Thursday, January 8, 2015

Apparently we have no brains

We're just over a week into the new year and right on schedule, we're flooded with the newest tips, trends, cleanses, detoxes, diets, miracle this or that and just plain wacky notions to help us on our quest with weight loss.

The other day I had on a medical show in the background when one of the most absurd statements I've ever heard was uttered.


"On my diet you can have 2 tbsp of all natural almond butter or any natural nut butter except peanut butter because people can't control themselves with peanut butter."

Are you friggin' kidding me???

How on Earth does every all natural nut butter make you exhibit complete control whilst the all natural peanut butter makes you a seething lunatic that will curl up with the jar in the corner hurling socks with nickels in them to anyone who dares take it from you?  We're not even talking nutritional difference, they are seriously almost identical in nutrition.

So, tis the season for ridiculous health tips from schmo's that think you have no brain in your head.

What is the most ridiculous 'health tip/trick' you've heard recently?

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  1. It almost seems like more coddling. This is a result of the whole "everyone gets a trophy" mentality. "You couldn't possibly have enough will power to not eat peanut butter in the correct amounts so don't even buy peanut butter, instead buy something you won't want to eat as much of". What an insult to those of us with actual brains who are willing to put some real work in.

    1. Yeah, you're right. It's like we can't just use common sense, we need a celebrity endorser or magazine or news outlet to tell us what to do because we don't want to do what we know works. We're always looking for the shortcut and when some idiot tells us we can't control ourselves around one kind of food but can around something else in the same genre, there is some poor schmo that believes it. Sigh.

  2. "Today's grains aren't the same as ancient grain." And then some nonsense about the human body not being able to tolerate anything except certain vegetables and meat, meat and more meat. Now, I'll give you that what we do to grain makes it less nutritious, but my system is pretty darn happy when it gets its steel cut oats in the morning. ;)

    1. Girl, I hear ya. I can have a super protein packed breakfast and be starving by 10am but you pump me full of a serving of oatmeal and it'll take me all morning long!

  3. How funny! I can tell you that I personally will have no more self-control with other nut butters than I do with peanut butter. What a stupid thing to say. My favorite is still the manager of the Curves I used to go to (lovely, intelligent woman, just this one statement made me laugh, I think she just didn't like water).

    "Tea counts as water. They're basically the same thing" If that's true, try showering in tea. I get that tea is hydrating and if you don't like water it probably is the next best thing, but nothing but water is water.

    1. I've heard decaf, unsweetened water (eww) can count toward your water intake but no, they are not the same thing especially in the caffeinated form. Tea is a diuretic...well, supposedly. It's never had that affect on me and I drink 3 glasses/mugs of it a day.

  4. The wisdom of Dr. Oz! (Sarcasm dripping.) I heard him say it too Anele, and thought exactly the same thing. I have no problem with that jar of peanut butter in the pantry, but that damned TJ's Cookie Butter called to me again last night and I had several scoops. Not sure how nut butters are easier to control yourself around than peanut butter--WHO thinks that way??? I have ceased to take advice from others on weight loss--at this point--I know what works for me and I am living proof of it.

    On another topic, what do you think of this new "Personal Coaching" plan that WW is starting? I joined WW years ago (like 30+) and have always respected their methods and plans, jut never used them for this latest and most successful weight loss. I keep thinking maybe I need to investigate the new WW, however, as a way to get this last 10 pounds BACK off and continue my maintenance. I know personal coaching is what you get with some of the more expensive weight loss plans like Jenny Craig and Physician Weight Loss and several of the others out there, and it might be helpful for someone like me who needs some encouragement from time to time, NOT advice, just encouragement to keep me motivated!

    1. Oh yeah, cookie butter is a whole different animal since it's not a nut butter. You could try what we do. On some things where the Mr knows he may be tempted to sneak, I will either weigh it after I use it and write the weight on top so he knows I'LL know if it's less. Or I will plain hide something (Nutella) and he'll let me know when he wants a serving, I get it the night before and cover it for him to use in his oatmeal on occasion. He can still enjoy those things but has an accountability person for them.

