Monday, July 27, 2015

Our first 5 miler and I've seen it all

It was quite the weekend.  We went on our planned paddling outing and scouted out a new place we can go after breakfast.  We stopped by a deli in town to pick up sandwiches and stuff for a lunch break.  The trek we were planning was going to be our first 5 miler and of course temps and humidity were going to be around 90.  

The Mr got our travel cooler and strapped it to his board and we put a blanket in the dry bag.

I enjoyed a leisurely paddle to the lilies.

We were about 90 minutes in before we said we'd head to the beach to eat lunch.  Of course that didn't mean we were anywhere near the beach.  We still had about an hour paddle time ahead of us.

I was so glad we brought our Hawaiian Sun Passion Orange drink because that stuff is refreshing on a hot day at lunchtime.  (Hot water just doesn't taste quite as good)

We enjoyed our lunch, the Mr refilled the water bottles, burned his bare feet on the hot sand/sidewalks and it was time to head back.  The beach in the summer is so not my scene.  Everyone was loud and annoying so I was more than happy to be in the peace of the middle of the lake again.  I was also thankful for the very limited amounts of time the sun hid behind a cloud for 2 minutes at a time.  It just zaps all of your energy.

It hit my distance and calorie goal for the paddle!

I thought I was going to be much more sore on Sunday but I was actually ready to go out again for a more leisurely paddle because the weather looks to be disgusting this week.  Lots of pop ups all day long so we had to bide our time and go for evening water fun.

It was quite adventurous for what was supposed to be a leisurely time,  I think I'll call this the "now I've seen it all" paddle.  We got everything blown up in record time and were on the water by 7pm.  At 7:03pm, I began taking on water and my ass was wet.  Thankfully we weren't too far away so I paddled to the nearby landing and the Mr found one of my water hole do-hickeys (technical term) was open and letting water in.  We plugged up, dumped the water and went on our merry way.  We wanted to hit a cove we missed on the last outing so we explored.  It went back further than we thought and we conversed and saw two people quickly buttoning up on the banks of the water.  Sorry people, public're old enough to know better...and we had to do the same thing when we were dating and that's the chance you take, yo.  As the Mr said..."cockblocked!"  Once we decided to head back, the night fisherman were out and we saw a full bearded hipster smoking a hooka in his kayak.

The rest of the paddle was pretty uneventful but peaceful.  We were out for just under 2 hours and I got a nice little burn in for a Sunday night...

We've got a paddleboarding lesson set up with a friend this Sunday so I'd like to get one other session in toward the end of the week if the weather allows.  I don't think 90 degree paddles are my thing but if we can get out for a nice night paddle when the sun isn't zapping my energy, I'm down.  Plus it's better than being in the basement doing a traditional workout.

What did y'all do this weekend?

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  1. I am proud of us for doing our first 5 miler and then doing more paddling the next day. I know we always wondered what it'd be like to live in Hawaii and be able to do that kind of thing every day and we got a taste this weekend. I like it!

    1. It almost killed me. My back was so sore when we got to the beach. I was glad to be able to paddle back and not feel crippled. Couldn't believe there were no ill effects the next day. Thankfully we don't need Hawaii right now to do it every day if we wanted to. We'll have to see if other bodies o' water within 25 minutes that aren't rivers. Not ready for those yet.

  2. This weekend was all about getting chores done around the house which I did great at on Sunday. Sorted through papers and got rid of them, paid bills, got more stuff ready for Salvation Army, went to a great meeting, and worked on the computer. Yesterday all I had left to do was 2 simple loads of laundry because I had done all the bedding and linens on Friday night. I opted not to grocery shop this week and instead took the pups for a long, leisurely drive in the country. It was dark clouds and the smell of rain was in the air. It was so cool to be in the middle of cornstalks twice the height of the car. The dogs were loving it and I was able to fully relax and really take in the scenery and thoroughly enjoyed the quietness. Watched some horses romp around and then slowly made my way back home. It felt so good to give myself that respite time. I gave my notice today at work (Aug 28th will be my last day --5 week notice so they shouldn't complain) and I didn't feel one iota of stress about it. Quality time in the country worked wonders for a Monday morning. =o)

    1. Now that sounds like a good weekend. I'm glad you got to take some you time with everything you've gone through and are about to face. Country time can be quite the stress reliever!


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