Friday, November 7, 2014

Surprise, exercise round up & what I'm reading this week

It's Friday!  Yee-haw!

It's been a tough hormonal week and the Mr said I was overdue...

Perfect fall colors for the table!  Thanks hon!

Last night's dinner was a bean and chicken quesadilla and green beans.

For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, here's a round up of this week's exercise:

Exercise round up

Sunday- Yoga (didn't bother wearing HRM)
Monday- Upper Body Circuit from Fitness Blender 525 calories
Tuesday- Walk Away the Pounds 3 Miles 670 calories
Wednesday- Walk Away the Pounds Firm 30 with light weights 275 calories
Thursday-  Kenpo X 680 calories
Friday- Turbo Fire 55 (usually burn between 800-1000 calories)

But enough of all of that stuff, let's get to...

Fact: People are Gross. And These B&B Owners Have the Evidence to Prove It  (For the love of God man, it's a wonder people go into the B&B industry at all.  Guests...stop being PIGS and use some common sense!  You wouldn't want someone coming into your house and doing all of this stuff!)

Get Low: Deep Squats Are the Best Squats  (For those who give a squat)

What to Buy (and Avoid Buying) in November  (You don't say?)

10 Interior Design Trends That Turn Off Home Buyers  (It always amazes me all of the pet crap people leave out at open houses.  Hello, some people have allergies!)

7 Ways You Can Handle Toxic People  (Besides slapping them)

Ghostbusters Cast Reunites After 30 Years!   (I wish Harold Ramis could've made it to this milestone)

Here’s What Happens to Your Data After You Die  (Unfortunately something we all need to think about)

11 Easy Tips For Creating A Calm and Peaceful Home  (Right now my definition of that is moving)

The Dos and Don'ts of Open Enrollment  (All good things to take note of before renewing your insurance for the year)

Hugh Hefner's Son Reveals What It Was Like Growing Up In The Playboy Mansion  (It's really cool seeing his perspective from being a kid and living there)

This Woman Dunked An Egg Beater In Lava And Got Arrested  (Okay for real?  Now I can't say much because we've seen lava both in and out of the national park but they have been very clear that they will arrest for tomfoolery.  I guess it took these people to set the example.)

Wayne Brady Opens Up About His Depression: 'I Had a Complete Breakdown'   (Yet another comedian who looks so happy on the outside.  Depression is real and sometimes the happiest person in your group of friends needs the most help and understanding)

8 Holiday Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Cheer  (#1 just backs up my way of life, yo!)

Then Vs. Now: The Cast Of “Home Alone”  (It's almost time to start going on the annual McAllister adventures.  This makes me feel old!)

Aquarium Staff Teaches Adorable Orphaned Otter Pup How To Otter  (Beware:  Extreme cuteness)

I think there are a few craft shows we're going to hit up this weekend, watch some ball and get this place cleaned up.

What's on tap for you guys this weekend?

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  1. You took a very nice pic of those flowers. I am glad you like them. You deserve them baby!

  2. <Because I need to share it with the world, it's a great video!

    I'm heading to VT with my boyfriend. He's working up there this weekend so I get to see a wind farm up close and personal then hang out and read while he works.

    1. Dude, I almost pee'd myself. That's hilarious!

      Have fun in Vermont! If you're near Montpelier, go to Bragg Sugar Farm. Get a maple creamee, thank me later. ;-)

    2. Not near Montp.
      I went to school near Montp and never went to Bragg Sugar Farm. Disadvantage of not having a car, many jobs, and being an engineering major haha

      ilovermont <it's an actual bumper sticker

  3. As far as the grossness of B&B guests, I can relate. I cleaned hotel rooms to earn money to return to college one summer. WORST JOB EVER!!! I cannot believe some of the things I encountered that summer and imagine it is worse in the larger cities. I always try to be very kind to the cleaning staff wherever I stay as I really feel for them. People are disgusting sometimes.

    1. I can only imagine. On second thought, I don't want to. When we leave a rental, it looks just as good (if not better) than when we arrived.

  4. This weekend is a meeting tomorrow morning, then a trip to one of the doggie places in town (an awesome place) that is doing a Christmas open house, so maybe we can pick something up for the pooches. I'm doing laundry now so I'll only have a load to do over the weekend. A few more errands, then lots of football.


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