Last night we watched The Witness from the Balcony of Room 306
I am so ready to do a jail break. I've been cooped up in this house for weeks. Then the one day I went out, I think I got a new disease so I'm cautious. Even deep cleaning, I'm sure the air quality in the house is much less than walking around in the germ ridden world right now. Maybe I'll go out and bring a purse full of cold and germ fighting arsenal including my travel air purifier
But enough of my impending meltdown, let's get to...
How Cold Weather Can Help You Lose Weight Without Exercising (I'm moving to the Arctic Circle)
Why Your Period Wreaks Havoc On Your Poop Habits (Not pretty but this explains a lot)
What makes Olga run? Lessons from a 94-year-old track star (Run Olga RUUUUUN!)
Price Is Right Announcer Tries To Run Backward On Treadmill, Eats It (Georgefoolery will get ya every time)
34 Ways to Bust a Bad Mood in 10 Minutes or Less (Good tricks to keep in your back pocket for those crappy days)
Stretch, Walk, and Roll — That's How You Make Your Rest Day Active (So that's how you have an active rest day)
27 Things That Have Been Ruined by the Internet (Yep, the internet has basically ruined everything)
36 Questions to Ask That Could Make You Fall In Love (These are great questions not just for potential mates but to bring you closer to your spouse)
The mystery of the 132-year-old Winchester rifle found propped against a national park tree (This is amazing!)
Sir Patrick Stewart Makes Fun Of All Of The Worst People On An Airplane (I <3 Patrick Stewart)
Hate to Wait? The 5 Immediate Benefits of Exercise Backed By Science (All of these are absolutely true)
15 Things You Might Not Know About Schoolhouse Rock (Schoolhouse Rock is, was and always will be the sh*t.)
Watch Maroon 5 Crash Real Weddings in 'Sugar' Video (Um, friggin' awesome!)
What's on your agenda this weekend?
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You do need a jailbreak. Here's to hoping you feel better right away!
ReplyDeleteFrom your mouth to God's ears, sir!
DeleteThat Maroon 5 video really made me smile! Awesome
ReplyDeleteBookmarked the MLK vid
I just LOVE Sir Patrick!! He could totally be a snob if he wanted to, but instead he has an awesome sense of humor! (also those extras in that skit were pretty good lol)
3, indeed, is the magic #! Not a bad earworm to have on a Friday. :-)
I didn't make it through all 36 love questions but yowza those were good!
It would be like Sugar Ray crashing my wedding to which I would also say, yes please! I hope all of them were M5 fans because I'm trying to picture if like Usher or someone I'm not a big fan of did that and I'd be like "get the hell outta here you attention whore!" LOL
DeleteHope you can get out and enjoy the nicer weather at least for a little while! Not much going on this weekend other than house stuff. I was in a good mood most of the day until I came home to a cranky husband and now I'm just irritated. So I've washed the dishes and will finish the laundry. When I'm mad I have to move around so at least the house benefits from a bit of cleaning! LOL Tomorrow is one of the pup's birthdays so he'll get an extra special treat-- an ice cream pup cup. =o) He's going to be 7 so we gots to play it up big. Snort!!