Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wee factory, finally some snow and movie night

First, I must thank everyone for their support on yesterday's pity post.  I guess we all have our less than stellar moments.  So I thank you for sticking with me even when I'm not being the best role model and help lifting my spirits!

The Mr and I tried night #2 of trying to get back into a normal bedtime.  We were in bed with lights out by 11:30pm (very good for us!) but it was another night of clock watching for both of us.  I drank so much friggin' water the day before trying to hydrate that I was up every hour until 4am peeing.  So even if I was on a normal sleep schedule, it would've either been interrupted hourly or I would've pee'd the bed.  I'm not ready for that yet, thank you.

At 6:30am, I was awakened by the sound of the snow plows.  I didn't get excited because I knew we weren't going to have enough for snow shoeing and when it comes this late after Christmas, it loses a bit of that magic over December snow.  The Mr was kind enough to de-snow my car.

I was thinking of taking down the tree yesterday but since it was the first time there was snow in the background of the tree, I kept it up.  (Obviously we don't have a real one or it would probably be toothpicks by now)  But I'm thinking it'll be soon because I want to deep clean the sickness off of every surface.  We need to vacuum but the tree is on the rug so can't do that until it's down.  Unless we get the stuff under the tree put away and then I just hold up the tree skirt while the Mr vacuums under it.  I know...pathetic.  LOL  I don't know, I guess I'm over trying to hang onto it given what a swirlie it turned into toward the end.  Last year it didn't come down until January 22nd.  Not a typo.  I was seriously thinking about making it a Valentines tree if it didn't take up so much room.  :-)

I drank 2 liters of water and 2 cups of hot tea.  I kept saline pumping through the nose and praying.  We did Turbo Fire 45 EZ and lower back/leg stretching for 15 minutes afterward for 850 calories burned.  Dinner was turkey chili and sourdough.

So to enjoy one of our last nights with Christmas ambiance, we decided to make it a movie night.  So the Mr headed over to Redbox and grabbed Guardians of the Galaxy and Boyhood.  (affiliate links) We liked Guardians and I wanted to like Boyhood more than I did.  It was filmed over 12 years with Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette.  I mean you do see how people's lives change in that time but I don't know, I guess I needed more plot other than 'time passes.'  Speaking of which, 2 1/2+ hours of time passed for us.  Oy.  But seeing childhood crush Charlie Sexton was kind of cool but then made me sad because then I felt old.  So I guess if you'd like to feel old, rent it.  I don't know, then again we did have a good talk about our own lives at that time so who knows.  Roll the dice.

When do you take your tree down?  Rented any good movies lately?

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  1. OK so no more tea before bed, LOL. Glad we rented some movies. Galaxy was actually really funny and enjoyable. Boyhood was interesting but it's almost like with all the trouble they went to, it should have had just a bit more structure to it.

    1. Yeah, I think I'm going to have to cut myself off by 8pm for sure. Tea at 10:15 had me up until 4am AGAIN. I NEED some sleep. I am going to try to force myself to not nap today. Or if I do, set a 15 minute timer so I'm just 'resting.' Guardians was funny, I hope kids under 11 didn't see that because the language was a bit much at times for a kid centric movie. Boyhood was a bit of a disappointment to me especially given how groundbreaking the concept of filming actors over 12 years is. For the few dramatic moments there were, there were far more boring moments that yes, did feel like a peek into everyday life but a little too everyday to keep my attention.

  2. I definitely want to see Guardians of the Galaxy. My little guy wants to see it too, but I think it's one I'll preview first to make sure it's appropriate. One of my co-workers said it's probably ok, but you say it's probably not. I had my doubts anyway, so I'll have to check it out and then keep in an extra day so he can watch if I think it's ok.

    The tree came down here last night. The boxes are in the living room waiting to be put away, but everything is packed up. There's a restaurant in town that leaves theirs up year 'round and just decorates for each holiday as it comes.

    I hope you get feeling better today. Enjoy your snow.

    1. I think it might depend on the language little guy is used to hearing in the house. If you drop everything but the F bomb, he'll be fine. If you do 'earmuffs' or say fudge or other cutesy words for curse words, you might want to reconsider for another year or so.

      If I had the room, I'd have a tree up all year long. How fun to come up with different themes and stuff! :-)

      If I could go outside without my face freezing off upon contact, I would absolutely enjoy that snow!

  3. Both the trees are still up. Yesterday I carried down 15 tote boxes, there's probably 10 more to bring downstairs. Suffice it to say, Santa pretty much throws up all over our house and it is a huge job to get it all out, and a huger chore to put it all away. I'll start soon!

    1. Sounds like my kind of house! I like a good even coat of Christmas yak at our place as well! ;-)

  4. Still haven't seen Guardians which is so unlike me. I typically would have seen it opening weekend and bought the DVD by now. Slackin. I'm sure I'll love it.

    I thought Boyhood was excellent. I can see how the "there's not actually a plot per se" aspect might be frustrating if you were expecting to engage in something with a clear beginning-middle-end, but the artsy-storyteller nerd in me appreciated it for a lot of different reasons.

    Saw Selma and Exodus: Gods and Kings in theaters over the NY's holiday. The former was great. The latter...........sigh...... save your money.

    1. I heard Exodus was a stinker which is a shame since the trailer looked good. But not surprising since I'm not a fan of Bale.

  5. Being born and raised in New Orleans, we traditionally take our tree down on King's Day, January 6th. On that day King Cakes begin to be made and sold and other Mardi Gras events (balls and such) begin to take place. On Fat Tuesday that all stops and the fasting and solemnity of Ash Wednesday kicks in for Lent.

  6. The tree came down on Saturday while I was busy cleaning in the office. We didn't put ornaments on it this year so it was super easy to take the two pieces, folded them up like an umbrella and into the box they went. The hubs took down the lights inside too, but not outside yet. We really need the candy canes to come down. At least the blow up thingies are put away so it doesn't look like Santa was shot in a drive by! LOL I'm personally a fan of leaving white lights up in January because it's such a dreary month and it doesn't feel as stark after Christmas.


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