      I haven't seen the WW coaching thing so I can't really comment on it. I tune out when commercials like that come on. I know many people swear by WW so if it's something you think you could benefit from, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to give you the low down to see if it's for you.

  5. Bulletproof coffee, overly vague descriptions of "clean eating", the crap from Dr Oz, etc

    1. I had to look up bulletproof coffee since I never heard of it. OMG, that is gross!

  6. The biggest joke of a health tip/fitness tip I've heard lately is Dr. Oz actually acting like he's a doctor and not a total sell-out!! It's absolutely shocking to realize that he actually USED TO BE A DOCTOR, so he must have a brain in his head, but somewhere along the way it fell out or something. ;-)

    Now let me finish this whole jar of natural peanut butter while I slobber and drool all over my keyboard like the fiend I am!!!! Quit making sense,'s making the rest of us have to actually pull our head out of our a$$es!!! hahaha

    1. Bwaaaahahaha! I talked to my mom about that article where they say those medical shows are usually pure contradictory crap and pointed out that he's a heart doctor and shouldn't be giving nutritional advice as though it's his specialty. Her logic was it doesn't matter because he's a doctor and regardless of specialty, he had to take the same classes. Uh 20 years ago! So should we take my grandma to an oncologist to treat her dementia?? Same logic. That's what scares me about these medical shows (all of them) that people blindly believe everything they say.

      Don't forget to lick between your fingers, you know how that peanut butter induced rampage we go on sticks in the crevices. *rolling eyes*

  7. On the radio this morning they were advertising some sort of chocolate-based diet. As a weight-loss plan. And it was not a spoof. If only something like that could really work. :)

    1. Dude, if that were real, I'd SOOO be on it! I'd be gnawing on a big brick of dark chocolate and calling it lunch! :-D

  8. Marketers have no consciences, no brains sometimes. Or perhaps they just think we have no brains, and far too many of us don't, it seems, or are just that desperate to try anything that will make this journey easier, faster. Don't you sometimes wish you could find a way to spread truth serum worldwide? Just imagine it. The advertising and marketing arenas would self-combust. lol I'm guessing a huge part of what we're told is "medically" sound is simply someone being paid to sell another product, make another buck. I love your accountability comment. It is so vital to have someone in our lives to love us enough to hold our feet to the fire. You have a lucky MR. And you are a lucky MRS. Can you imagine traveling this road alone or, worse, with sabotage or opposition? *shudder*

    1. Yes I agree, unfortunately in almost every aspect of life it's about the almighty dollar and not what's best for us. It's sad. I'm pretty sure there's a cure for cancer out there but the drug companies prefer us sick so they hide it. I know, sounds conspiracy theory-ish but truth can be stranger than fiction these days!

      Ugh, there are times when we sabotage even now by saying stuff like "would it be bad if ____?" Uh, you're ASKING if it would be bad if you ate that candy bar which means you know its bad, disguising it as asking but hoping the other is weak. I wish we weren't still using that old trick but man holiday time seems to bring it out! :-\

  9. I haven't heard any yet (haven't perused online yet) but I did read back in December that something like 80% of Dr. Oz's claims were false. I don't watch him, so I can't speak about validity, but there are so many claims out there that are all the "magic cure". I know I fell for them for years -- and gave away more money than I care to admit on that crap. So I understand the desperation that people feel to find SOMETHING to make an immediate difference. We convince ourselves that if we could just see the scale move, we'd suddenly be motivated beyond compare. But how many of us have said that for YEARS... and seeing that scale move did not create permanent changes and up the scale went again. I can speak of this sooooo well, because that was the lie I told myself for decades. If only I could lose 5 lbs fast, I just know that'll do the trick and I'll be off and running on the health highway. And yet....yoyo I went. All because I believed some schmuck on tv selling me some swampland. Hmphf.

    1. Yeah I saw that. It's not surprising but because he does fancy yet infantile in nature demonstrations with tissue paper, it appeals to the masses who feel like he's telling it like it is.

      There are just times when a donut sounds better than being "good." If you'd have told me I'd be 40 and not at my goal weight when we finally got serious, I probably would've laughed in your face. Now, I've cried over it a few times. Not pretty.


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