
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Is it Friday yet?

I swear these short weeks mess with you every time.  I thought it was Friday but nay.  It feels like the longest week ever.

The Mr was kind enough to take the tree down for me yesterday.  We got it all boxed up and hibernating for the next 10 months.  It snowed but it was light so no base for snowshoeing or anything.  They're talking about temps in 40's and 50's soon so at this rate, it's not looking good on shoeing and skiing this year.  We may have to go on a road trip if we want any chance of it.  I'm pushing for one this weekend but I need to check on driving conditions especially with that huge storm coming tomorrow.

Our exercise for the night was HIIT and lower body because my legs weren't screwed up enough.  I did a nice rolling session afterward.  Then it was time for dinner...

Jalapeno salmon burger quesadilla and asparagus with caramelized onions.  Oh and I got in three bottles of water...much weeing ensued all...night...long.  (All night)  (You know you just sang that Lionel Richie style.)

Then it was time to catch up on the DVR with Fixer Upper, Limitless and then catching The Goldbergs halfway through.  Loved Double Dare and love that the real Ben and Amy had cameos in the show!

I felt bad as the poor Mr looked at the USPS website 20x hoping that the status of his new fitness gadget would change but it didn't.  Hopefully it arrives today so he can give it a go for his next workout.  (The last "real" workout of the week before our Friday stretching session...YAY!)

Are you getting much snow in your area?

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  1. This IS the longest short-week ever! And as of this morning my Microsoft Band 2 is now listed as expected by January 23rd and Amazon even says I am entitled to a refund if not received by then. Just makes me wonder what the heck our post office is doing, given that we haven't gotten mail in two days and the status on their site is cryptic "item held at post office. Retrieved from parcel locker". WTH???

  2. Sounds like you'll have to make a trip to the post office to figure it out. Blech. I hope this gadget is better than the last one you tried.

    Short weeks do feel extra long for some reason. I can't explain it, but it always seems that way. Then again it wasn't a short week for me and it still seems like a really long week. But even then, there's never time enough to get everything done.

  3. We got a good dumping of snow in early January and then followed that up by bitter cold. So now its starting to get into low double digits again and its snowing again. I prefer the snow to the bitter cold anytime though.

  4. You are welcome to some of the 2 feet+ of snow they are forecasting for us to get starting sometime Friday. The Capital Weather Gang said in one forecast, "Wherever you are Friday evening, plan to be there through Sunday and possibly Monday." Yeah, not looking forward to this weekend at all.


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