Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wednesday recap

Howdy do all!

Yesterday was semi-productive.  All of the stuff I got out of the closets was strewn about and photographed so I can post it to my family and friends on my personal social media accounts.  Then I took the boxes and put them back into the clean closet in the boxes so it all seems somehow either full circle or futile.  I had a successful "freecycle" event doing that a few years ago and then donated the rest.  This time I'll tell people to tell me what they want, message me with a fair offer and go from there.  Then whatever is left, if it's not enough to warrant a garage sale, we'll donate.  I'm hoping we can get rid of some good stuff.  We just don't have the room for all of this stuff and things that were gifts or had sentimental attachment have had pictures taken so we can look at them in the future if we're feeling nostalgic.  I still need to go through a lot of the office but I got the closet cleaned out which was the main goal.  It just still looks like a bomb went off in there and we can't make new videos without peeking over a pile of crap.  We haven't even touched the basement which was supposed to be included but I don't know if I have it in me right now to dive head first into that.

The Mr had traffic snarls to and fro so he didn't get home until later.  I decided to wait for him since it was just Walk Away the Pounds.  It was pretty late when we got started.  On the upside, he doesn't have to travel again today like they originally were pushing for so that's good.  Dinner was fish tacos and brussels.

My shoulders were still pretty stiff and sore yesterday so despite perfect weather for paddling, I wasn't up for it.  I need to listen to my body and if it's already sore, piling it on will only make it worse.  We'll see if tonight works out or if I need to give my body more time to heal before going at it again.  I know we won't be going out this holiday weekend...everyone will be on the water and I don't have it in me to spend it dodging speedboat wakes from all angles.

Do you do garage sales, online offerings for friends or just donate it all when you go through the clutter?

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  1. Nothing worse than turning an hour drive into more than double that due to traffic issues but at least I got home safely and it was good to get a workout in immediately after to de-stress from a long day.

    1. Glad you got home safe and we weren't tempted to skip working out just because it was late.

  2. My D-I-L had a garage sale in May. It was a good excuse to clean out some stuff and get rid of it with these instructions to her: Anything that doesn't sell--Gets donated! I did not want anything back!! I think I only made about $50. on the sale, but it was just old clothes, books, games and DVDs, so I was happy.

    1. I wish my aunt was still doing her garage sales but she said she hates them so she's not doing them anymore. *kicks pebble* We found out our area isn't doing a community garage sale this year either so I figure we'll see what we can get online since so many people liked the freecycle thing I did and hope for the best. The rest will be a decent tax deduction I guess.

  3. I usually just toss and donate. I don't have enough good stuff to host a garage sale on my own. If I knew someone else that was having one, I might tag along, and if I had anything really valuable to sell I might make more of an effort. Mostly though at this point space and less clutter is more important than the few bucks I might make, and the few bucks wouldn't be worth the hassle.

    1. Word. I just don't want my neighbors up in my business and so far I don't think we have anything huge that would be worth the hassle either.

  4. I'm not a garage sale person because I can't stand the haggling. I helped my mom one year and she kept going into the house for one thing or another because she didn't want to deal with the people! I said never again. So now I box things up and give them away. I have clothes and shoes that are brand new with tags and ship 'em off. I used to sell stuff on Ebay, but I've run out of steam. If I can get my life in balance again, I may go back to that. Lord knows I have way too much Longaberger as it is! LOL

    1. If I did a garage sale, I would have one table with firm prices and the rest make me a fair offer. If it's insulting, either come up or buh bye. I've never done it that way before but I saw someone say they always do it that way because they always offer way more than they would've asked for it. We'll see.

      The MIL is SWIMMING in Longaberger. She has a ton that are signed too but unfortunately, like Beanie Babies, those things didn't hold their value as projected. I think she thought she'd retire off of them. HA! Something tells me you were probably a little more realistic about yours. LOL


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