Friday, July 17, 2015

Bad dancing and what I'm reading this week


Can you feel it?

It's the weekend!!  *insert my bad attempt at the robot*

Let's not dwell on my bad dance skills and get to...

DIY Coconut Mango Lip Scrub  (Smooch!)

The 30 Worst Decisions You Can Make with a Vacation Rental  (Good things to know...especially as I find myself on VRBO all the time)

A Rafting Guide Saved A Baby Bear That Was Stranded By A River  (OMG, so cute!)

Auntie Alice’s Funeral  (A shocking read about how death somehow makes rude people 1000x more rude.  So many of us feel this way and we all deserve a hubby like hers!)

9 Cleaning Tips That Could Actually Ruin Your Stuff  (Yeah, FYI vinegar doesn't clean everything)

20 Places All Americans Should See Before They Die  (How many have you seen?)

5 Multitasking Exercises For Fast Results  (Gotta love that)

Hilarious Dad Takes Us On A Tour Of His Baby’s Room As If He’s On “MTV’s Cribs”  (So funny!)

Got a Headache? You Might Want to Rethink Taking These Medications   (Oh well THANKS!)

23 Secrets Doggy Day Care Employees Will Never Tell You  (I would love to do the play and cuddle part but mama don't play poop, pee and yak)

5 Creative Ways to Upcycle Everyday Items into Outdoor Beverage Stations  (Wagon = genius)

31 Surprisingly Delicious High-Fiber Snacks  (Yum!)

The Wonderful Way Tiny Houses Are Helping Senior Citizens  (What a neat idea!)

Guy Holds ‘It’s My Birthday Can I Play Drums?’ Sign At Concert And Dave Grohl Obviously Let's Him Play  (Good Lord, can I fall any harder for Dave and his awesomeness?  I'd say I think not but something tells me more awesome is to come!)

11 Things People With Spotless Houses Do Every Day  (I NEED to incorporate these or else I will always be in the predicament I'm in now)

Welp, we've got company coming tomorrow and of course the entire house needs cleaned.  I'll never learn, I've had the time...I suck.  LOL  Oh, did I mention I have to make two batches of homemade ice cream too to put the new ice cream maker to the test.  Yeesh.

What's on tap for you this weekend?

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  1. I hope I have time to read through links today. Got a busy day ahead. Happy Friday everybody!

  2. Enjoy your weekend with company! I'm going to mom's tomorrow to have some heavy talks about going forward. One of my pups is going to the groomers but the hubs is taking care of that since I'll be 50 miles away. Can't wait to see my little guy all spruced up minus a lot of hair! LOL I'm on-call this weekend so God willing it'll be quiet. Somewhere in there we need to cut the lawn (it's in the 90's here this weekend) and get to the grocery store.

  3. Finishing up my week long class today, and heading home tomorrow. I have no idea what condition my house will be in (I left it clean, but I'm guessing no-one has cleaned the cat boxes or cleared the leaves from the pop-up pool). So the rest of the weekend will be getting that under control and doing laundry, Plus, now that my kitchen is in order - it's time to finish the upstairs. Joy.

    Have a great weekend!


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