Friday, July 3, 2015

Independence day weekend and what I'm reading this week

Well, it's the 4th of July weekend.  In the usual view of most, summer is half over (even though its only been summer for like 2 weeks.)  We should begin seeing back to school commercials any time!  I always giggle because you remember how much it sucked when you were a kid and saw them and now its time for the up and comers to take their summer sucking medicine.  (Sorry teachers!)

But enough of my enjoying the throes of angst for school children, let's get to....

The Real Geology Behind Pixar's Short Film Lava   (Courtesy of the Mr)

8 Easy Ways to Boost Your Mental Well-Being  (I need all the help I can get)

13 Benefits of Weightlifting That No One Tells You About  (Like you need another reason to lift weights but here are 13)

13 Things You Never Knew About Ina Garten  (I <3 Ina!)

You Don't Need More Training, You Need More Recovery  (Interesting and something I need to put into place)

An Ex-Boeing Repairman Shares the Causes Behind All of Those Airplane Noises  (What about the one where the engine cuts off 10 miles off the coast and you start saying your goodbyes to your spouse while everyone else seems totally okay with it.  Happened.)

Lose Weight With These 50+ Meals Under 500 Calories  (Yum!)

How to Save Hundreds of BBQ Calories  (For those wanting to cut back this holiday weekend)

Legislators clear plan to rename Waldo Tunnel for Robin Williams  (Sooo happy to hear this!  Another excuse to visit once it's renamed)

My Love-Hate Relationship with Trader Joes  (Word UP!  R.I.P to our favorites...cheddar potato skins (that's not even what they're called but it's been so long I can't remember), their version of thai lime rice (but Tasty Bite makes the EXACT same thing so pffft!) and a host of countless others you've hooked us on and taken away you rat bastards!)

 How Many Rest Days Do I Really Need?  (I usually do one but I will learn to take an extra one if my body seriously needs it)

Yep, Thigh Chafe Is the Worst Thing about Summer. Here Are 6 Ways to Prevent It  (Only you can prevent thigh fires)

The Ultimate Guide to Healthier Baking [Infographic]  (Good tricks to have up your sleeve apron)

How to Stay in Awesome Shape (and Totally Sane) When You're Injured  (No sense losing your physical ability AND your mind!)

Why You Should Never Have Sexy Time in the Pool  (In case any of y'all are thinking of getting freaky deaky in the water this holiday weekend!)

I hope that everyone has a great weekend.  If you're in the USA and celebrating the 4th of July holiday, have fun, drink responsibly if you partake and don't be the douche that sets off your own firecrackers after midnight...some of us and small babies with parents who are tired are trying to sleep.

What are you getting into this weekend?

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  1. Happy 4th of July!! I'm on-call this weekend and already started getting calls at 6:30am....grrrr. I plan on working in the basement today (aka the dungeon of crap) and really making some nice headway with throwing stuff out, donating, or putting in appropriate bins. The hub's car is in the shop for a new fuel pump (to the tune of $1100) so we'll need to pick it up when they call from the dealership. Aside from being on-call, I don't have much planned and I'm going to try very hard to put work crap out of my head. It ruined my last weekend, so I want to be proactive in turning off those thoughts. The weather is supposed to be super nice, so I'm looking forward to getting outside with the pups too.

    1. Good luck on the dungeon of crap! (I originally typed "fungeon"...perhaps a new nickname?) HOLY CRAP $1100!?!?! Oy. Yes, they aren't paying you overtime to ruin your weekend so enjoy it! Happy 4th!

  2. I'm so glad to be off today and enjoying a nice relaxing day with my baby! Now it's time for me to read some of these awesome links!

  3. How funny - I took the boy to see "Inside Out" last night and lava short played at the beginning, then you have this article today. Very interesting.

    Some of those recipes look like they'd be worth a try, others fall in the "cold day in hell" category. I've bookmarked the page though because enough of them sound worth trying.

    Not sure of my plans this weekend yet. Mostly just laze about and finish getting my kitchen back together. It's mostly done, and functions as a kitchen again, but my "office" is also in my kitchen (a laptop desk and a couple shelve in a tiny little corner) and that is going to take some time to sort out.

    Have a great weekend! Enjoy the before midnight fireworks.


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