Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Low key start to the week

Happy Birthday first guy who broke my heart.  Why are there dates that I just can't eject from my brain?  Not needed thank you.

Yesterday was a pretty low key day.  I think it was much needed after a weekend on the water.  I had good intentions of getting the board and yak all washed down with soapy water but the cleaner I used overwhelmed me and I had to stop after getting one side of each done.  I tried all day to wash that stuff off of my hand and it would not come off.  Finally the only thing that did it was some peppermint scrub I had.  Thank the Lord because that stuff was ridiculous!

I perused Fitness Blender to pick out our form of strength torture for the night.  It was a shoulders and lats combo that I didn't particularly care for.  The last exercise was awkward and I burned half of what the top listed amount was and I'm always in line with that so I don't know what the deal was.  I think if I would've went heavier that I would've injured myself so I probably won't throw that one into rotation for a while.

Dinner was the whole wheat/zucchini hybrid spaghetti with chicken for extra protein.

I got sucked into an episode of Cake Wars when they mentioned it would be Hello Kitty themed.  Pretty interesting cakes and of course I can never seem to predict the winners of these things.

I needed to unwind mentally so I threw on KCSM in San Francisco and listened to the Jazz Oasis and brewed a cup of our Charleston tea.

I told you it was a boring day.  They can't all be adventures!

It's supposed to be 90 today.  Less than 60 days til Fall.

How do you get stinky chemical stuff off of your hands?

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  1. Low key was fine with me. It was good to have a slow day. It was fairly slow at work as well and I am not complaining. It's good to have some down time certain days.

    1. Heck yeah. We need to get back into the jazz habit at night. That was a nice relaxing evening and perfect way to unwind and not have the laptops all up in our biz minutes before trying to go to bed.

  2. Sometimes low key days are the best kind!! Glad you both enjoyed it!

  3. I've had a couple pretty low key days here too. In fact a little too low key. I've got to get my butt in gear and finish up my summer projects. The summer is coming too quickly to an end. I had a headache that lasted from Sunday morning all through until I took a nap today and I finally feel better. Now I just feel behind because everything I was going to do still isn't done.

    1. Aww, I'm glad you're feeling better. Good luck with your summer projects!


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