eat a lot of fruits and veggies throughout the day. Still trying to up my water intake in case too much is the issue.

  10. Have you tried Kefir? It's like extra fermented yogurt you can drink. It's tangier than yogurt but really good.

    I used to hate Greek yogurt now I'm a fan. I like Fage (the zero fat cherry is so good). But it's high sugar wise so I treat it like a treat, not a protein staple (and only buy it when I can get it for a dollar a pack).

    Stoneyfield Farms chocolate yogurt is yum, too. I can't do prepackaged pudding cups (lactose intolerant) and it gives a nice pudding fix.

    For poo issues I found beans help me out. Serving of garbanzos in a spinach salad. I call it my poo salad.

    1. Yep and I just can't do fermented/pickled foods at all. Dill pickles being the one exception.

      Poo salad, awesome! I've just started adding more beans here and there.


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